Closed janCstoffregen closed 5 years ago
I am currently on refactoring (splitting up in several components/separation of concerns), fixing features such as paginator, sorting asf. and make it customizable by the stored settings. I get back to you soon.
ok, thank you!
@janCstoffregen : the Inputs are changed. There are three different inputs needed:
- Input() query: any; // --> just a string containing a query or an object containing several infos. This will be implemented later I guess. This should be passed from other components/apps.
can this be passed over the url?
Yes, in most cases. It can be ignored for now. (There might be cases where this may not be a proper solution)
Here is a simple query to try: Headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/sparql-results+json;charset=UTF-8'
decoded it is:
PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX knora-base: PREFIX owl: PREFIX drcs: PREFIX human: PREFIX text: PREFIX kuno-raeber:
SELECT ?indexed_thing ?label ?type ?comment
WHERE {?indexed_thing ?someprop text:Text . ?indexed_thing rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL {?indexed_thing rdf:type ?type. ?type rdfs:comment ?comment. } } limit 500
I think the only problem in the end is how to connect from NIE-OS to the triple - store while the triplestore does not have an exposed api, right?
I think the only problem in the end is how to connect from NIE-OS to the triple - store while the triplestore does not have an exposed api, right?
Yes, imho that should be the only issue to solve. (except configuration of data management and/or app communication via url asf.)
so, can I deploy a triple store, open to the public for published data?
ok, I'll implement it this way then.
works pretty well, I'll close it for now