Music This Week is a music discovery service that generates a Spotify playlist of bands that are playing near you in the near future.
Django web app: Site is called music_this_week, and the app is called music_this_week_app. Crawls the internet to return a list of upcoming events in the specified city. Creates a spotify playlist based on a list of artists.
In early development. Basic working prototype exists. Does not work for generic users.
This is a personal hobby project, not intended for public use.
Nick Speal 2016. All rights reserved.
Create a virtual environment for your project.
To keep your pip installation clean, we recommend using virtualenvwrapper.
$ mkvirtualenv mtw
Anytime you want to run this project, run:
$ workon mtw
Install dependencies in your virtualenv from the root of the repo.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Also install Redis:
$ brew install redis
Create a config file called under a (gitignored) directory under the root called '_private':
$ echo "
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='Create a new app at to get this'
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='Create a new app at to get this'
export SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI='http://localhost:8888/callback'
export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY='make one up'
export EVENTFUL_KEY='Request an application key from'
" > _private/
cd into the root of the repo
Start the redis server: redis-server
In a new terminal window, open the project's virtualenv: workon mtw
Load the private environment variables: source _private/
Run the appropriate workers: python runworker search song events
In a new terminal window, open the project's virtualenv: workon mtw
Run the backend: sh
(Prereq: Make sure you already ran the setup instructions at some previous point.)
In a new terminal window, cd into the musicthisweek-client directory with the frontend application and then run it, (probably npm start
Open the frontend application in the browser and follow the instructions
is called with credentials stored in environment vars.its get_authorize_url()
method, which returns a URL we can redirect the browser to in order to go through Spotify's login flow.&show_dialog=True
to the Authorization endpoint(Not supported by Spotipy).For CLI Login:
for a UI-free loginutil.prompt_for_user_token()
with a username
argument. Spotipy searches for a cached token file in the root directory called .cache-username
always calls oauth2.SpotifyOAuth
with the optional cache_path
argument, so the cache file is always created if it didn't exist.