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Creative and Collaborative Culture, Ideation #78

Open jm1021 opened 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Fun in software engineering is when Project Teams have a collaborative culture. My favorite projects inside a company have been when the division is not accountable for Profit and Loss P&L, just responsible for building something to change the world. Education can create a lot of those creative elements, you learn freely, only accountability is to points/grade (or should I say indicators)

Creative, Collaborative, and Quality Culture

srivaidyas commented 6 months ago

Sri Vaidyanathan S

What would you code to give absolute freedom? I would code something like a disease identifier program, which uses any part of the body to identify any disease present and its immediate cure is given to the person. This code would analyze the person in its entirety and suggest possible changes to be made or possible cures to be given to any existing diseases or viruses.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? the thought of how my code can truly make a positive impact in people's lives gives me a sense of purpose. Knowing that what I'm working on could genuinely help and be valuable to others is probably what motivates me on a daily basis. It's not just about writing lines of code; it's about creating something that matters, something that can make someone's day a little better or their tasks a bit easier. The connection between my work and its potential to help real people is what motivates me to code the project and work on it every day.

How would you measure success in your team? Success in our team is measured by meeting goals on time and ensuring collaboration among team members, all while delivering positive outcomes for users.

Comments on someone else's comment I really like the idea of the personalized study platform, this would really help many students. The planning done by the week shows how the timeline is done really well and the ways to measure success was detailed out pretty well!

Comment on Comment

beijanm commented 6 months ago

Beijan Moniza Period 4 CSP

"What would you code given absolute freedom?" If I was given complete freedom to code anything I would choose to make a game. Something like a platform game or anything like that.

"What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?" A leading motivational factor for me that would allow me to be productive day to day for my project would be the progress that I make and me seeing what I did in the process to eventually lead to the final product.

"How would you measure success in your team?" How I would personally measure success within my team would be by observing their effort and enthusiasm towards the project. If my team would be putting minimal effort and had little enthusiasm then it would not be as successful compared to if they were.

"In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?" I would be a lot more motivated working on a project that aligns with my interests. If the project is useful it would also motivate me to keep working on it being I would know that I am doing something useful with my time and possibly making something that someone will use.

Aditya Desai's comment: I like this idea of success because it talks about an indicator being collaboration which is very true. I think that this is the purpose of a team project, communicating and being able to make progress in a collaborative manner.

Deeskili commented 6 months ago

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?"

I would code a moba game that had an actually good ranked system, without a money system that completely monetizes the game. I would make the game actually skill based. I would make a better censoring system that stops banning players out of nowhere.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Every time I die in league of legends and lose ranked points I would be motivated to finish my game, to be able to finally play a good game.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team based on our ability to complete set projects by a set deadline. I would also send out surveys to the consumers and ask them of how good our game is.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation based on my wanting of a better moba game.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a calendar to keep me on track.

Tanuj: I liked his idea of making a site to help find internships, as I am also needing help with that. It would help students all accross the world and overall I think a site like that would be highly respected and liked.

AustinZhang1 commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I had absolute freedom, I would want to code an app that can track professional sports leagues and matches, as well as links to where to watch games. I would make an all in one sports center to track sports and the games played in each sport. It can also track player stats and make predictions for the outcomes of games.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I think that my love of sports would be the main motivation for the project. I would also be motivated by the freedom to do what I enjoy, rather than doing something that a teacher told me to do. I could treat this like a privilege where I get to express and code what I want to do.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by making a plan at the start of each week, and then I would compare what we accomplished with what we planned to do at the start of the week.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? When planning the project, I would be sure to make an idea that is useful and unique, and that we could potentially "sell" to consumers.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code an interactive calendar that could send notifications to my computer and phone to remind me of when I have stuff to do. It would also include a daily planner which has a task list and schedule maker.

David Lee's comment I really liked the idea that David had for his own project if he could code whatever he wanted. His program would make it easier for people to help or get help within our community and get people the assistance they need quicker.

Arushi-maker commented 6 months ago

What would I code given absolute freedom?

  1. An application that would be based around mental health and allow people to help grow through personalized advice.
  2. An application that allows people to safely and easily track their money and income.
  3. An application similar to LinkedIn, but for students

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

The thing that would motivate me to be productive is seeing impact on people around me who can use/experience something I have created. As well as having a good team working with me, with set goals.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure success by the experiences that each member has gained through the project, ensured through checkpoints and timelines to help guide the team.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Coding something that will have a broad audience and can be used by people in a unique way.

Comment Review: I like the idea of making an app about music because it is interesting. I also like the idea of success being measured individually and as a team, while checking off goals.

nikkihekmat commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I'd code an online journal that's personalized where I could record the books I read, record notes about them and other useful information, and rate them. I'd be able to take this site with me wherever I go so I could record books no matter the location.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Support from my teammates would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want. I'd know that I'd have a safety net to fall back on, and people that can help me problem solve when I face a challenge. Something else that would motivate me is actual passion for my project, as I'd be excited to keep working on it despite obstacles.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team as everyone comprehending information correctly and collaborating/supporting each other. A team that works will with each other and doesn't leave anyone behind has the potential to create so much.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a quick time zone calculator where you could insert a time and a translation is spit out from another zone. You could save information on when holidays or birthdays of your friends are happening in other countries so that you never miss an important date, no matter where you are in the world. I think this is productive because it allows you to store less information in your head, and you don't have to be frantic about keeping track when it's time to reach out to a special friend.

Comments on someone else's comment: Peyton's Comment I loved your project idea! I would definitely use a tool to help me annotate passages, especially when I don't have the time to do it myself; it's incredibly useful. I also admire the way you would measure the success of your team. It's very important to set team goals and build good collaboration to produce better results.

eunseolim123 commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was given absolute freedom I would code something using AI that organizes an individual's schedule and provides reminders throughout the day that keep the user on their feet. This can be related to school, work, exercise, diet, sleep, etc. It would also be able to work as a planner and have checklists that the user can organize.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? My motivation would come from seeing the progress I have made and keeping in mind the goal and endpoint I am striving for. I would also find the program helpful so the thought of providing help for myself and others would keep be motivated.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by setting specific goals and deadlines. Achieving these would be important but the number of individuals we help and the diversity of the audience we reach would also contribute to the measure of success.

How will you maintain motivation? I would come up with more aspects of the project along the way that would keep my interest and motivate me to expand further and keep going.

Comment: Bella's Comment I liked Bella's idea of making a program that incorporates mathematics as it seems realistic and useful. Her perspectives of measuring success were also very insightful and demonstrated proper work ethic and a team mindset.

AidanDelgado2 commented 6 months ago
  1. I would code something allowing people to access medical resources if they cannot afford it. This could help people especially those in developing countries if I implement a multi-language system to reach a broader audience.
  2. I would be motivated by my willingness to make a change in the world. There are too many people out there who do not have access to the same resources as us in our more developed country, and it could help a lot of those individuals.
  3. I would measure success in my team by setting up a rating system that people fill out if they desire after being helped by my program. Also, they could mention certain workers that they were fond of during their visit to the program. This way, a reward system could be set up to encourage hard work.
  4. I would code a reminder system that would remind me and my coworkers to lock in and get to work. Also, we could log the hours that we are working and whoever works the longest could get a promotion or pay raise to give them a goal in mind for motivation.
Harkirat47 commented 6 months ago

Given absolute freedom to code:

If I had complete freedom, I'd develop an AI system tailored for humanities students. Picture a tool that not only annotates passages but delves into historical contexts, author backgrounds, and breaks down unique vocabulary. It's like a helpful companion, making history and literature classes more engaging and personalized.

Motivation for daily productivity:

What keeps me going every day? Seeing my code bring ideas to life and having the freedom to express myself through it. It's like crafting a piece of art, but with lines of code. The satisfaction of creating something unique and truly mine is the driving force that keeps me productive.

Measuring success in a team:

Success in our team is akin to a collective journey. We plan our weekly goals, and at the end of the week, we reflect. Did we achieve our individual objectives? Did we acquire new skills? It's about progress, and each step forward is a success for us.

Maintaining motivation in a project:

In my coding project, I stay motivated by setting achievable goals, aligning my work routine with peak productivity times, and celebrating small wins. Staying connected to the project's purpose keeps me focused, while viewing challenges as learning opportunities contributes to both skill development and project success. Adjusting goals as needed allows for flexibility, and collaborating with a positive team enhances the overall experience.

Commenting on other people

This project idea reflects a keen understanding of the educational landscape, proposing an AI system tailored for humanities classes. The application's ability to annotate text passages offers a valuable tool for students studying subjects like History and English, providing a fresh perspective and expediting the learning process. The depth it could go into, exploring unique vocabulary, author backgrounds, and contextual details, demonstrates a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to enriching the educational experience. Overall, it's a commendable initiative that addresses practical needs in a dynamic and innovative way.

daniel-s-lee commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? With absolute freedom I would code a AI that could find an image or video on the internet.

What would motivate you to be productive every day given the freedom to code what you want? If I can see progress in what I'm trying to do everyday then I would be motivated to keep going because i know that my hard work is paying off.

How would you measure success in our team? If we are able to work hard and get all of what we are trying to do working and done on time.

How would you maintain motivation? By reminding my teamates that the end result would be worth the hard work and time we put into it. Little progress that we see veryday would help us stay motivated and help us see results everyday.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a messaging app that when you send a message it will cause the phone to buzz every 10 minutes until the person responds to the message or looks at the message so that if someone on the team is lacking you can make sure that they pick up the phone and help the team out.

Response to Arthur Liu: I think his response was interesting in the way he measured success. One way he measures it is through the feedback of others and what they say about the code or program. I agree with what he says because it's good to feel good about the things you did, but also good to know how much good it does for others.

katelync05 commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was given absolute freedom, I would create an AI program that will help me find products with good customer reviews and a good record. The program would provide me with negative and positive feedback that customers have given. I would create this program because I spend a long time deciding whether to buy things online because I'm unsure of its quality.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would be motivated to be protective each day if I had a good, collaborative team of friends working alongside me on the project. Also, keeping track of progress and seeing how we hit each milestone would motivate me.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by how much time we spend dedicated to the code. I would not measure it by progress because we might hit obstacles that will take longer to solve. However, as long as we are steadily spending time working on it I think we are pretty successful.

What would you code to make something productive? The code I would make when given absolute freedom is already productive. It is productive because it would help people find reliable products faster and quickly get an understanding of what customers are saying about the quality and effectiveness of products.

Sharon's Comment I like your project ideas. They seem very productive and I would definitely use the password program because I'm always forgetting. I agree with you that small goals are better. They make things seem more attainable which makes one more likely to achieve them.

DrishyaMody commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? I would create an AI that could access and update its database or a form of AI that provides immediate responses to kids' questions because my friends and I tend to struggle sometimes the nights before a test not knowing how to do a concept.

What would motivate you each day given the freedom to code whatever you want? Something that would motivate me to consistently give time to coding some things creating something that allows kids to ask questions publicly to teachers or even to AI. The development of AI would intrigue me because its creation would enhance people's efficiency.

How would you measure success in your team? In my team, I would measure success obviously by the number of commits but I believe it is also important to measure the importance of commits. Also ensuring that the team is efficient and that we cannot only set and complete a goal and if that happens we are successful but it would also be even more successful If we can go above and beyond our goals of innovation.

How would you maintain engagement in a program? I would try to spread the word about how it can be used and share my perspective on why it can be so useful and how it can not only benefit me but many many people outside of the school as well.

I like how you want your projects to connect to your own research. It shows that you have a clear end goal on what you want to achieve and how you want to help the society.

JoshThinh commented 6 months ago

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? If I could code given absolute freedom, I would code a AI that provides quick information about different types of games that would give tips on how to improve. This would be helpful because it provides quick guides for players that are in any stage of a game.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Something that would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want is to see the amount of progress on making this code. This would be motivating because I am able to code freely without a rubric and being able to make something that I am passionate about will further my motivation to finish the project.

How would you measure success in your team? We would measure our success by creating a plan of what to complete each week. By the end of the week we should have finished the things assigned which will then measure our success.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by thinking of the end result and how helpful it is to the people who need quick information on a certain game.

What would you code to make something productive? I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need. Something productive I would make is a AI that provides information on different things to invest in and a guide to invest your money. This app will also provide information or a plan for your future and what you would want in that future.

David Lee's comment

I like your project a lot. Being able to connect volunteers to non profit organizations can improve the amount of help needed for that organization and provide more productive help. The concept can really help a lot of people, students can benefit from this being able to find volunteer hours easier. It also helps those that the organization is helping providing more useful help which can expand the amount materials or assistance needed.

Taj-L-M commented 6 months ago

Taj Masum Period 4 Some ideas That I would want to code given absolute freedom:

A Program that can invest for you making your income without failure based on predictions.

Motivation for programming:

Gaining team-building skills Working to make something that will make a difference in society Gaining new opportunities

Success in the team:

Checking in with teammates to see if I am contributing the best I can and if there is anything more I can work on. Making sure I am ahead of schedule in all topics and understand everything my team members are working on to keep me accountable.

How will you maintain motivation?:

Staying determined to hit my goal

What would you code to make something more productive:?

Code a task manager app for efficient organization and productivity.

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given the right to code with absolute freedom, I would code the application that serves as a database which gathers all the significant resources in studying for Ap exam. Resources such as team teaching we went over and khan academy might be used as tools in database.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? As long as I am given the freedom to code, there wouldn't be any motivation needed because the freedom to code what I want itself motivates me to work hard in the first place.

How would you measure success in your team? Getting grade higher than 95 is a standard to measure the success; although others may give negative opinions on the project that our team made, success is ultimately measured as good grade that teachers give.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would say that the way to maintain motivation is to keep on doing useful work after completing useful work.

William Lee

I like the idea of absolute freedom I think it is creative and can be used in a positive aspect to better society.

PatrickHastings2 commented 6 months ago

As a Team, make your own 3 to 5 lines Team manifesto. Share it in your next Team review for extra 'indicators'.

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

A program that generates personalized cologne recommendations based on the users input

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

My motivation would be to create a finalized project, and have something to call my own.

How would you measure success in your team?

By everyone in the team providing brief progress reports.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will maintain motivation because it is something that I am genuinely interested in and it is something that I would use if it was offered to me.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment.

I like how your project provides immediate support, because it fixes the problem of having to wait for urgent information.

jntpham commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

What would you code to make something productive?

This idea can prove very helpful for literature that are not commonly analyzed because this type of resource can be found on sparknotes and coursehero for example. Compiling all of these resources into a single AI model that can analyze any passage is very powerful for school and a great study guide for reading/writing heavy classes or even academic articles, which require a lot of technical experience to comb through. I also like your idea of expanding canvas to a more business setting, such as listing tasks for students to complete, which increases student productivity and organizes class assignments better. Comment Here

JBaza12 commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If given absolute freedom, I would code a website allowing other people to code since many coding platforms are English-based. This would include interactive coding lessons written in the user's first language to allow them to understand and learn how to code. Also, I feel like I could hold Zoom meetings to help some users if I can to help them with any specific questions they may have or even provide them with some extra support.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want Seeing other kids eager to learn like myself motivates me to help them and try to allow them to accomplish their dreams. Seeing them be happy and learn more and more will push me more to try and help as many kids as I want to ensure that every little kid with a dream can accomplish their goals.

How would you measure success in your team? Measuring success in my team will be simple. If everyone in my group is working hard and getting things done, then I would count that as a win in my book. When I say working hard and completing work, they will each have a certain amount of work to complete by the end of the week and the goal is to not only finish that but go above and beyond to help their peers and complete more work if possible. To maintain motivation we will give out prizes to honorable members who have done a great job in the week.

What would you code to make something productive? Something I would code to make something or anything productive is AI. AI would help greatly since it can help users in any way possible. It is reliable and can complete many tasks. This would save money and time which could allow our team to focus on other things to further improve our website.

Ankit-177 commented 6 months ago

Programs I would like to code if I was given absolute freedom:

How would I maintain engagement and motivation with my projects?

How would I measure success in my team?

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Comments on another student's post I found Remy's idea to be very practical and applicable in today's world. With the growing hunt for exoplanets and celestial bodies such as asteroids, a program such as this could make the process more efficient, especially since a neural network is being used. His ideas about motivation and team success align with mine, as we both believe in deadlines and achieving good grades. Link to the comment: Remy's comment

sumedhaKl commented 6 months ago

Sumedha Kamaraju Period 4 Lopez (will maybe edit later)

  1. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given absolute freedom to code what I wanted, I would code a game that has a selection of unique features that users can choose from in order to customize the game based on their enjoyment. The users would have enough time and patience to experiment with the game to keep them happy.
  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would be motivated to be productive each day now that I have the freedom to code what I want by knowing that I am able to contribute to others' happiness. As long as I am able to keep me and others happy, I'll be willing to work since the game will only be for others' benefit.
  3. How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by going over projects with them and seeing how well we know the aspects of our projects. By seeing how we are able to complete projects, I'll be able to figure out how others will react and how successful our project will be. I will also work closely with them as much as possible in order to be able to put the best effort into our projects.
  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by constantly reminding my team about the benefits of the project and how much others' happiness will be affected. I will also check in with consumers to see what aspects of the projects keep them motivated to keep interest in them, so I'll know what else to add to the project.

78 (comment review)

pranavivak commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was given the absolute freedom to code, I would code a game website that has multiple different games inspired by the website CoolMathGames. Additionally, the opportunity to continuously learn and enhance my skills in the process would contribute to sustained motivation.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want The freedom to code what I am passionate about would be a powerful motivator. Knowing that I have the creative opportunity to bring my game website vision to life, and the potential to impact users positively, would drive my daily productivity. Additionally, the opportunity to continuously learn and enhance my skills in the process would contribute to sustained motivation.

How would you measure success in your team? Success in our team would be measured not only by the completion of projects but by the collective growth and satisfaction of each team member. Regular retrospectives, feedback loops, and the ability to adapt to challenges would be key indicators. Ultimately, success lies in a harmonious blend of individual achievements, collaborative accomplishments, and the positive impact our work has on end-users.

What would you code to make something productive? To create something productive, I would develop an application aimed at promoting sustainable habits. It could include game features like goal tracking for reducing carbon footprint, educational resources on eco-friendly practices, and a community platform for users to share tips. The productivity would be measured by the positive environmental impact and the number of users adopting sustainable lifestyles through the games.

responding to Katelyn's comment, I like the idea of your project because it is something almost everyone would be able to use. It can be hard to find good products with good reviews quickly. Having an AI platform that does this for us would be very useful.

SrijDude3416 commented 6 months ago

Srijan Atti Period 5: Lopez 1/8/2024

i.) Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

ii.) What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

iii.) How would you measure success in your team?

iv.) In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Comments on Shubhay:

shubhayy commented 6 months ago

If I could code anything I would code

To maintain motivation I would want to code completely freely and allow myself to code whenever and whatever as long as it meets some of the requirement. When coding things that I want to do it would keep more inclined to keep going and motivated. Coding anywhere and anytime I can code when I get those sudden bursts of motivation and coding being a flexible job makes it much easier.

To measure success in our team I would measure based off of reviews given by my teachers and peers. When having others review your code and ideas you get a very unbiased opinion and it really let's you know when you have faults or issues

I would code a automation system that allows people to simply automate things in their life without advanced robotics but instead basic switches, sensors and cords that are all wireless and can be simply block coded to do things like immediately opening the door when someone knocks, or a machine to grab a image of ur pantry whenever u feel hungry.

In response to Shubhan 78

I like the idea of a mobile app in swift on how u can implement computer vision. This is a topic that many people have not added to the mobile. field just yet.

willbartelt15 commented 6 months ago

1) “What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I could code anything I want I would create a game that would revolve around completing levels and increasing difficulty as you progress. I would add a ton of unique features and would have to brainstorm, but I would make a sort of level based game with a goal that the character is pushing towards.

2) What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I think that my progression would give me motivation because watching myself progress would help me want to get closer to finishing it. The more I get closer to it the more I feel like I need to finish it.

3) How would you measure success in your team?

I think that completing a section of code that actually works is a good way to measure success. If you can complete your work and turn a working part of code then that would be how to measure success.

4) In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I think this is similar to my other answer because as I continue to code and get closer to completing my code the more I would want to finish it. As I watch my code start to work it feels rewarding which will help me stay motivated. I would also make sure that whatever I am working on would be something that I want to make.

5) What would you code to make something productive?

I would code some sort of AI that can be used to provide meal plans and calories for a user. Last trimester we created a calorie calculator that supplied a meal plan so I would want to do something similar like providing specific meal plans and food options to a user who wants to lose, maintain, or gain weight. I'm commenting on Tanvi's. I think that creating some sort of program to hold you accountable is really cool. I like the idea of making something to help the user improve themselves

Tanvi-3 commented 6 months ago

Tanvi Pampati Period 5 Lopez

  1. What could you code given absolute freedom? I would like to code some sort of application or resource that would allow me to hold myself accountable. So some sort of to-do list type of formatted. If some type of point system was accompanied by the to do list, it would allow the resource be interactive and engaging. Something that I would also code is an AI resource that allows flashcards, sample test questions, and quizzes to be made based on a lecture or video taught in class.

  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would be motivated to be productive to work on anything i want to code because I would be able to use new tools that would make my lifestyle easier as these new resources contribute to new ways to navigate through my needs. Having an organized schedule and step by step format will allow myself to be held accountable and productive.

  3. How would you measure success in your team? Our progress would be able to measure success in my team because as we keep up with our work schedule and increasingly take responsibility with the features we respectively have. Success can also be measured as each member becomes satisfied with the project and its progress.

  4. What would you code to make something productive? Taking upon the challenge of working on new features and ideas can be motivating as we are trying new things that can provide benefits. Distributing the workload amongst are group can make our project be productive because we have an even workload and are less likely to feel overwhelmed.

Responding to Will's comment, I agree with the reasons how you'll continue to stay motivated because when you're responsible for something you are more motivated to complete it. I also think that what you want to code is cool and interesting because it would be a new aspect that we don't normally see.

Delta760 commented 6 months ago

Individual Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? Shubhay I find this idea very interesting, physics in itself is a hugely prominent field in our current time and the ability to predict events in quantum physics especially could be groundbreaking. I think that ai is the best way to accomplish something of this sort and this seems entirely in the realm of reason.

saiseahawks commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given absolute freedom I would code a fantasy football/betting predictor website to analyze information from current stats and check how teams/players are doing and either who you should start/bench in fantasy football or what your bets should be.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I would be motivated by building something I actually carry about and want to work on instead of just doing the project for the grade.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure success in my team by how much we are able to accomplish. I will also try to have fun because if we make each other miserable we won't be successful so we need to work together very well.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I would do something that maintains my interest. I would do this by working on a project that reflects my interests and hobbies. I will also make sure to have fun in my team so it doesn't feel like a bad working environment.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would probably make something that is not very similar to other popular websites on the internet so that we can bring change to the world.

Responding to nitinsandiego's comment. I like your idea because I haven't really seen anything much like it on the internet. I also like how it is very similar to mine where it takes current data and provides certain takes that can impact peoples views and decisions on a subject.

tarunja1ks commented 6 months ago

Tarun Jaikumar Period 5 Lopez i. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

I would like to code an application that can detect cars and other moving objects. This can be used in applications such as self-driving or autonomous driving. This can also be used in other applications such as alarm systems to detect robbers and other invaders in your house.

ii. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would be motivated by the application this can involve since I can use this in robotics competitions that I do such as FTC and this would be a cool project for that. I would be able to detect other moving robots to not crash into them or interfere with them and get penalties. I would be motivated by the awards that might come with this as it could help multiple robotics teams and other applications if this is open source.

iii. How would you measure success in your team? I would measure the success of my team by checking what parts of this project will be done and how far this application was able to spread. Deadlines would be extremely useful in this project as we would be able to finish each topic on time and hopefully without delays. If we do get delayed then we still have the next deadline so we will work a lot harder on the next part of the project.

iv. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will maintain motivation by imagining the advantages that this could produce but I could also have meetings with my team in fun places such as Teaspoon where I can obtain Boba or other food or drink places. This project seems unique and very useful to numerous customer bases as it is open to all people and can allow different communities such as alarm systems and robotics communities to utilize it and improve their technology.

In response to Sai, This project seems to be incredibly useful for fans of football as it would be an easy visual that allows many fans to increase the strength of their fantasy football team and this would also change betting within the NFL and make and lose people a lot of money. This topic seems to be very passionate and shows your passion for football and is also unique as I don't believe an application like that exists currently.

spooketti commented 6 months ago

Jonathan Liu Period 5

  1. Express “What would you code given absolute freedom?" If I were given absolute freedom to code I would want to work in programmable hardware. There are already projects out there like Arduino and Raspberry Pi that help these visions but I would like to be able to work on life-changing technology if I were given the chance. I am already trying to code things like this in the school robotics team, Team Optix 3749, with the WPILib API.

  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Assuming absolute freedom I would be motivated by making technology that actively helps me and it is similar to a concept I will refer to as the "Super Mario Effect" in which the motivation to work on something is given by starting and needing to complete it. In the same way, someone playing a game of Mario would likely be upset if they were forced to pause it halfway through, thinking nonstop about it until they have the chance to go back and finish.

  3. How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team through checkpoints. Every week or so I would check in on what our production looks like, and if it feels as though it is more conceptual than functional, then there would be a problem.

  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? The goal of maintaining motivation is to make something everyone actively has a passion for. I could create the world's most life-changing game of solitaire, but there's no value in that. If everyone on board (who would likely also not pass up the chance to create something life-changing) was passionate about what we were making, then we'd all be motivated.

  5. What would you code to make something productive? I think I would code something that voluntarily locks aspects of my computers such as games or websites from running/accessing them as one of my main problems is procrastinating with fun time wasters. In a certain way, I have taken back control by losing some of it as when something is "taken" away from me the fun's over and I usually have to get back to work. By voluntarily signing myself up to be blocked out of fun things until my work is done, I believe I will have created something productive.

In response to Hanlun I like your ideas of coding planners, AI, and creating projects that will develop your skills in computer science. I like your inspiration of becoming a better programmer that I think everyone can strive for.

In response to Srijan I really love your ideas of creating something to remind you of your responsibilities. I struggle a lot with procrastination and the ideas you provided are concepts I'd love to incorporate into my work.

Nathaniel633 commented 6 months ago

Nathan Obodovski Period 5 Lopez 1/8/24

As an individual

What would you code given absolute freedom?

If given absolute freedom, I would likely code my own operating system and use it for different hardware such as put it inside of new, modern electric cars.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Seeing my progress and the effect my production has on others would likely motivate me greatly when given all the freedom to code what I want.

How would you measure success in your team?

My team could meet at least once a week to discuss progress and where we are. If something isn't working for somebody, we can switch around roles just to see project progress and make sure everyone has a role and is committed to that role.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

To stay motivated for my project, I would love to code project that has some use for the lives of the common folk and see it be used for necessity rather than for leasure.

What would you code to make something productive?

To create something productive, I would love to code something that, as I mentioned previously, could be used to make people's lives easier, and thus, would be used more popularly.

When reviewing Daniel Choi (, I noticed that his project is very educational-based, teaching the player of his game the concerns of privacy regarding password choice, which I think is a very important thing to be taught.

advikg commented 6 months ago

Advik Garg P5 Lopez

If I had complete freedom to code whatever I wanted, there'd be a few things I'd love to do, including:

My main motivation would be the small successes in my goals, like getting one step closer to becoming a full-fledged website or application. I'd show other people my progress to get different opinions, and work hard with the goal in mind.

Success would be measured by charting progress on a timeline/schedule towards the final goal. Every project has differing parts, and the different team members would report progress on the timeline. This is easily achieved through tools like Github.

Tools that could make my life more productive would be better frameworks for creating software and building apps, tools for education and learning complex things, education on financial literacy and managing money, and applications to improve self care and support a healthy lifestyle.

Shuban I think that the use of a variety of coding languages is cool, and understanding the use of certain languages and frameworks for specific tasks is crucial. I respect wanting to expand out of web development but I also think that not all web development has to be very JS/HTML/CSS heavy, and many frameworks are built for people who don't like frontend developlment. A web page is a very accessible and versatile interface, and a lot of apps can be hosted in that way very easily. Definitely explore that more.

Aditi99b commented 6 months ago
  1. If I was given absolute freedom, I would code a website that helps other people learn about computer science and other subjects. I would make it interactive so that everyone can learn. I would also code a homework helper app. This would allow people to ask questions about their homework and get answers. It would be helpful and interactive.
  2. I would be motivated by the fact that by website can help someone in this world. It can impact someone positively and change their life. I'm not coding for myself, I'm coding to help other people for a greater cause. I would motivate myself to code every day by using a schedule and splitting the big project into smaller, more do-able parts. This not only makes it easy to do tasks but also makes the work more efficient.
  3. I would measure success in my team not by the grade we get but rather how much we learned in the process. Sometimes we would go in a live review and only half of the team actually knows what was happening. I believe it is important that all of the team members are on the same page and understand the code. Only then we are efficient as a team.
  4. I will maintain motivation by knowing my code is helping other people. It isn't just for myself, but for the betterment of others. I will make my code interactive and useful, which will motivate users to operate my app. I could also add incentives to make users come back.
  5. I would code a homework helper that helps students with their homework. It could also include features to help with time management and school related stress. In this way, the code is productive and useful.
  6. Aditi Bharadwaj - Period 5 Lopez
  8. I like her idea of AI flashcards. Her ideas are very useful and can be done, it is very creative and unique
RayyanDarugar commented 6 months ago
  1. What would I code given absolute freedom?

    • Given absolute freedom, what I want to code the most is a social platform and forum for High School club owners all around the US. I've been working on this project for a while and the goal would be to make a Reddit/LinkedIn/Tinder for high school clubs. It would help clubs create branches around he US for stronger impacts and college applications, as well as help clubs share resources and knowledge with use of a forum. I'm currently coding this on Wix for simplicity but it would be nice to code it completely myself and have full customizability.
  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want

    • What motivates me every day to work on the project is 2 fold - for one, I want to create something like this as I believe it could be a big project and boost my college applications quite a bit. The other side is that as a club owner and leader myself, it would genuinely help in a lot of ways to get contacts and learn new ways to do things like organization or fundraising. I believe it would be genuinely very useful and plan to have the beta released in full by the end of January.
  3. How would you measure success in your team?

    • Success in my team comes in two different metrics. It is both technical success and user-stats success. We will be technically successful when all features both look good and operate well. We will be user successful whenever we have multiple schools using the project along California, and later in other states as well. My goal is to get over 10 schools with around 100-200 members using it by the end of March.
  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

    • I'm motivated again by what I talked about earlier - this project is unique (I can't find any similar online), has interested consumers (I've done market research), and is useful as per my own goals.
  5. What would you code to make something productive?

    • This project is productive as it will help with both my college applications and with my current clubs that I'm already in.

Ian Wu

AdiBricks commented 6 months ago

Aditya Ramesh

As a Team, make your own 3 to 5 lines Team manifesto. Share it in your next Team review for extra 'indicators'.

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, What would you code given absolute freedom? Something I would like to create would probably be to make a video game site or a store site of some sort. I am really into business, so I would like to create a site where I could (theoretically) sell products. Another idea I would like to do would be to make a game site. There are a ton of those, but it still seems like a fun idea.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Extra time to know I can focus on another project. Most of the time, I have so many things going, that I just try to check the boxes and finish out my work. I think if I could properly allocate time by getting ahead of my assignments, I could be more motivated to work on it. Another thing I could do, would to be do something along the lines of what was in my first question.

How would you measure success in your team? At this point, I have learned that the best way to make sure our team is successful is to make sure (as scrum master) to get a note sheet and write down what we are doing on a weekly basis. Based on the master schedule for the course, I need to make sure my team is finishing things when they need to be, and constantly check that we are advancing as we go on.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would maintain motivation, as said before, by getting ahead of my assignments in order to let myself sink in to what I'm doing, plan, and get a good idea of what I want to do. Really immerse myself into what I am doing so I can do it well.

What would you code to make something productive? To make something more productive, I would make a task manager of some sort to keep track of events and time.

Ankit-177 I also think measuring the collaboration of the team to help get success. Constant and effective collaboration is a great indicator of how well the members of a team understand the concepts and it will result in success.

samhita-l commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? I would code an informational website about injury prevention in sports. The website would have interactive resources about sports medicine including quizzes, videos, and articles. I would also include a concussion detector that prompts users to complete a cognitive test when they first create an account, and after they think they may have got a concussion, they can take the test.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Completing checkpoints, so it doesn't feel like I'm nowhere near completing a huge project.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in our team by

How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by constantly checking in with teammates and

What would you code to make something productive? Temporarily deleting social media apps when work mode is turned on and redownloading once work mode is turned on.

avanthikadaita commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

What would you code to make something productive? Something productive I would code is a platform where people can learn languages as well as translate specific words to any language they are familiar with.

cliang1 commented 6 months ago

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review.

Cindy Liang Period 5

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

I think I would try to code a website for businesses, given that securing user information and transferring funds aren't a problem. it would be nice to try to make the website smoother for people using it, and having certain chat functions or information about products and users to automatically give the information users need without needing a lot of input from human supervisors. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? By having something to do and a purpose for the code, team members to work with, and try to start with the small features in order to stay motivated.

How would you measure success in your team? Through progress towards goals, and how efficiently we've reached milestones. We might measure success by lessons learned, how interested others might be in its functions, etc.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would stay in close contact with team members, and try to make a project that has use for the general public. Otherwise, we might be motivated by going out together and getting drinks to discuss how to improve our project when we feel like we aren't skilled enough to finish a certain feature.

What would you code to make something productive? We could code something to help healthcare and connect people without the necessary funds to be able to get the healthcare they need and pay back the fees when they can. A lot of people have complained about the costs of healthcare, and how ineffective medicare can be.

I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment.

I liked Tanvi's comment about holding herself accountable and setting goals to stay on task and helping others study with the use of AI and code.

will-w-cheng commented 6 months ago

William Cheng Period 5 Lopez

1) What would you code given absolute freedom?

2) What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

3) How would you measure success in my team?

4) What would you code to make something productive?

Hanlun li's comment

SriS126 commented 6 months ago

Sri Surapaneni P5

1. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was given absolute freedom to code, I would code a website or add-on to store all the values of different game items. I play a lot of different games and they all have unique or different items, which each are valued something. Some items are really rare and others are common, and a lot of games have a trading system where you can trade items. I play a lot of these games, and I always have to search up a website to see if I am doing a good trade or not. I would code a website with a list of many games, and each of the games are updated regularly and get data from an API. This could be valuable in trading games.

2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Something that would motivate me to be productive each day is the struggle of searching up websites and looking to see if some trades are good or not. I am always playing games in my free time and get annoyed when i have to minimize the tab and search up different game values. I could code an add-on to simply show to me while im in game, so this will motivate me as I am lazy to search up stuff while in a game.

3. How would you measure success in your team? I can measure success in my team by creating goals and seeing if they were met or not. If my team meets the checkpoints, then I will see that as success.

4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation because our project seems cool and will allow people to compete with code, as our project idea is giving a user a prompt and seeing if they can code it in time before another user or robot codes it.

5. What would you code to make something productive? Something I would code to make something productive is to make sure the code is unique and can help the internet and others.

YeongSu I like your idea on creating something that can generate perfect answers to questions asked. The idea is nice because a lot of us have to search up specific questions on the internet. Ur code will help the internet as it is basically a better ChatGPT.

monke7769 commented 6 months ago

Hayden Chen P5 Lopez

  1. What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I would try to create a daily planner. This would include features that rate tasks based on urgency, difficulty level, brainpower needed, importance, due date, and impact on the world. There would be a calendar/listing feature similar to that found on the Master Calendar on Github. Additionally, I would try to code an AI tool that represents each person's interests and helps them prioritize based on their current needs and goals. This would benefit both me and countless others in the world (assuming I could actually do it).

  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would motivate myself by considering that I am passionate about what I am coding, and slacking off delays the productivity program's finishing by even more. I would tell myself that once I finish the project, I will be satisfied by my little contribution to the world and how messy it is today.

  3. How would you measure success in your team? Success in my team should be measured by how well we brainstorm together to create our goals for the project. We should also set completion dates for the different parts so that we don't slack off, and help each other finish our parts. We should measure success by our number of effective commits.

  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by asking around if people are interested in the idea, and promising them access to the finished project as soon as it becomes available. I would also ensure that every one of our portions are equally distributed and make sure that goals are not too long-term, as goals too far away may be easily given up on.

  5. What would you code to make something productive? I would code an IAN AI to make everything more productive. This would take all of Ian's massive brainpower, condense it into one program, and put it on every site to assist with browsing. It would be even more powerful than ChatGPT.

A crossword AI sounds very interesting! Perhaps make a feature for the AI for the difficulty of the crossword using wordlists and word frequencies? I also believe that motivation within the team can be kept by tracking the number of commits for each person on github. This would increase productive competitiveness within the team and motivate people to finish their tasks earlier so they can grab more commits.

KinetekEnergy commented 6 months ago

P5 Deployment - Advik, Will, Yeongsu, Aashray

What would you code if you had absolute freedom?

Well if I were to be able to code anything, it would probably be related to artificial intelligence and machine learning with Python although that isn't really related to what we are doing right now. I am not sure how to integrate this in a web related way. The backend is mainly Python so it could run over there but I don't know what I would do with an AI.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

The thing that would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want would be a roadmap because that would allow me to set goals and keep track of achievements. This not only serves as a motivator, but it also works as a planning tool because I know what needs to be done next.

How would you measure success in your team?

Success could be measured by determining how far we are from a goal as well as how well we did something. For example, our success would be higher if we are closer to our goal (ex: building a blog website) as well as how well we did it (ex: building a blog website that's responsive and fast).

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Motivation can only be maintained if you feel the project has a good use or is appealing to you. Most of the time, you may work on something which is boring (ex: working for a company. you don't want to do an assignment but it's your job). Motivation also doesn't mean the project has to be useful but can be useless but still fun. On the other hand, if I'm getting money for what I'm doing... well... it seems that's my motivator :)

What would you code to make something productive?

Productive to me means doing something fast and well. However, a lot of tasks are boring and dumb so I would automate as much as possible. Anything that can be automated will be automated. Even small things such as opening my blinds in the morning and closing them at night. It doesn't do much but anything which can be automated (specifically dull, mindless tasks) will be.

I agree with making a project that would have an application in daily life. It is much more motivating to do something when the effects (hopefully beneficial) can be seen and especially if it affects you. I also said the same thing about measure success by creating a roadmap and having certain goals.

graceqo commented 6 months ago

“What would you code given absolute freedom? I would code a simple, fun party game that I could play with my friends.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? My friends and the fun we would have playing it.

How would you measure success in your team? Meeting milestones that we have set in place and having the project looking how we would like it to.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would be motivated by the final product idea and excited about the outcome. The project would be useful to me and I would get lots of play time out of it.

What would you code to make something productive? A planning app that makes more sense to me because I am really busy and I am always forgetting at least a few things I’ve been meant to do.

JasonGao76 commented 6 months ago


As a Team, make your own 3 to 5 lines Team manifesto. Share it in your next Team review for extra 'indicators'.


What would you code given absolute freedom?

  • If I had absolute freedom to code whatever I wanted, I would love to create a program related to chemistry where it can predict the products given any set of reactants and give tips or the rules for why it came up with those products. I love chemistry and there are so many rules to dictate what products are made, especially in organic chemistry. Having this program would be very useful in reviewing reactions and rules and fun to explore and predict new pathways. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?
  • I think a big motivator would be having a team that is also interested into the idea and willing to do work, so all of us could invest our passion into this and hold each other accountable to their work. Furthermore, having enough time to spend hours trialing-and-erroring and researching would also incentive me to make the best program I can. How would you measure success in your team?
  • I would measure success by the number of features they contribute to, how important that feature is, and how much time they invested into the team. I think if someone either contributed to many features, contributed to a key feature, and/or spent a lot of time in the project, they are a successful member. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?
  • I will maintain motivation by ensuring that the whole team is interested into the project theme and key features of the project by discussing various topics and ideas and then having a team vote to pick what to work on and compromising/combining features. Personally, I'll do my best to put in parts of my hobbies and interests into the project by contributing my ideas for the theme and features and working together. What would you code to make something productive?
  • I would code a time management program to list various tasks to do, have a scheduler to organize these tasks, and be able to label and sort for certain tasks. In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment.
  • Jonathan Liu's comment, link to comment:
  • Hardware looks interesting! I have always heard about these names like Raspberry Pi but never really looked too deep into them, but I know how ubiquitous they are. If you can help make an advancement in that technology, that would be very cool.
  • "Super Mario Effect", wow what a name! Honestly a valid effect though, the desire to complete a half-finished task is very strong and can help push you to complete this project.
  • Checkpoints is a good way to measure and check up on a team's progress, and I think that as long as the checkpoint is specific for what is done (maybe like code screenshots and demonstrations/showcases) and what needs to be done, you can bypass the issue of it being more conceptual than functional.
  • I had a similar answer! I think the best and easiest way is to just create a project everybody wants to work on and complete, so they will all contribute and be invested into it.
  • A program to lock certain parts of a computer does sound very useful in being more productive! Procrastination is something we've all done, thanks to so many games and other sites like YouTube and Reddit, so temporarily locking such sites or apps can definitely help productivity.
iwu78 commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

How would you measure success in your team?

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

What would you code to make something productive?

Comment Link I really like how this person expanded upon an existing interest he had, but talked about how he would improve upon it, and I find that good. Some of his responses to the questions, however, could have used more detail, but they seemed good.

anikapillaii commented 6 months ago

Given absolute freedom, I would code tools to help analyze environmental data and identify issues. For example, an app that uses satellite imagery to detect deforestation in real time. I'm passionate about leveraging technology to understand and protect the planet.

I'm motivated by the potential to create innovative solutions that genuinely make an impact. Seeing analyses provide actionable insights or lead to concrete conservation steps would keep me driven daily. My goal is coding tech that facilitates environmental progress.

To measure success, I'd look at how widely our tools are adopted by researchers, activists and policymakers. Quantifiable improvements linked to our work would also indicate we're on the right track. User feedback will be key.

To maintain motivation, I'd ensure we keep identifying meaningful problems to solve vs. "nice to have" features. Staying focused on real-world utility and iteration will keep me invested.

I'd code tools that synthesize environmental data into digestible insights, or automate monitoring tasks like species tracking. The goal is to maximize scientists' productivity and understanding.

ShakeSphereStuff commented 6 months ago

As a Team, make your own 3 to 5 lines Team manifesto. Share it in your next Team review for extra 'indicators'.

As an Individual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? I like something that gives me more freedom than just a program, and this is shown in my proposals and what I am doing. Pseudo code based programs and a Math solver for multiple inputs and now I'm working on a window editor. These allow the user customization for a unique product.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? How would you measure success in your team? In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

What would motivate me would be the ability to see the end goal. I think I need stages that I subdivide into little sections to see the progress and in some sense see the the success of my team. Along with this, we can see the usefulness of the project, if it shows the output each time.

What would you code to make something productive? I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need.

I like something similar to Math / Computer Science to both appeal to the APCSP graders and to me. I want to see something that I can either use or reuse to show the productivity of something. If i.e. we use a Game Engine, I would have the ability to learn embedding javascript into items.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment.

Comment from someone else, URL:

Other than some incomplete sentences, it seems very ambitious, both the scale of the project and all of the training data needed along with no explicitly said inputs or outputs with some problems

If product sold is the measure of the AI, does that protect against having the product free, or paying the user outright for the product, or misleading advertisement of the product and the result, and if the AI has control of the website, does that even have to be the product, would NSFW content be the images for the product

If their is you, being the training data or moderator along with number of products sold and with the cost being factored into the cost, would it hinder the AI, not allowing for the product to be at it's maximum

With these I feel there needs to be more detail towards the amount of depth needed towards the AI.

YeongsuKimm commented 6 months ago

Yeongsu Kim Period 5 Lopez comment: I think that your project is not only beneficial to the general population, but also it seems that you are very passionate about this project.

AdityaSamavedam commented 6 months ago


- What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given absolute freedom, I would code a remake of the first Mario Kart game using HTML/CSS/JavaScript

- What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? To motivate myself, I will play SNES Super Mario Kart on an emulator every day for 20 minutes, observe all the main features, and get an idea of what to do next. I will also regularly get feedback from teachers, friends, or even my dad.

- How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by looking at how much work we could accomplish in a given time, and its quality, and keep using them to improve.

- In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I am a passionate retro gamer and I am a big fan of Nintendo and its amazing games. Mario Kart is well-known to a lot of people, and I think that it is unique and customers will be interested. I will play a couple of Mario Kart games and keep getting ideas.

- What would you code to make something productive? I would make my website talking about my accomplishments and whatnot. It will be a good thing to show to colleges in my application.

Peer Review: Sai Talisetty I like the idea of having some fun to keep the team motivated, but I also feel that you shouldn't get too carried away in the fun or it will destroy the project. It is also a good idea to code something that will change the world. It is great that you want to code something about football because you are passionate about it.

RyanZLiu commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I was given absolute freedom, I would code a crossword puzzle maker. My site would allow you to choose the difficulty and size of the crossword puzzle so that users can choose a puzzle that fits their skill level or interests. My idea is mainly for entertainment. I could also code in a crossword generator AI so that users can create/customize their own crossword puzzles based on key words given to the AI

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Given the freedom to code whatever I want, I would be motivated to be productive each day by setting goals. I would create a plan of when I want to finish each part of my project and work and complete tasks based on that. I would also be motivated to finish this crossword puzzle generator as I could play it myself during my free time. Others with similar interests will also enjoy this site, motivating me further to produce this content.

How would you measure success in your team? Success in my team would be measured by how on track we are in terms of our goals calendar. If we are on track or even ahead of our schedule, then that means that we are making meaningful progress and are succeeding programming wise.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? As I said before, I will maintain motivation because I am interested in this project myself as I could definitely seen myself using it in the future. I would also maintain motivation with the goal schedule so that I can complete tasks on time.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a calendar where students can input their tasks/goals for each day and even each year. The calendar would constantly send the user notifications reminding them of their tasks for the day so that the user can be constantly reminded. The notifications would only stop sending once the task is marked complete so that the user has to actually finish the task before the annoying notifications stop. The goals would also be in notifications but instead would be sent out every two weeks. The calendar would make people more productive as it can organize people's tasks for the day and would send reminders so that the users will always have their tasks for the day stuck in their mind leading to them wanting to finish them.

Review Comment

I agree with you that I am only motivated to things which I have an interest in. Same with me, I find it hard to force myself to do something that I don't enjoy doing. Therefore, it would be a good idea to create a project that fits your interests so that the final result of the project can be higher quality and so that the creator of the project could be more motivated to add to the project and improve it.

SOoctosnake commented 6 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I might craft an advanced photo editing software. This tool would merge cutting-edge AI algorithms with user-friendly interfaces, empowering anyone to create stunning visual content effortlessly.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

The motivation to be productive each day would stem from the potential impact my work could have on improving people's daily lives. Knowing that the code I write could positively influence someone's routine, whether by enhancing efficiency, providing tools for mental well-being, aiding in education, or simplifying tasks, would be a significant driving force.

How would you measure success in your team?

For me, success isn't just about finishing tasks. It's also about what we learn while working together. Getting things done is important, but what really matters is how we gel as a team, the skills we pick up, and how we improve. Every task we complete is a win, but the teamwork and lessons we take away are the real measures of success for us.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I'd regularly emphasize how the project addresses real-world needs, stress its distinctive features, and highlight its potential audience's interest. Providing updates on progress, showcasing achievements, and involving students in decision-making would sustain their belief in the project's value and keep motivation high. Additionally, setting achievable milestones and celebrating accomplishments along the way reinforces their sense of contribution and the project's significance.

What would you code to make something productive?

A task management app—users can create, prioritize, and track tasks with features for deadlines, notifications, and collaboration. Boosts individual or team productivity by keeping everyone organized and goal-focused. I would like to incorporate AI to help companies make their teams better.

ninaadkiran commented 6 months ago

What would I could with absolute freedom

I would code some AI that can analyze videos and answer questions based on the video. It can access links such as YouTube links to get the video and answer questions.

Motivation for Productivity:

If I were to embark on creating an AI bot capable of video analysis and question answering, my motivation would stem from a passion for advancing technology in the realm of visual intelligence. The freedom to explore and innovate in this domain, coupled with the potential to contribute to cutting-edge developments, would serve as powerful motivators. Setting ambitious yet achievable goals, constantly seeking out challenges, and staying updated on the latest advancements in video analysis and AI would be key drivers for my daily productivity.

Measuring Success in a Team:

Success in a team dedicated to developing a video-analysis AI bot would hinge on a collaborative approach and a shared commitment to excellence. Regularly achieving milestones in the project, maintaining transparent communication channels, producing high-quality and efficient code, fostering a positive team culture, and embracing a culture of continuous improvement would collectively define our success. Periodic feedback sessions and a collective focus on common goals would be instrumental in ensuring the success of the team.

Maintaining Motivation in a Project:

In the context of building an AI bot for video analysis, sustaining motivation among team members would involve emphasizing the bot's real-world applications. Providing autonomy for creative exploration and problem-solving within the team, recognizing and celebrating achievements, and ensuring regular check-ins to address concerns and provide guidance would be crucial. Clearly articulating the purpose of the project, showcasing its uniqueness and impact, and allowing team members to contribute to its direction would maintain a high level of motivation.

Coding for Productivity:

When coding for the development of a video-analysis AI bot, the focus would be on creating a tool that efficiently addresses real-world challenges. Automating processes related to video analysis, enhancing the bot's ability to understand and interpret visual content, and optimizing workflows would be key areas of productivity. Contributing to open-source projects in the field, actively seeking opportunities for continuous learning, and developing features that have a tangible impact on the user's experience would be hallmarks of productive coding in this context.

Comment on comment

I agree a lot with you because I can not focus on things that I do not like. I think it is important to work on things you like to do because it can both be helpful and also be something you like. I think doing things you like helps create better results because you put your passion and overdo rather than code just because you have to code.

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