nie-ine / inseri

inseri serves as an online collaborative work and publish environment.
13 stars 4 forks source link


Our signature presentation for you:

Presented or mentioned at

National Swiss Scholarly Edition Infrastructure Conference 2020/11 | Switzerland | 22 YouTube Videos

Open Access in Action | Swissuniversities Project Highlights 2020 | Switzerland

Virtual research environments and ancient manuscripts 2020/09 | University of Lausanne | Switzerland

Swissuniversities Newsletter 2020/08 | Switzerland

Digitisation of newspapers collections 2020/04 | University of Luxembourg

User guide

Start inseri using docker-compose

MONGO_DB="mongodb://localhost:27017/node-angular" NIE_OS_SERVER="http://localhost:4200" SALT="my_secret_secret"

  - point the `env_file` in docker-compose.inseri.yml to the `` file 
  - ```docker network create inseri-net```
  - start reverse-proxy ```docker-compose -f docker-compose.nginx.yml up -d```
  - start extras ```docker-compose -f docker-compose.extras.yml up -d```
  - start inseri ```docker-compose -f docker-compose.inseri.yml up -d```

## Prepare for development
  - ``git clone``
  - ``cd inseri``
  - run MongoDb locally:
    - `docker run -v /my/own/datadir:/data/db --name some-mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:4.4`
  - replace the values in `./backend/` accordingly
  - install the dependencies first by executing `npm ci` in backend and frontend paths separately
  - now backend and fronted can be started using `npm start` (again in both paths separately)
  - to run tests in backend, use `npm run test`
  - to run tests with coverage, use `npm run test:coverage`
    - open `backend/coverage/index.html` for detailed testing coverage report

## Docker
To build and publish both docker images at the same


To build individually, change the directory to either backend or frontend and then

```docker build -t my-image .```

## Backup
a detailed guide for backup can be found in [wiki](

## Generate documentation

npm run compodoc

compodoc -p src/ -s