nicklayb / alfred-bitbucket

Workflow to get through your and your teams public / private repositories using App password
MIT License
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npm install --global alfred-bitbucket

When installing alfred-bitbucket, an alfred-bitbucket/info.plist file is created inside your global node_modules directory. This file will be used to save your Bitbucket secret and clientId. See the Configuration section.


Generate Bitbucket App Password

  1. Go to your personal Bitbucket's settings.
  2. Click "Create app password"
  3. Give it a label, such as "AlfredBitBucket"
  4. Give it the relevant Read permissions
  5. Click "Create"
  6. Your app password should now appear. Make note of it as once you leave the page it's gone and you'll have to start the process over.

Register environment variables

  1. Open Alfred Preferences.
  2. Go to the Workflows tab.
  3. Select BitBucket.
  4. Open the variables panel by clicking the Configure workflow and variables button on the right.
  5. Fill the values
    • username: Your BitBucket Username
    • appPasword: The App password you generated boce
    • repoMaxAge: Number of minutes list of repositories should be cached, defaults to 480
    • userMaxAge: Number of minutes user information should be cached, defaults to 720
    • teamMaxAge: Number of minutes list of teams should be cached, defaults to 720
  6. Save


bit command

Open Alfred and type bit. Select a team. Now you can :

repo command

If you set a default team with Shift+Enter on any team/user, this user will be loaded by default. If you select a team using the bit command it'll be loaded instead. Then, you'll be able to do the following :

marks command

Displays all the bookmarks you made with all the repos options :

Pull requests


OAuth2 Configuration (Deprecated)

It is now preferred to configure alfred-bitbucket with App passwords, but if you need to configure it with OAuth, here are the old instructions: Generate BitBucket Consumer

plist Configuration (Deprecated)

It is now preferred to configure the alfred-bitbucket variables through the workflow preferences. If you need to configure directly through the plist, here are the old instructions: Through the plist file


MIT © Nicolas Boisvert