niclaswue / ATOW-Prediction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PRC Data Challenge Submission (team_faithful_engine)

This is our entry for the PRC Data Challenge:

We are committed to go open on the outcome of this challenge!

[!Note] This README focusses on setting up and running the project. A more general overview of the project is also available.

Initial Setup

Setup up the development environment

Create a new conda environment with Python 3.11

conda create -n tow -c conda-forge python=3.11 -y
conda activate tow

Note: For future trajectory analysis and feature creation, you may want to create another separate environment around traffic. See:

Install all the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Downloading all datasets

Now it's time to download the competition data. This script will create a new directory called data and download the competition data. It will start with the mandatory csv files and then continues with the daily trajectories.

[!NOTE] These are 150GB+ in size, so downloading will take a while. You might want to start the script in a screen session. You can stop the download anytime, it will automatically resume when started again. Alternatively, you can manually copy relevant OSN Trajectory .parquet files into data/.

python download_scripts/

Additional Data

Next we download the additional datasets that were used to boost the performance. All used datasets with license and attribution can be found under the Dataset Overview chapter.

[!NOTE] For your conveinence we uploaded the complete additional_data directory as a zip file. Instead of following the next steps, you can download and extract the folder in the root of the repository:

python download_scripts/

This will download the simple to fetch tabular datasets to the additional_data directory.

We also use daily METAR weather data. Right now, we only download the METARs for the destination airports. The following script will gather all unique destination airports for each day and download the reports for them. In the end, they are combined to one large weather dataset. All downloaded links are saved in processed.txt which allows you to resume the download if needed.

python download_scripts/

Most airlines use specific configuration in their aircraft, such as different seat layout. This affects the overall weight of the aircraft. We therefore tried to add data about airline's fleets, by scraping publicly available aircraft information of different airlines from websites.

python download_scripts/

For an overview of all the additional datasets see the list of additional data sources.

Prepare Trajectory Features

For the next step, you will need a separate conda environment with the traffic library installed.

# Example Installation
conda create -n traffic -c conda-forge python=3.10 traffic
conda activate traffic

Otherwise refer to Traffic docs.

Our model takes some input features from the OSN Trajectories. Running the Preprocessing of the Trajectories can take a while, therefore this is done in a separate step and the result is saved as all_trajectory_features.parquet in the additional_data directory. Excpect this to take multiple hours (up to 10 hours on a regular Laptop PC). On a large machine you may be able to use GNU parallel.

python ./preprocessing/

[!TIP] If you have a more performant machine, edit the number of parallel processes in the constant POOL_NUMBER in preprocessing/

Once all data is downloaded and the trajectory-features are created, put the all_trajectory_features under additional_data/trajectory_features. Then you can continue with running the training.

Run the training

Create a free personal account at, then after pip installing wandb log in using wand login. Afterwards, you can use the the wandb training. If you do not want to use wandb, execute wandb disabled.

To just test out if everything is working fine, run

python --final

for the final submission, run a command similar to this with your chosen time limit (36000 = 10h):

python --time 36000 --final

To submit the results to the leaderboard, you need to place a file .access_keys.json in the root of the repo. The file is the one attached in the initial email sent to participants. Next, enter the model artifact name or local path in Finally, execute


Key Modules and Classes

Additional Documentation

Data Directories