ukbpheno is an R package for efficiently munging the files provided by UK Biobank to generate data tables of with unified format for further analysis such as making dichotomous phenotypes for UKbio and a composite time-to-event variable combining record level data (HESIN/GP/cancer registry) and main dataset (self reports i.e. nurse interview / touchscreen). Aim of the package is to define binary phenotype data for different types of longitudinal data analysis (e.g. GWAS analysis, cox regressions, baseline tables) in a standardized and reproducible manner. The package can also be used for data exploration with efficient subsetting of the main dataset and visualization functions.
Please check out the wiki for short tutorials on downloading the data as well as usage of the package.
# the directory with datafiles
pheno_dir <-"mydata/ukb99999/"
# main dataset
fukbtab <- paste(pheno_dir,"",sep="")
# meta data file
fhtml <- paste(pheno_dir,"ukb99999.html",sep="")
# hospital inpatient data
fhesin <- paste(pheno_dir,"hesin.txt",sep="")
fhesin_diag <- paste(pheno_dir,"hesin_diag.txt",sep="")
fhesin_oper <- paste(pheno_dir,"hesin_oper.txt",sep="")
# GP data
fgp_clinical <- paste(pheno_dir,"gp_clinical.txt",sep="")
fgp_scripts <- paste(pheno_dir,"gp_scripts.txt",sep="")
# harmonize the data without any definition<-harmonize_ukb_data(f.ukbtab = fukbtab,f.html = fhtml,f.gp_clinical = fgp_clinical,f.gp_scripts = fgp_scripts,f.hesin = fhesin,f.hesin_diag = fhesin_diag,f.hesin_oper=fhesin_oper,allow_missing_fields = TRUE)
Health outcomes are ascertained using data from linkage with national registries (e.g. primary /secondary care) or self report. Full definitions are described in
# definition table included in the package
fdefinitions <- system.file("extdata", "definitions_cardiometabolic_traits.tsv", package="ukbpheno")
# data setting file included in the package
fdata_setting <- system.file("extdata", "data.settings.tsv", package="ukbpheno")
dfData.settings <-fread(fdata_setting)
# process the definition table based on data setting
dfDefinitions_processed_expanded<-read_defnition_table(fdefinitions,fdata_setting,"extdata", package="ukbpheno"))
# harmonize data<-harmonize_ukb_data(f.ukbtab = fukbtab,f.html = fhtml,dfDefinitions=dfDefinitions_processed_expanded,f.gp_clinical = fgp_clinical,f.gp_scripts = fgp_scripts,f.hesin = fhesin,f.hesin_diag = fhesin_diag,f.hesin_oper=fhesin_oper,allow_missing_fields = TRUE)
# to identify cases/controls status for CAD
# read withdrawal list, individuals to be removed from the analysis
df_reference_dt_v0<-df_reference_dt_v0[! identifier %in% df_withdrawal$V1]
lst.Cad.case_control <- get_cases_controls(definitions=dfDefinitions_processed_expanded %>% filter(TRAIT==trait),$,dfData.settings, df_reference_date=df_reference_dt_v0)
# summary of diagnosis per participant including case/control status before/after the reference date (baseline visit) as well as the corresponding time-to-event information
# HF in CAD
# the reference date is the date of diagnosis of CAD
lst.HfInCad.case_control <- get_cases_controls(definitions=dfDefinitions_processed_expanded %>% filter(TRAIT==trait),$,dfData.settings, vct.identifiers=df_reference_dt_v0$identifier)
Figure above: Relative contribution of different data sources to selected cardiovascular diseases
cd ../ukbpheno/inst/util
# show input options
Rscript shiny.lookup_codes.R --help
# to start the app
Rscript shiny.lookup_codes.R --fcoding_xls path_to_download/all_lkps_maps_v3.xlsx
If you use ukbpheno, please cite Yeung, M. W., van der Harst, P., & Verweij, N. (2022). ukbpheno v1.0: An R package for phenotyping health-related outcomes in the UK Biobank. STAR Protocols, 3(3), 101471.