nickydonna / mimido

Personal Organizer appl
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This project is a personal organizer, using CalDAV as a backend. The main objective is to organize myself in a better way.

My main issue with current task manager is that everything is an event or a task, which it annoying to organize around, so the approach used is to provide more tools, the ones provided now are:


We are using CalDAV as a backend. CalDAV is a common standard for Calendar used by most platforms, Google, Apple, Fastmail, etc.

Using this we can leverage calendar notification from cellphones, no scaling needed, and the user owns the data.

To access it there are different mechanisms, but for now we support only Basic Auth.


Since we don't have any backend, right now the credentials are store in a secure cookie in a jwt format, so only use this on trusted devices. This will eventually help with creating a PWA.

A minor upgrade would be encrypting the cookie.

Note on Fastmail

Fastmail support both VEVENT and VTODO but because of a weird functionality on iOS they split it into two collections.

To make a single calendar support both you need to run the following command:

curl --location --request PROPPATCH '<url of your calendar>' --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' --header 'Authorization: Basic <your auth>' --data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<propertyupdate xmlns="DAV:">
                xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" force="yes">
                <C:comp name="VEVENT"/>
                <C:comp name="VTODO"/>

Eventually we will an option to enable this in the app

See this conversation for more info vdirsyncer issue