nicoledgreene / homework-forms

Homework #8
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FEWD Week #8: Forms


This week, you'll be practicing your form skills: you have the option of adding a form to your final project, finishing the Relaxr form that will be started in class, or building a form for CitiPix. The form you build must include at least three different types of HTML form elements and some light CSS styling. I'm giving you an example of a form that renders well on the web and mobile devices, as well as an example, with starter code, of a registration form you could build for Relaxr.

Real-World Applications

Technical Requirements



Example forms

Example Form for Relaxr Example Contact Form - Web Example Contact Form - Mobile

Evaluation / Submission

Please either submit this as a new assignment, or incorporate it into your final project. If doing the latter, please include the "password" field but feel free to comment it out so it doesn't throw off the look/feel of your final.

I will evaluate against the solution code and your use of technical elements. I will provide a numeric grade on a scale: does not meet expectations (0); meets expectations (1); exceeds expectations (2). If you decide to build a form as part of their final project, I will be grading it as part of the final project. The maximum possible score on this assignment is 10/10. Bonus sections are completely optional.