nicnocquee / imsticker

Create iMessage Sticker Pack Xcode project with a single command
MIT License
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This is a gem to quickly create iMessage Sticker Pack Xcode project from command line. You just need to prepare your sticker images and sticker sequence (animated sticker!) in a folder, and run one command. No need to drag and drop and clicking around in Xcode.



$ gem install imsticker


  1. Create a directory for your project.
  2. Create stickers directory inside your project directory and put all your stickers in it. Sticker sequence should be grouped in a directory.
  3. Create an icon for the sticker pack with name icon1024x768.png and size 1024x768 px.
  4. Run imsticker init in the root directory of your project.
  5. Edit info.json file to edit the name of your project.
  6. Run imsticker.
  7. Your Xcode project will be created inside output directory. Open it using Xcode 8 or later.


Prepare your stickers in structure like the following

- project_dir
  |- info.json
  |- icon1024x768.png
  |- stickers
     |- happy.png
     |- mad.png
     |- dancing
        |- dancing01.png
        |- dancing02.png
        |- dancing03.png
        |- dancing04.png
        |- dancing05.png
        |- dancing06.png
        |- dancing07.png


Video Here. Or GIF below.

imsticker demo gif


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.