nielsboecker / HoloRepository-HoloLens

A system for transforming medical imaging studies into holograms, storing them in the cloud and providing them to other systems.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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The HoloRepository is a system for transforming medical imaging studies such as CT or MRI scans into 3-dimensional holograms, storing data on a cloud-based platform and making it available for other systems. This repository is dedicated to the portions of the system that are to be deployed on the Microsoft HoloLens:

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To facilitate the access to the HoloStorage for 3rd party projects and future projects, we provide a library which is distributed as AssetPackage, can be imported into Unity projects and added to Scenes as a configurable GameObject. It provides a layer of abstraction for the network calls and API accesses performed to dynamically load data from the HoloStorage into HoloLens applications at runtime.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the HoloRepository system, it is crucial to have an actual HoloLens application that puts together the pieces (and thereby also acts as an integration test). As an additional benefit, this demo application could be shipped with the Connector library as example scenes.

The demo application will use the HoloStorageConnector to access data stored in the HoloStorage. The data in turn will have been generated through the HoloPipelines workflow or directly uploaded from the HoloRepository. The application will provide a basic UI and list the 3D models stored in the HoloStorage. They can then be loaded and placed, scaled and rotated within the augmented reality.

To our best knowledge, there have been no projects that combine medical holograms and the FHIR standard. This project is the first to close that gap.


This git repository used Git Large File Storage extension to manage the large files, before pulling this repository to your local work station, please ensure you have installed the Git LFS support.

Setup the environment

This demo application is developed by Unity3D, please setup the environment before running the App:

Windows SDK 18362+ Windows 10 SDK: To run the HoloLens App, please make sure you have installed the Windows 10 SDK version 18362 or later Download Link
Unity Unity3D: The current recommendation is to use Unity 2018.4.x, which is the LTS build required for MRTK v2, The version we used to develop the App is 2018.4.2f1, which you can download here. Meanwhile, please make sure you have installed the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and .NET support for unity.
Visual Studio 2017 Visual Studio 2017: In order to support the TextMeshPro UI in Unity, please make sure your Visual Studio 2017 version is later than 15.7.5. The current using version is 15.9.14, which is highly recommended. Download Link
MRTK V2. MRTK V2.0: Initially, the MRTK v2.0 has already been imported into this project, you don't need to import the toolkit again. if you want to develop the HoloLens App on your own, please visit their website.

The detail of related development tools could be found in microsoft mixed reality official site.

Start to run the app

Before you start to run the HoloLens App, there are some settings are required in Unity. First, if you pull the application properly from this GitHub, the menu bar should contain the MRTK option. if not, please remove the local files and pull it gain.

Go to Menu bar -> File -> Build setting, select Universal Windows Platform, choose Target Device as HoloLens, Architecture as x86, Build type as D3D, Visual Studio Version as Visual Studio 2017, select the Unity C# Projects option in Debugging.

If the Unity C# Projects option is not available, please go to Player Settings, and choose .NET as Scripting Backend in Other Settings.

Meanwhile, Please select Visual Reality Supported in XR Settings

Run the app in Game mode

If you have setup the environment and settings, please open the BaseScene in Scenes folder, and press Play Button to try it.

Build and deployment

You can build and deploy the application both in HoloLens emulator and the HoloLens devices.

Go to Menu bar -> File -> Build setting, before you build the application, please make sure all the compile errors are fixed and all environment setting is correct. Then select Build button and choose a folder to store the generated solution.

Use Visual Studio to open the generated .sln file, then Select an x86 build configuration for the app, you can both select Remote Machine or HoloLens Emulator as the target device, if you select remote machine, it requires the IP address of your HoloLens to make the connection. Finally, Select Debug -> Start debugging to deploy your app and start debugging.

The details of the deployment steps and other deploy methods are available in microsoft mixed reality official site.


Testing for HoloStorageConnector is using the Unity test runner, which uses a Unity integration of the NUnit library, is an open-source unit testing library for .Net languages. Due to the Connector methods are based on the UnityWebRequest library, we need to use the play mode testing in this project.

To run the test, you need the run the latest Accessor server. then in the Unity editor, go to Menu bar -> Window -> General -> Test runner, then select PlayMode button and you will see all the test cases list in the test runner, you could click Run All to start the testing.

To find more information of the testing in Unity, you could access the Unity Manual website.

Code organisation

The rest of the components of the overall project are kept in the HoloRepository-Core mono-repository. The only exception are the components that are developed in Unity/C#, they are separately kept in this HoloRepository-HoloLens repository.

Contact and support

This component is owned by fanbomeng97. Please get in touch if you have any questions. For change requests and bug reports, please open a new issue.


Icons used in this project are made by Freepik from Flaticon.