niemasd / ViReflow

An elastically-scaling automated AWS pipeline for viral consensus sequence generation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ViReflow is a tool for constructing elastically-scaling parallelized automated AWS pipelines for viral consensus sequence generation. Given sequence data from a viral sample as well as information about the reference genome and primers, ViReflow generates a Reflow file that contains all steps of the workflow, including AWS instance specifications. Because ViReflow is intended to be used with Reflow, the workflows that are developed by ViReflow automatically distribute independent tasks to be run in parallel as well as elastically scale AWS instances based on each individual step of the workflow. ViReflow makes use of compact minimal Docker images for each step of the viral analysis workflow, details about which can be found in the Niema-Docker GitHub organization.

Workflow Summary

Read Trimmers Read Mappers Variant Callers Optional Analyses
fastp Bowtie2 FreeBayes coronaSPAdes
iVar Trim BWA-MEM iVar Variants MEGAHIT
PRINSEQ Minimap2 LoFreq metaviralSPAdes
pTrimmer minia
Pangolin (COVID-19)
π Diversity Metric


ViReflow is written in Python 3. You can simply download to your machine and make it executable:

wget ""
chmod a+x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ # optional step to install globally

While ViReflow itself only depends on Python 3, the pipelines it produces are Reflow files that run on AWS. Thus, in order to run the pipelines ViReflow produces, one must first install Reflow.


ViReflow can be used as follows:


For extensive details about each command line argument, see the Command Line Argument Descriptions section of the ViReflow wiki.

Example Usage

We have provided demo files, and ViReflow can be executed as follows: -o demo.rf                                                                          `# output Reflow run file` \
            -d s3://my-s3-folder/vireflow-demo                                                  `# output S3 folder` \
            -rf               `# reference genome (FASTA)` \
            -rg              `# reference genome annotation (GFF3)` \
            -p  `# primer coordinates file (BED)` \
                       `# FASTQ 1` \
                       `# FASTQ 2`

This will result in the creation of a file called demo.rf, which is the Reflow workflow file. Assuming Reflow is properly installed and configured, the workflow can now be run as follows:

reflow run demo.rf

Batch Parallel Execution

In a given sequencing experiment, if you have multiple samples you want to run (e.g. sample1, sample2, ..., sampleN), you can use ViReflow to process all of them in parallel (assuming your AWS account has access to spin up sufficient EC2 instances). First, you need to use ViReflow to produce a Reflow run file (.rf) for each sample:

for s in sample1 sample2 [REST_OF_SAMPLES] sampleN ; do -id $s -o $s.rf [REST_OF_VIREFLOW_ARGS] ; done

Alternatively, you can create a CSV file in the following format that, in which the first column contains the run ID, and all remaining columns denote the FASTQ files. You can then run ViReflow as follows to generate the Reflow files for all runs:

sample1 sample1_R1.fastq s3://my_samples/sample1_R2.fastq
sample2 sample2_R1.fastq s3://my_samples/sample2_R2.fastq
... ... ... [VIREFLOW_ARGS] my_samples.csv

Then, you can use the script to create a batch Reflow run file that will execute all of the individual sample Reflow run files: -o batch_samples.rf sample1.rf sample2.rf [REST_OF_SAMPLES].rf sampleN.rf

Now, you can simply run Reflow on the newly-created batch_samples.rf, and it will automatically execute of the individual sample Reflow run files:

reflow run batch_samples.rf

Citing ViReflow

If you use ViReflow in your work, please cite:

Moshiri N, Fisch KM, Birmingham A, DeHoff P, Yeo GW, Jepsen K, Laurent LC, Knight R (2022). "The ViReflow pipeline enables user friendly large scale viral consensus genome reconstruction." Scientific Reports. 12:5077. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-09035-w

Please also cite the mapper, trimmer, variant caller, and optional analysis tool(s) you used in your ViReflow run(s).