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Creative and Collaborative Culture, Ideation #78

Open jm1021 opened 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Fun in software engineering is when Project Teams have a collaborative culture. My favorite projects inside a company have been when the division is not accountable for Profit and Loss P&L, just responsible for building something to change the world. Education can create a lot of those creative elements, you learn freely, only accountability is to points/grade (or should I say indicators)

Creative, Collaborative, and Quality Culture

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Start the new year right by ...

As a Team, make your own 3 to 5 lines Team manifesto. Share it in your next Team review for extra 'indicators'.

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? How would you measure success in your team? In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

What would you code to make something productive? I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment.

shuban-789 commented 5 months ago


Something that I would code if I had absolute freedom in class would probably be

Given all of this freedom I would motivate myself with the fact that if my code works it will better my reputation as a coder and a scientist. My motivation will be that with the code I have contributed, I will be seen as a powerful programmer but also be seen for the ideas and solutions I contribute to the world. My motivation will be that the project will be functional, maybe help people in some way, or just strike them in awe. That will be my goal.

I would measure success as a team as everyone achieving their task and the project is functional. If the project works as advertised, and everyoen in the team has worked with perfect synergy, then it is a successful project.

jplip commented 5 months ago

Justin Liporada P2 CSP

  1. What would you code given absolute freedom? I would code the best game possible given the time and power to be able to do it. I want to make a game that would break the gaming world if given the absolute freedom. It would be a mmo with stats and people can login and have their stats saved.

  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? To be able to be motivated every day to produce even more code, I would like to see flawlessness of being able to write code effortlessly and be able to decode it perfectly that there are no problems that I need to fix stressing out. First I need to get really good at coding to do this though.

  3. How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success through the amount of work that can be achieved as a team and not a solo unit carry. A team has individuals with strong suits so sometimes others will do more than the rest but being able to help these others grow with the knowledge of the smarter people will allow the team to work even faster on other assignments with specialties.

  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I think making a project that is meaningful to the makers or not something that is done often for the makers make a way for the makers to become passionate about what they are doing.

  5. What would you code to make something productive? I would make a code that would regulate files in your computer as an anti-virus but also a file cleaner. It would run in the background and then it would ask to delete files that are not modified in a long time and then if say no/next time to the delete than it will actually delete it if it's not used. There should be a folder for like old photos/videos of personal life that could be excluded though. Then when files are downloaded or modified when the computer is idle will be flagged and put in some sort of quarantine that can be entered by the user but cannot be exited by file unless given access.

Varun I'm the same. If my code worked and I finally finish, I would love to do more because I know I can complete it. If I did a lot of work and just spend even more time trying to debug it, I would feel happy and defeated that it took that much time. I also like F1 as well and got into it rather recently. It's fun to watch the drivers on and off the track.

iKAN2025 commented 5 months ago

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? If given absolute freedom, I would want to code something related to mathematical programs to help me understand math better. I was thinking of using a program that uses Euler’s method to approximate slope fields with differential equations (like a graphing calculator) just to explore how the math would translate to code. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?The excitement of creating my own project would motivate me to be productive, especially with the possibilities of what I could create within constraints. I think the possibility of understanding things from a different perspective (domain knowledge) and incorporating it. How would you measure success in your team? In my opinion, success in my scrum team is based on how collaborative and productive we are. I think that there is more value in learning together than constructing a complex piece of code by ourselves because we can get different ideas and perspectives to solve problems: in computer science, each person has a different style to approaching a problem, which affects their code. Success is about building each other up and making sure we all understand basic concepts before moving on to produce amazing work. Even if the work produced is not super complicated, effective learning is what matters. I think that every person has a unique, valuable perspective that should be shared, so “success” in my scrum team means that everyone is collaborative, learns things, and produce work. We can use timelines/scrumboards/Canva to measure success. (Github projects, ect) What would you code to make something more productive? I would code a program that identifies problems that are difficult and unique that I could use (identifying repetitive problems) For example, in certain classes, I find that the homework is very repetitive/some things don’t come up on tests. I like the idea about having an online networking site, kind of like Saturn, except where you share opportunities/accomplishments. I would even add that maybe we could have more to the site where people/groups collaborate from different issues.

alaraipek commented 5 months ago

Alara Ipek Period 2 CSP

If I could code something with absolute freedom in the class, I would like to build...

  1. An online networking site where students can share opportunities and their accomplishments
  2. An AI learning model as a code generator

What would motivate you each day given the freedom to code what you want? What would motivate me is measuring and seeing other people use my platform which would show my impact on the general public.

How would you measure success in your team? I'd measure success in my team by creating goals and organizing them online. By setting and reaching goals, such as building or advancing on our previous work and documenting when they're achieved, we can measure success. If we want to measure success in terms of impact, we can also measure how others interact with what we've made.

How will you maintain motivation? By pushing through and managing time in order to avoid burnout.

What would you code to make something productive? In order to make something productive, I'd have an idea of something that would be helpful and make goals when measuring impact.

vibha-yganji commented 5 months ago


What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I had the freedom to make anything I wished, I would probably make an application that would allow me to better handle my schoolwork and keep track of all of my tasks. Ideally, this application would also serve as a storage space for all of my notes and serve as a notetaker as well. This project would most likely involve the use of Swift and would teach me a lot about the fundamentals of the language.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I would be motivated if I was able to build what I want as the end product would be helpful for me and would enhance the efficiency of my daily tasks. This would allow me to stay focused and keep in mind that what I am coding will help me with tasks that I struggle with such as time management and remembering deadlines. I would also be learning Swift which is a language that I may wish to continue using in the future.

How would you measure success in your team?

I think that the best indicator of success in our team would be to check the existing state of our project against the schedule we would have made at the initial portion of the 2 month period. If the project is up to date with the goals we had set for that date, then that would be considered a success. This would be the most efficient method of measuring success as it allows us to both evaluate both the existing state of our project and reset any deadlines that were either too far-fetched or were too easy to achieve.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would code an application that better tracked assignments as I do not like how Canvas handles deadlines. I think that such an application would make a lot of students' lives easier as well and more productive due to being more aware of deadlines earlier on compared to the night before/day of.


I think that Sharon's idea of measuring success by seeing her growth throughout the trimester was interesting to read as most of the other comments I read discussed how they would measure success by tracking how much of the project has been completed/seeing how functional the project is.

Sharon's comment -

anikabhatnagar20 commented 5 months ago

Individual: What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was able to code anything with absolute freedom, I would defiantly be interested in coding some type of healthcare app. Something that tracks the users health, though there are many similar apps already out there I would work on a specific feature to make it unique.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Something that motivates me to be productive is just imagining the final product. This pushes me to work, to get to my final goal. Especially if I am just at the beginning, this helps me get a starting and continue working until I finish.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success as everyone being able to complete the work that they were assigned. This is a way to be able to see that every member of the team is able to complete what we are working on which shows the knowledge we have. As well as what we have learned throughout and the obstacles or problems we had to overcome to successfully complete a -project.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Vibha's Comment

I think that this task tracker is a very good idea. I think that this would be very useful for many different people who are students and for people who are not.

alishahussain commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

How would you measure success in your team?

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Peer Review I think a study habits website would be really interesting to create. As a student, we would all benefit from becoming better at studying, and for teachers, it would be helpful to have an additional tool that the students can learn from while teaching.

hanlunli commented 5 months ago

Given this freedom, I think I will be able to make a project that I'm acutally passionate about/interested in, such as an online planner for school work, or a game that incorporates ai. Through this project, I hope I can learn more about computer science as a whole, and improve my skills as a programmer. I also hope to discover new things through this project, and maybe learn more about databases and other programming languages. My motivation for this is that when I work on the project, I'm working on myself, so every second I'm slacking, I'm hindering my own development.

Success to me is defined by accomplishing all of the goals you have set for yourself, so in the context of this project, I would define success as both creating a functional project and learning new things.

In order to make something productive, first I would need to understand the needs/wants of the people who are using hte code, and brainstorm ideas.

Andrew: I like your idea about improving a simple game such as chess based off of your views on the game. This is an interesting idea that I would also find interesting.

tarasehdave commented 5 months ago

Individual Response

Given all of this freedom I would build something related to music since it is something I am passionate about and could also be of interest to the CSP College Board graders. I would mainly use APIs as I could pull information from databases online regarding music. I roughly visualize an app that provides certain types of musical artists when given key words. For example, if a user types in "rock", "classic", "diverse", the band "Queen" could pop up.

To keep myself motivated for the next couple of months to build this project is the relevancy and usefulness of it. For my Night at the Museum project we made a hypothetical grocery store, which was fun, but at the end none of us could use it as it was all theoretical. By making an app that has a clear purpose, functionality is present and therefore encourages completing it.

As a team we can measure success through weekly commits. If we see a member often committing changes to their code and constantly working on it to keep improving, that shows consistency and interest in the project. We could also have weekly review tickets where each user writes what they have completed in the five day time line.

Something I could code to make something in my life or my teacher's life more productive is coding a build that assists productivity. Something that helps break down schedules and incorporates time dedicated to computer science so I can optimize my free time.


Trevor's ideation is interesting and is not too difficult to achieve. I can imagine incorporating a time lapse feature where the compiled photos are created into a compilation to show the physical change of a person over time. The idea of also answering questions regarding a person's interests can show the intellectual change of the individual over time.

M8tth3 commented 5 months ago



Something that I would code if given absolute freedom would be

The sense of accomplishment when making progress in the code, especially when it involves a project I am genuinely interested in is really rewarding. This feeling could be maintained by setting goals in the ideation process. Furthermore, the research and learning done throughout the creation of the project are incredibly engaging when they relate to something you are interested in.

How would you measure success? I would measure success on the team by how many meaningful contributions I made to the project and how well I was able to work with my team. As a team, we could also measure success by setting weekly goals/issues and looking at how well we met those goals.

Coding Something Productive: If I were to code something to be more productive would be a program that shut down your computer/device if you went to a social media website past your screen time :)

Responding to Lincoln: I think it's cool that given absolute freedom you would create a project that pursued your passion for basketball and it sounds like a good start for a project with lots of features you could explore.

nitinsandiego commented 5 months ago

Something that I would code if I had absolute freedom in class would probably

I would motivate myself by the fact these tools would help other people and make lives more easier. I would be motivated to create these tools and dedicate time to making these tools as best as they can, so that is can be perfect for users to use in their daily lives. Overall, I'd keep myself pumped up by thinking about how the tools I'm making can help folks and make their lives easier. Knowing that my work can bring some extra ease and joy to people's daily routines would keep me excited. I want to create tools that are top-notch, so users can have a smooth experience. In a nutshell, I'm motivated to make a positive impact on people's lives through the things I create.

I'd track our success by creating a plan for our ideas and when we aim to finish them. Meeting the deadline would mean success, but if we miss it, we'll put in extra effort the following week to catch up.

If I were coding something productive, I'd create a tool that gives real-time feedback on code quality, helping developers write cleaner and more efficient code. This way, they can be more productive and catch potential issues early on.

Akshay Nagesh's Comment

I really like your idea for a Premier League website that exhibits the top and latest news for tournaments and seasonal leagues. This is a very helpful and fund idea for the Premier League and football fans. I can see this idea will use many different programming concepts that are important in this technology-based society.

SGTech08 commented 5 months ago

Individual Something that I would code if I had freedom in class would probably be

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? It is important to notice that I got freedom to code things that hold some significant value to me. When I notice this I should automatically be motivated to keep on building on these ideas. Another thing is I'd love to build something new for the greater good.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success by making a roadmap of our ideas and when we want this built up by. If we achieve the deadline I would say we were successful if we weren't we would try harder next week to achieve this deadline.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would maintain my motivation by focusing on my discipline. Motivation is not consistent but discipline is. If I set some goals for my self as a individual and my group we will be much more successful.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code something like a scheduling app. This would let all the people in Del Norte and all other schools manage their life. I would also make some rewards for succeeding or meeting your goal and some real life rewards.

Very cool idea on the sneaker AI. I really like the idea since it helps the greater good for free by providing predictions on the sneaker market by using a machine learning algorithm

TDWolff commented 5 months ago

Individual: Torin P2

  1. Construct a database similar to Google Drive from scratch and then host it as a public database for me and my family.
  2. Build an AI that helps me visualize projects in a 3d space similar to Dall-E but for a 3d environment.
  3. I would build an AAA game with stunning graphics and open-world terrain gen with AI characters to simulate a semi-realistic world space.

To motivate myself I would probably set goals or due dates to keep me on track and then once I finish an objective on a goal I would take breaks to enjoy my code so like kinda of have a self-boosting mindset saying look how far you got so that I could keep coding and make it better, to continue after I make a first version of a project I would look at it and say what can I do better and then also take opinions from my friends on what I can improve so that my final project is better than before.

To measure success I would probably have like a goal-o-meter where once you finish a project portion, the meter goes up and then once it is full we look at what we could fix/optimize and then make a new meter for after-production tweaks to improve the quality and overall aesthetic of the project. I would also use a timeline graph and have sections (To do, Work in progress, and done) that would keep track of certain portions of a project which also fixes issues of having multiple people on the same project so like a source control to prevent commit problems.

Something that I could make to improve my life overall could be a companion so if you have seen Iron Man, the idea would be similar to JARVIS, tony starks artificial intelligence, in that the concept is a guide/informational assistant to help me throughout my day, I already have similar tools like copilot or chatGPT but for those I have to have a device on my, for my idea it would be completely portable and not have a link to the outside world for ease of access.

Comment: Justin I like Justin's post because it is similar to mine in the fact that if he had complete freedom he would also build a game and I also like building games, He also talks about seeing the flaws in existing codes to improve the overall experience of the user.

trevorhuang1 commented 5 months ago

Trevor Huang Period 2

What would I code given absolute freedom?

What would motivate me every day to continue every day?

How would I measure success in my team?

What would I code to make something more productive?

Peer review (Torin) I think the idea of a generative world which mimics real life could really enhance the gaming experience and make it more engaging due to its realism. This is a really cool idea that I think could drastically change the world for better or worse. Overall, this idea has really intrigued me and inspired similar ideas in my own head.

sharonkodali commented 5 months ago

If I had absolute freedom in clas...

In order to motivate myself, I think the best thing I can do is set small goals for myself so I an see progress and grwoth. Throughout the past few years setting these small goals has helped me a lot in every aspect of my life whether it be just being more organized or learning a new skill. I want to motivate myself with a final goal too because this is something that I really do want to get better at, so setting smaller and bigger goals for myself will help me to be productive and motivated during class.

I think the best way to measure success is by progress and see how much I have grown and learned throughout the trimester as an individual. As a team to measure succes, the best way is to definitely ask the other teamates on how I am performing and if there is anything I can improve at. The successof the team as a whole is best measured through the final product, if we see that the project goes according to plan and we are all satisfies with it I would say the team as a whole is sucesful.

If I wanted to make somehting more productive I would try to make some sort of idea generation machine with AI, I think a lot of time whether it be for essays or passion projects or videos or anything like that a lot of students want to make something new but they have a hard time coming up with ideas, this is definietley something that I struggle with too. I would try to make something based on different categories, such as genre, subject, passions and after the user adds more inormation like this, the website will be able to generate a few options for projects and essay ideas that will help the student get started.

Comment David

Tanuj253 commented 5 months ago

What would I do if i was given absolute freedom to code in class?

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

How would you measure success in your team?

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

What would i code to make something more productive?

varunm532 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given absolute freedom, I would be inclined to code a project that relates to math, especially calculus. I would create a math calculate based on different math concepts. I would have a login page so people can save certain problems, which would be stored in a database.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Something that would motivate me to be productive each day is to split the project in mini potions. I would make a goal to finish certain portions of code each day. This would motivate me because when I finish a part, I would be more encourage to work on the project more because parts of my code actually works.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure the success in my team by checking the progress of each individual portion of the project. The more consistent/on track we are, the more successful our team is.

What would you code to make something productive?

Something that I would code to make my productive is to limit my phone usage and also remind me of all the tasks that I have to do. The tasked would be randomly ordered so that I wouldn't get bored.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will maintain motivation by setting goal/checkpoint in my project. Completing these goals help me keep motivated.

Comment I really like the concept about F1. This is because I also follow F1 for majority of my life. This idea is really convenient because it would have commonly searched info in one location and it would also have a database for the info and a login system for the ticket buying.

Gurbop commented 5 months ago

Given absolute freedom I would code a sports game(like basketball) which is based on real-life player performances. Player's real-life stats will be created into a database the players in the game will be able to experience. For example, a more efficient performance from a player would mean a greater chance of them making a shot in the game. The purpose would be focused on databases and ai.

I would be motivated to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want because it will be about something I am interested in, and I will want to see a final project about it that will have improved since the beginning.

I would measure success in my team by completing tasks and making sure that they function as intended. If the steps and goals leading up to the final product are accomplished correctly then it will be a successful project.

Motivation can be maintained by making changes to the original plan when new innovations in the group arise. This way the project will continue to grow in a useful manner that will be unique and have an interested customer.

I like Tanuj's idea of creating an easy and interactive system where people can find opportunities and internships in one place. This idea will be beneficial to many people.

tuckergol commented 5 months ago

What would you code for your project? What are some ideas?

I am not entirely sure what I would code because of how big the range of potential ideas is due to the lack of creative boundaries. However, I think that something useful (would fulfill a need of some kind) yet interesting in my (and my group’s) eyes would obviously be best.

How would you stay motivated to work on the project?

Generally, despite procrastination’s frequent temptation, I find myself motivated to continue working on all school-related projects with the desire to help my future self. Simply breaking up work to be just a little progress one day at a time would help drastically, and I plan to implement that strategy as a primary form of motivation for this project.

Additionally, because Computer Science is a field I’m highly interested in pursuing, I want to ensure success as much as possible in this class through consistent and fulfilling work/final products. Doing this project well is key in demonstrating my ability as a programmer.

How would you measure success in your team?

Communication is a vital part of measuring success. I plan to connect with my teammates and ensure that we are all doing our parts to equally contribute to the project. We’d digitally track progress through reviewing commits in relation to ideation and planning.

Interesting comment (from Tanuj)

Tanuj's idea of some type of school work tracker is something I'm really interested in. The idea has a lot of potential use and I can really see a product like this being productive for my own life as a busy student. Aspects such as a calendar with maybe a reminding or organization system could provide a lot of convenience.

MEERIE commented 5 months ago

With absolute freedom in this class, I would develop a personalized learning platform that caters to individual learning styles to help users with their study habits. This platform offers tools and content based on user feedback and personalized data. It would feature a robust data backlog to track progress, content interaction, and user feedback, ensuring a tailored learning experience.

Key Features: Login Portal: Secure access for personalized experiences. Data Backlog: Store user activity, preferences, and task history for analysis.

Development Timeline: Weeks 1-2: Set up login and basic task management features. Weeks 3-4: Implement data backlog and begin analysis algorithms. Weeks 5-6: Develop intelligent suggestions and personalization features. Weeks 7-8: Refine features, conduct user testing, and deploy.

Measuring Success: User Engagement: Increased daily logins and task entries. Task Completion Rate: Higher rate of tasks marked as completed. User Feedback: Positive feedback on usability and feature effectiveness.

ak146 commented 5 months ago

Something that I would if I had absolute freedom in class would probably be to recreate a simple game like Chess

I would motivate myself by adding things that aren't in the original game. I would add things that I feel should already be in the game. I would see and learn about everything that goes behind even a simple game and use that to expand upon it and make something that I would find more entertaining.

In order to measure success I would split up my Ideas and projects into multiple goals.

If I were to code something productive, I would

Lincoln : It felt like you had a very good basis for a plan. You had an interesting idea that would also hold the interests of your teammates. It also sounds like you were already developing a good plan to assist you and your team in making your idea function.

Th35py27 commented 5 months ago

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I had absolute freedom to code an application of my interest, I would code something that benefits other people and people can also learn new things in the process. To be more specific I would use statistics and math in order to create something math related (maybe a game).

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

What would motivate me each day to code something I want is the determination to finish. In order to finish, I would need split the project up into portions and have a specific due date for each part. With this, I can combine everything together and complete the project.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure success in my team by how much each one of us learned. If we have learned something new and we have improved as coders, I would say consider it a success.

Replying to the comment:

I like the idea of creating a website in which people can share what they created. I think your measure of success is pretty cool and could work out very well when working in either a team or individually. I think setting goals per week or a certain time frame would be ideal.

VanceReynolds commented 5 months ago

If I were given absolute freedom to code whatever I wanted, I would program an automatic planner. I could put in some events or work, times, dates, and a review of how difficult the work might be, and have the program recommend work to me in set downtimes. This would serve to remind me to get the work done and make sure that priority work always gets done first.

I would retain my motivation because I know that the program could have a direct impact on myself and others that would positively influence them. I would know that my work is not just for a grade, it won't be a project lost and forgotten deep in a Google Drive folder next week, but it could have a lasting impact on my life.

I would measure the success of my program by how much more free time I have and how much my team and I believe the program impacted their workflow.

The program I just described already answers what I would make to make something more productive, having an algorithm determine the most important work to do at what times could make my workflow more productive and consistent.

LincolnC2008 commented 5 months ago

With total freedom, what application would you build? I would build a cool basketball video game with different characters to choose from that have different abilities. I would try to develop a multiplayer mode with a point scoring system and a time limit for each round. What would motivate you? What would motivate me is that I am building something that will be submitted to College Board, and I have to take it seriously. But I also would find it fun doing something that I came up with. How would you measure success? I would measure my success by planning out what we will do each week and reviewing at the end of each week to see what we have accomplished, I would also message why teammates in a group chat to check in periodically to see what they are working on. What would you code to make something productive? I would code AI into it for a possible P v E aspect. Create Link with someone else's comment. I liked Trevor's comment ( mainly because of how I am motivated in the same way as him where I am motivated because I will see my idea grow into a real thing each day.

lakshusan commented 5 months ago

If I had absolute freedom, I would code something that associates music notation on staff lines with output audio. Depending on what you click, it outputs a sound which allows you to create music. I would be motivated by being able to use my program after I finish making it. It combines a subject I am interested in, music. I also enjoy transcribing music which would allow me to explore multiple aspects of the subject. I would measure success in each piece of working code I develop contributing to the final product. People would mostly be motivated to use the product if they share similar interests or dabble in writing music.

To make learning lengthy proofs in math productive, I would code an AI tool that make a tool that allows people to look up any proof and be provided a template that they can use (that is eligible for collegeboard!!!!) If I had an efficient tool for organizing work like this, I would use it all the time to organize my progress and to-do for school and other things.

KaydenLe commented 5 months ago

If I was able to code anything that I wanted to in this class it would probably be

If I was given the freedom to create these I would only look forward to the outcome of how it would turn out. It we keep me motivated and productive because I would want to see how what could be the next social media platform or what would be a cool game to code such as a battle royale game. Of course if i did create those I would never be able to finish them because nothing is really ever done. But I would be motivated because I would want to know how I could improve those things. I would measure success in my team by creating a roadmap and set goals. I would maintain motivation because it something I want to do.

DavidL0914 commented 5 months ago

Given absolute freedom, what would I code?

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

How would you measure success in your team?

How will you maintain motivation?

Comments on someone else's comment:

What would you code to make something productive?

AkshayNagesh commented 5 months ago

Something that I would code if I had absolute freedom in this class would be

In terms of measuring success, I view it as twofold: firstly, the successful completion and functionality of the project itself, and secondly, the perfect synergy within my team, where everyone achieves their tasks effectively. Success, for me, is not just about the end product working as intended but also about how well we work together to bring our vision to life.

Comment for Saathvik Gampa

Your ideas, from a college ranking machine model to a flashcard app and a scheduling tool, are not only innovative but also deeply rooted in practicality, aiming to make a tangible difference in education and daily organization. The way you blend personal motivation with disciplined goal-setting is particularly inspiring, ensuring that each project is driven by both passion and structure. It's clear that your projects have the potential to positively impact a wide audience, reflecting a commendable dedication to using your coding skills for the greater good.

IshanCornick commented 5 months ago

Something that I would code if I had absolute freedom in class would probably be...

If I had complete freedom I would want to make a project that uses or does everything listed above. I want my thing to have something I am interested in (video games) while also having real life uses and would be helpful in situations. Also I would like that the project uses AI as AI is becoming very popular and is the future of tech.

I will get motivation from the idea of success of my project and its real use in life. The idea that my project will be uses by others and help other gives a lot of motivation and helps me want to complete the project.

Success would be my project working for its intent, include things I am interested in as well as things my teammates are interested in, and would be helpful in the real world. I feel the most key part other than it working is having an intent and purpose in the real world. There is no point in making a project if it can't be uses for real situations; from being a fun pass time to helping save lives, it should have a purpose.

I think also if the project is to do with something I enjoy or interested in I will be keep motivated longer as I am enjoying what I am making and wanting to see it done so that I myself can use it.

Review: Vance had similar motivations as we both want a project that will impact others and help others in the real world. The idea the project when done will effect others brings motivation to us both.

Flying-Book commented 5 months ago

If I was given absolute freedom to code what ever I wanted I would code...I would probably code a game. The game would have multiple levels and would be a free world game. I would like it if the game had real life environmental stimuli such as walking to move a character or some sort of movement sensing actuator.

If I was given freedom to code, I would stay motivated because whatever I am coding will align with my own passions. That way I will want to work on this in my free time and am actively engaged because I actually enjoy coding that particular project and am excited for the results of the code.

I would measure the success of my team by how well the team meets set goals. We would periodically set different goals and would try to meet these goals by the end of the period of time. For example, we could have agile methodology sprint runs and try to meet goals by the end of sprint run.

I would maintain motivation by giving each team member some creative freedom. We would have group meetings where everyone's input would be valued and self-sign up assignments so that everyone can work on something they are passionate or interested about. This will maintain motivation because people will genuinely enjoy coding what they are coding so they will stay more on task and event may complete work in free time.

If I had to code something productive I would probably code an app that helps me schedule my activities and track my assignments all in one place because I have really bad time management skills and this would help me everyday. It would use AI to categorize assignments based on how hard they are, how long they take, and come up with a schedule that will help me stay motivated based on prior focus levels and adaptation. I like the idea of creating a specific medical application which could help users. I wonder if the intended users you are targeting are medical professionals or regular clients. Do you have a specific issue that the application would address and how would you apply prior knowledge?

7mwang commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

What would motivate me?

I draw great motivation from the thought that I can create nearly anything if I put my time and work into it. It is kind of an egotistical thing, as I don't want to disappoint myself after I start to try to accomplish something new or difficult. I also just enjoy making small things, and learning different aspects of coding and programming through those small things.

My motivation could also come from my future, as I want to do computer science in the future. All these mini-projects could be added to a sort of portfolio for the future, and a proof of my learning and progression as a coder and programmer.

How would I measure success?

I would measure success by the amount of experience I gained. Maybe I didn't get to complete a project because of some reason, or I chose a project way too difficult for me, but if I gained experience and learned how to do more things doing my project, I would say it was successful in some way.

Especially in a sort of learning stage that I am in right now, I don't think its necessarily too important for every project to go to completion. I think it is more important that I am learning the ins and outs of coding, and the syntax of different languages.

How will I maintain motivation?

To maintain long-term motivation, I would think of my future, and how doing xyz project would help abc in my future. Though I enjoy doing small projects and take motivation from the enjoyment of doing it, sometimes, things get tiring, and I would have to think of something long-term to maintain my motivation when I don't '"feel like" working.

abdullahkhanani9 commented 5 months ago

Something I would do if I had full freedom in AP CSP would be

Motivation I would motivate myself by constantly reminding myself that this is my creation and that I can use anything I want for it. Another key motivational aspect for me would be my grade in this class. And lastly, my code would be my main motivation. My main goals using this motivation are to first make sure the project works, and second to make it above and beyond anyone's expectations.

Success I would measure success by working as a team and making sure that everyone accomplished what they wanted to accomplish. If I could make something productive for my classmates and teachers to use, I would make an AI tool that corrects code. Though this would take a massive amount of work, I would want to achieve this as it would be revolutionary.

Review Gurshan Something I found interesting about Gurshan's comment is the combination of sports and code. Using sports as an inspiration and a solid base for the application/website. I have a similar idea as listed above, and with using real player data and stats, the sports app could achieve major success

alaraipek commented 5 months ago

My Link: Vibha's Link: @vibha-yganji

I like your response, and your idea for coding freely is very creative, useful, and impactful for other people. What you mentioned about measuring success for the future and present is very clever, and I hope to implement your advice my projects as well.

Ashwinv93 commented 5 months ago

Ashwin Visvanath Period 2 CSP

"What would you code given absolute freedom?" If given full freedom to code anything, I would want to code a cool game that has enemies to defeat while running around. The enemies would just follow you until they are defeated, or the user dies.

"What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?" What would motivate me would be the idea of having a finished game for me and my friends to play. The game being very fun is a big priority for me, so I will be driven to keep adding more features until the game becomes fun.

"How would you measure success in your team?" I would measure success in the amount of effort put into the code, along with the actual amount of code and its functionality. This project will be self-driven so success could mean anything we wanted it to mean.

"In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?" I would tell my friends about the game so they would be consumers of the game. This would further motivate me to make the game not only for myself but for others to enjoy as well.

Ishans Cornicks Idea I liked Ishan's idea of using artificial intelligence within a video game. This could be used for my game idea since the enemies could be controlled by an AI which would make them more realistic and difficult to fight. His post

ad1tyad3sa1 commented 5 months ago

Aditya Desai Period 2

Some ideas that I would want to code given absolute freedom:

Motivation for programming:

Success in the team:

How will you maintain motivation?

What would you code to make something productive?

I would program an application that outlines a personalized schedule based on the events a user wants to accomplish in a day. It will help people who suffer from procrastinating and keep them accountable for their work helping them accomplish all their goals and keep them productive. Additionally, it would make people more motivated and achieve more of what they want.


Shuban's ideas for what he wanted to program and his motivation seemed very original and authentic. I would like to understand the way he would program his ideas and am interested in finding out what approach he would take.

Shuban's Comment

ArnavNadar commented 5 months ago

Given this freedom, I would try to make a project that I feel passionate about and that I am interested in. While I work on this project, I hope that I can learn more about computer science, and improve my skills as a programmer. I also want to discover new things while working on this project, and hopefully also learn a little more about databases and other programming languages. My motivation for this is that when I work on the project, I'm working on myself. This means that if I am not working it is affecting no one but myself.

To me success is defined by accomplishing all of the goals that I have set for myself, so in the relating context of this project, I would define success as both creating a project that functions and learn.

peytonl11098 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given absolute freedom to build an application I would code an AI system that allows the user to insert a text from a passage and helps annotate said passage. This would be helpful in the humanities classes, such as History and English because it would offer a different perspective on the material being studied and help speed up the learning process. It could also go in depth about unique vocabulary words, backgrounds of the author, context, etc. I would also code an interactive application that allows for collaborative work in a school setting. Something like Canvas, and it would give the teacher an option for group work if needed and would have more features, such as a group planner, or a quota that would need to be filled by each member of the group.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Something that would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code would be the visual progress being made each time I code and the ability to express myself freely, which is not often given in most classes. This would help me be productive as it is a unique opportunity and a privilege.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by first creating a team plan each week, and at the end of the week creating a team review of what we each accomplished relative to our goals. I would also measure success by the experience and skill that each member has gained relative to their initial skill.

What would you code to make something productive? Something I would code to make something productive would be a guiding planner to be used to help add structure to people's lives. This could include a limit on screen time, and a list of academic and extracurricular activities, and it could be something to add balance and guidance throughout daily life.

Comments on someone else's comment (Tanuj): I like the idea you have for the project. Making connections between students and necessary internships that enable them to pursue their passions further is an interesting idea that has the potential to excite and encourage a lot of students to reach their objectives. Your project idea appeals to me as well because it involves volunteers, which is something integral in our lives as aspiring students. Since it would be easier to obtain, I believe that many people would be motivated to increase their community service hours and lend a hand to others. I appreciate how you indicated that working as a team member would boost your motivation for the project.

Saaras859 commented 5 months ago

-Saaras If I could code anything I would code up a league of legends clone moba game that had better balancing and mechanical. To maintain motivation I would think about the current league of legends balance changes I would also think about how I could monetize the game with skins to make a ton of money My team would be succesful if we were able to convert 10% of the chinese league of legends population (7.5million) players and make it so that they were heavily engaged I think this is an interesting idea because it is similar to my game I think meetings is a questionable idea in regards to productivty I think using slack/discord would be more optimal.

-Eric I would code up a new chatgpt that doesn't have a filter and doesn't speak like a bot. To maintain motivation, I would think of the benefits of this that would bring to the society and how many students and teachers and underprivileged people this would help

My team would actually be successful if we were able to actually focus and cooperate efficiently, and we should also become more motivated. I think that having a specific goal in mind might not motivate you, but you do you. Also I like the user feedback, since that's part of collecting data for AI.

TimoA35 commented 5 months ago


I'd code something that could help people that are struck by war that done have access to internet. Hypothetically, it could be a computer system that would assist hospitals when cut off from internet or don't have access to certain technology.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Knowing that I could somehow help people in need, It would motivate me because I'd be helping these people which I'm passionate about

How would you measure success in your team?

I would show them the work that I'd be doing and show them directly by achieving some sort of statistic.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Similar to number 2, I'd be directly seeing the work I'm doing and It would motivate me

Akshay Comment

I love this idea because it would expand on current soccer, which already has a lot of fans so traffic to the website would be high. I also love the idea with AI tracking how players move and applying it because it's very realistic and something where AI could help. All in all, this is an enhanced ESPN.

Ishraqh1 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I had absolute freedom, then I would code a game about LeBron James playing pickup basketball. The game would enable you to shoot the ball like him, and also be able to dunk like he could. It would be a POV version, so you would literally be placed in the shoes of the gracious king himself, Lebron Raymone James. My king 🤴

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Inspired by the opportunity to design around a game based on my inspiration, I would commit many hours each day to working on Lebron James. I'm also an avid basketball player, so I would enjoy being able to create an artificial game around something I physically play very often.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure success by my ability to contribute to work on the team. If we're able to split workload from scrum master, AWS deployment, backend, and frontend and I'm able to successfully complete my part while also contributing to other sides then I will feel content.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would help code the frontend. I'm interested in how HTML code plays a role in frontend, and how I can help modify the display of the game.

jkaeshim commented 5 months ago

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? What I would code given absolute freedom, and the skill to do it, would be something like a cologne finder. What you would do is put the scents that you enjoy and a certain price range, and it would give a cologne or multiple colognes that best suit your requirements. Something that would motivate me to be productive is my addiction to buying colognes and how much I like them. I think measuring success in my team would be the grades we get when we present our work to the teacher and above a 92 is considered a success. I will maintain motivation by doing something that I enjoy doing, and by my want to get a good grade in this class.

What would you code to make something productive? An app or website that makes it easier for my code to take place.

I liked Ashwins idea because his idea of video games is very interesting and I also enjoy playing video games. Ashwin

HowieNguyen21 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was given free rein to code and think about whatever I want, I would most definitely want to code a fun game for my peers to try out and have it not be a crappy one. An in-depth game with graphics would take a while and would need a team, but it is something that I would eventually want to conquer.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Have a schedule and cooperative team, with motivations and meetings so we can all keep each other on track.

How would you measure success in your team? The success would be measured in milestones, such as first ideas, first running code, first everything, and then after that have updates around every week.

What would you code to make something productive? I could code a calendar that gives out notifications to everyone to update and talk in a chat to see what everyone is up to. Also can give dates and times.

Comment - What I liked about your comment was you had similar ideals to mine, but went more into depth about how the game could be made. We had the same idea to make an app with notifications which is fire and also finding motivation within yourself.

dino596 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If i were given the opportunity to program something with absolute freedom, I would want to study how artificial intelligence is created and potentially create and seek to improve a program that could artificially generate requests from users.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? If I had a specific goal in mind, I would motivate myself to be productive through the learning opportunities I receive from creating this project. Creating this project would also involve me improving existing code.

How would you measure success in your team? I could measure success based on the accuracy and efficiency of the machine, but most importantly, I would ask for user feedback in order to improve the accuracy and reputation of my program.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would assume that my project is useful, hopefully unique, and has interested consumers in my project.

David Lee's reply: I think his reply is very interesting, since he decided to choose a program that would volunteer and help others, opposed to everyone elses programs primarily benefitting themselves.

Arthur Liu

wl0503 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given the right to code with absolute freedom, I would code the application that serves as a database which gathers all the significant resources in studying for Ap exam. Resources such as team teaching we went over and khan academy might be used as tools in database.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? As long as I am given the freedom to code, there wouldn't be any motivation needed because the freedom to code what I want itself motivates me to work hard in the first place.

How would you measure success in your team? Getting grade higher than 95 is a standard to measure the success; although others may give negative opinions on the project that our team made, success is ultimately measured as good grade that teachers give.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would say that the way to maintain motivation is to keep on doing useful work after completing useful work.

William Lee

[feedback for peer, Taj] I like his application idea and mindset which he states, "staying determined to hit my goal" for the question that is asking how will you maintain motivation.

ellierozen commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given absolute freedom to code I would try to come up with something that has to do with water polo because it is something that I am passionate about. Water polo is a sport with a lot of rules and it can get confusing at times for people unfamiliar with the sport, so maybe an app that uses AI that can identify what a call means.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Something that would motivate me would be the ability to see my progress and the app or whatever form of code it is being brought to life.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by how much we have learned in creating our project. Just because the outcome may not be exactly what we envisioned doesn't mean that we were unsuccessful. If there was learning then I feel like our team was successful.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation through the fact that the project would be directly connected to something that I am interested about, so it will help me stay motivated.


AnanyaAsudani commented 5 months ago

A code that would give me absolute freedom was an interactive game that had access to things like art supplies or building blocks so I could build or create. I would be motivated to code every day if my code would allow me to make an impact. I would measure success by the ability to impact society. I will maintain motivation by emphasizing things I find important. I would code a code allowing for the detection of disease through gene analysis that can potentially indicate cures for diseases and disorders. Or I would conduct an experiment allowing for the creation of a health app that monitors mental health.

danielchoi2008 commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? I would most likely code a game that would be a "most popular password guesser." It would be like Wordle except it would show a whole display of the most common passwords between years. The game would give you hints with every guess to choose the correct password from that certain time period.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Being given constant suggestions to add to the game. E.G. what could I add to make my game better and more interactive?

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success by working together as a whole group and being productive to constantly keep working on the project to improve it.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would maintain motivation by promoting people to use more unique passwords to prevent data stealing or hackers.

sfremy commented 5 months ago

What would I code given absolute freedom? I'd like to continue my work with convolutional neural networks in the problem space of astrophysics. I used a rudimentary CNN to screen 1D time-series data from Kepler in search of exoplanets this year and I've seen interesting applications of CNNs by other workers in fields such as asteroid detection. With SDSS IV going on and the conclusion of DES, I'd be interested in applying image-recognition techniques to classifying the millions of stars and DSOs these surveys observed and scanning for anomalous objects.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? My coding projects will help my research career as well as my personal projects, which I spend all of my time on anyway. I don't find myself being distracted too often regardless, so I believe the progress I make should be enough motivation.

How would you measure success in your team? I'd keep track of team objectives through Issues and see if they have been met by the consensus deadline. Our grades from the teacher and student evaluators should also be reflective of our progress and abilities.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? My project proposals should be different enough from the usual fare to be unique, and they generally have (albeit niche) applications that should maintain motivation. If motivation fails to appear, the prospect of getting a bad grade should be a decent motivator.

Comment on Comment This is an interesting and useful proposal. I saw a limited application of this idea in last year's Regeneron STS finalist project from our school, which was an image-recognition algorithm used to identify congenital heart disorders.

KaiyuSugiyama commented 5 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? I would code an AI that would code that would create YouTube shorts with a video game on the bottom half.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Some motivation would be the views that I would be getting every day. I can receive the support and also make a lot of money in the process.

How would you measure success in your team? Start with a baseline and concrete goals. Create roles and responsibilities for each member. Monitor attendance.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would focus on small, meaningful wins and strive towards the challenging but reachable goal I created initially. That basketball game is a good idea. There are several other basketball games online, so I would make it different and unique such as adding powerups.