What if there was a way to create your dream Nug (legally) from popular parts on the internet? This project aims to acheive this by suggesting builds within budget, while eliminating confusion and compatibility issues for new private gunsmiths!
Parts - A specific Nug part, complete with pictures (when able). Build - Specific custom Nugs for a User. Builds will have notifications of incompatible Parts. Recipe - A "grocery list" (parts list) in checklist format to make buying and building a lot easier for the User.
[x] Disable all lorems in prod.
[x] Fix all CREATE forms.
[x] Add and test all findAll methods.
[x] Finish basic cards.
[x] Add Youtube Support to database
[x] Create a custom Embed atom for viewing YT videos.
[x] Put YT embeds in cards for now. (https://morioh.com/p/487a79571ccb)
[x] Avoiding Direct Props alterations Fix altering a prop fixing altering a prop #2
[x] Add Recipe, Part and Build placement (Airtable's embeds)
[x] Add a generic Controller or Hook for Vue using the Composition API, to encourage sharing between components. 🐫
[x] Add Basic Update forms and Update functions to the useTable hook.
[x] Radial Progress
[x] Number Slider
[ ] IDEA: Evolution of blasters svg https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.KcXLemEwyV_kTP4_m6OcGwHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1 wheel gun -> pistol -> musket -> shotgun -> bolt action -> AR-15/10
Go ahead! Build your Budget Blaster, Dream DMR or Hunter's Heatmaker!