nidkil / vue-lerna-test

A project to test Vue 2 with Lerna using a plugin and example application supporting SemVer and Conventional Commit standard
MIT License
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A project to test Vue 2 with Lerna

Build status Coverage Status Vue 2 Vue CLI 3 lerna Commitizen friendly Contributions welcome Hit count License MIT Greenkeeper badge

A project to test Vue 2 with Lerna using a plugin and example application supporting SemVer and Conventional Commit standard.

I am moving a number of projects to a monorepo setup. During this process I ran into some hiccups getting everything to work and build correctly. So I decided to setup a test repository to test the following:

  1. Create a basic plugin that mounts the plugin on the Vue instances
  2. Test the plugin with an example app in a separate package
  3. Unit test the plugin
  4. Build a production version of the plugin
  5. Use SemVer and Conventional Commit standard including commitlint and release-it

Nothing to fancy, but it might be of help to others setting up a project for Vue with Lerna, so I will make it generally available. Enjoy!

Table of Contents (click to expand)

Project setup

This project uses a monorepo setup. From the monorepo root run the following commands. The npm install command will trigger a post install hook that calls lerna bootstrap --hoist, which takes care of initializing the packages.

$ git clone
$ cd vue-lerna-test
$ npm install

**Tip*** For more information about Lerna go here.

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve:ui

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint:fix

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Commit changes

npm run cz:commit


git cz

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Road map

Currently there is nothing on the roadmap. Suggestions? Please submit an issue.

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We welcome pull requests! What follows is the simplified version of the contribution process, please read here to fully understand our contribution policy and here to understand our code of conduct.

  1. Fork the repository here!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. If relevant, don't forget to add your tests and comment your code
  4. Commit your changes: npm run commit
  5. Push the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request :-)

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Support & brag about us

If you like this project, please support us by starring ⭐ this repository. Thx!

Please let the world know about us! Brag about us using Twitter, email, blog, Discord, Slack, forums, etc. etc. Thx!

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nidkil © nidkil, released under the MIT license. Authored and maintained by nidkil with help from contributors.

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