Nagisk is a simple Perl script to monitor an Asterisk PBX server from Nagios.
Follow this link:
v1.2.10: 09/2016 by Iain Farrington -c failover: Shows status of failover devices v1.2.9: 01/2016 by Pierre-Alexandre CAQUINEAU
Manage IPBX with several trunck v1.2.5: 04/2013 by Xavier Lemaire Path for the registry command v1.2.4: 08/2012 by : -c pri_spans: Display all dahdi spans
-c dahdi_span: Display the status of the specific dahdi span
-s <span number>: Set the span number (default is 1)
"OK" will return OK
"RED" will return CRITICAL
-c pri_spans: Display all pri spans
-c pri_span: Display the status of the specific span
-s <span number>: Set the span number (default is 1)
"OK" will return OK all else CRITICAL
v1.2.3: 11/2011 by ManuxFR : -c registry : Display the status of the SIP trunk - "sip show registry" Compatible with Asterisk
v1.2.2: 03/2011 by Frederic:
-c konference: Displays the number of active conferences. Tresholds are against the number
of active conferences. This is for the Konference module, not for the Meetme module. Will show:
"Active conferences: 5"
-c jabber -b
v1.2.1: 03/2011 by Frederic:
v1.2: 03/2011 by Frederic:
v1.1: Add the following options: -c zaptel: Display the status of the zaptel card -c span: Display the status of a specific span (set with -s option) -s : Set the span number (default is 1)
v1.0: first public release
Distributed under the GPLv3 license.