nicorithner / rails_engine

Turing Module 3 - Api rails app exercise
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# Rails Engine - Turing Module 3 Solo Project ## Summary The 'Rails Engine/ Rails Drive' project is an exercise on exposing APIs. The exercise requires using TDD to drive the process and we were provided an spec harness test in 'Rails Drive'. The most challenging part was figuring out how to complete some of these processes without the proper know-how (no lessons provided). This made things very challenging but allowed me to expose areas that need strengthening. #### Document Navigation - [Turing's Project Scope](#Scope) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Runing the tests](#running-the-tests) - [Deployment](#deployment) - [Code Samples](#code-samples) - [Reference Sources](#reference-sources)
## Turing's Project Scope ### Description --- You are working for a company developing an E-Commerce Application. Your team is working in a service-oriented architecture, meaning the front and back ends of this application are separate and communicate via APIs. Your job is to expose the data that powers the site through an API that the front end will consume. --- ### Rails Driver **[Rails Driver](** is the front end of the application. It includes a test suite as well as a front end to test your application. Instructors will use this to determine the completion of your project. It should be noted that in most professional applications, the front end would not be written in Rails. More likely, a pure front end application would use a Javascript framework such as React. However, in order to make this portion of the project more understandable to BEM3 students we have written it in Rails. The extensions for this project will build on this front end application. --- ### Technical Requirements The Technical Requirements for this project can be found [here]( --- ### Evaluation Evaluation details can be found [here](

## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ### Prerequisites We'll be running this app in: - Ruby 2.5.3 - Rails ### Deployment ### Install the Engine Please run the following commands in your terminal: ##### 1. Clone the repository to directory of choice ``` git clone ``` ##### 2. Install all gems ``` bundle install ``` ##### 3. Create database ``` rails db:{create,migrate} ``` ##### 4. Import CSV data to seed the database ``` rails import ``` It will take a moment. You'll see: $rails import Customer data imported! Merchant data imported! Invoice data imported! Item data imported! InvoiceItem data imported! Transaction data imported! ### Install the Driver Please follow this link to find the 'Rails Driver' repo and clone it. - **[Clone Rails Driver repo from here](** Follow the instructions in its README file to install it. ## Running the tests To run the test suite inside of Rails Engine please run the following command: ``` bundle exec rspec ``` 1. To get Rails Engine working with Rails Driver, open up a new terminal tab or window. 2. In your terminal tab or window with Rails Engine, type the command. ``` rails server. ``` To shut down the server hold down the 'control' button on Mac and press the key 'c'. 3. Then, in your terminal tab or window with Rails Driver, type the command `bundle exec rspec` to run its test suite. ## Usage With Rails Engine still running, open your API consumption tool of choice, such as Postman or just a regular Internet browser. Then, begin your query to the API by using the following root URI on all queries: ``` http://localhost:3000/api/v1/ ``` And append whatever request to the end that you desire. A non-exhaustive list of various endpoints that can be queried with a GET request are as follows: * merchants * items * items/:id * items/find?name= * merchants/find_all?created_at=2012-03-27 14:53:59 UTC * merchants/most_revenue?quantity=x where x is the number of merchants that should be returned * merchants/most_items?quantity=x where x is the number of merchants that should be returned ## Reference Sources Here I am listing some links to articles and documentation I used to work on this project ### Gems * []( * [Faker]( * [FactoryBot Docs]( * [Jsonapi-serializer]( ### CSV How to import csv data to the database: - [Turing CSV Lesson]( - ["importing Massive Data Into Rails]( * [How to seed your Rails DB from CSV]( * [How to use ActiveRecord to reset the Primary Key sequences in PostgreSQL]( * [ActiveRecord Query Methods]( ### Other Tools * [dbdiagram]( ## Code samples ### Tests Example ![tests example](sample_test.png) ### Schema ![schema diagram](schema_diagram.png) ### Routes ![routes screenshot](routes.png) ### Active Record Queries Example ![queries example](ActiveRecordQueries.png)