nicksergeant / billmonster

A suite of Selenium scripts to automate the retrieval of current balances due for several financial providers.
MIT License
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Bill Monster


The Bill Monster eats your bills and tells you what your current due balances are.

It uses Selenium to automate the process of logging into each provider and harvesting the balances.


How it works

The script uses keyring, which uses a local password storage backend to retrieve passwords. On OS X, the Keychain is used by default.

Account, username, and settings configuration

See the provided .config sample file in the repo. Copy that file to ~/.billmonster and create configuration sections for each provider you would like to use. Multiple accounts per provider is also supported (see the sample).

Some providers require additional options. For example, Bank of America requires that you provide the state that the account is in. In the config file, you would add this to the entry like so:

state = NY

These provider-specific settings are documented in their respective sections below.

Password configuration

Use your keyring's password backend to store your passwords.

As an example, if I wanted to use the Wells Fargo provider, I would create an entry like this:

Account: nick
Password: o-hi-thar


See below for using each individual provider script separately.

Otherwise, you can create a config (see above) and run the script:


Once started, you'll see a line for each provider / account that it begins to process, like this:

AES (nick)

If everything goes smoothly, the Bill Monster will then print the balance to stdout:

AES (nick): $120.45

It'll then move on to the next account, and so on.

Supported providers

python nick

The script checks the password backend for a password stored with the name and a username of nick and begins the login process if it finds one.

AES requires security questions if you're logging in on a computer that isn't recognized. The Bill Monster has built-in support for these. When you're running the script for the first time, you'll see the security questions come on-screen, and you'll need to add those to your keychain to avoid holding up the script in subsequent runs. A sample keychain entry for an AES security question:

Kind: application password
Account: nick *What is your mother's middle name?
Password: Emmy Lou

...where nick is your username, and Emmy Lou is your mother's middle name.

python 5555551234

Note: Your AT&T account username is probably your phone number.

python nick

Bank of America requires that you also provide the state that the account is in. You'll need to add this to your config file (see above) like so:

state = NY

You also need to specify which account to retrieve a due balance from:

state = NY
account = Signature Visa

python nick

python nick

Currently Wells Fargo support is only for single loan accounts.

Future supported providers