nickschoey / ama

Ask me anything!
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Ask me anything!

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ENG Inspired by Kent C. Dodds' AMA, where he takes lots of questions about software development and life and whatever, I've decided to open my own Ask me Anything repo. Of course I don't expect taking as many questions as him. But if you've somehow stumbled upon this repository (be it you're a friend, colleague, recruiter or possible employer) please feel free to leave a question about anything and I will try to answer it to the best of my habilities

CAT Inspirat pel repositori d'en Kent C. Dodds a on permet preguntar-li sobre qualsevol matèria o problema de programació, he decidit obrir el meu propi repo. Està clar que no espero rebre les mateixes preguntes que ell, ni de bon tros; però si per alguna raó has arribat fins aquí (siguis amic, company de feina, possible futur jefe o res de tot això) no dubtis de deixar una pregunta i miraré de respondre tan bé com pugui.

I can also be reached on Twitter and email. També podeu contactar-me per Twitter i correu electrònic.