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Creative and Collaborative Culture, Ideation #78

Open jm1021 opened 9 months ago

jm1021 commented 9 months ago

Fun in software engineering is when Project Teams have a collaborative culture. My favorite projects inside a company have been when the division is not accountable for Profit and Loss P&L, just responsible for building something to change the world. Education can create a lot of those creative elements, you learn freely, only accountability is to points/grade (or should I say indicators)

Creative, Collaborative, and Quality Culture

RonitT1234 commented 9 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given complete absolute freedom I would design and code a really cool game that utilizes AI. Any non-playable characters dialogue in the game would be completely generated by AI while still being coherent english. The dialogue and complete freedom in the way you talk to the characters would affect the overall plot of the game.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I would motivate myself to be productive every single day given the freedom to code what I want by focusing on my end goal and that I need to work hard to get to a final, playable version of the game. I would also be motivated because the game would provide a fun and cool experience for anyone playing it.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure success in our team by setting frequent checkpoints and sub-goals. If we are meeting these checkpoints for the most part then that would be pretty successful. If not, something would need to be changed in order to find success.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I would maintain motivation by focusing my sights on the end goal and by recognizing each accomplished checkpoint.

What would you code to make something productive?

To make some productive, I would code a tool that assists you in your daily tasks that provides assistance to you. This would be productive as it has a useful purpose that can benefit many people.


I like his idea of creating a multiplayer mode for a game using AI. I also like how he goes further into detail about how he will periodically check in on his group through a group chat to make sure they are making solid progress.

devaSas1 commented 9 months ago

Deva Sasikumar Period 5: Lopez 1/8/2024

i.) Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given absolute freedom, I'd create a website to start up my online business, which is an agency. I want to make code that can instantly provide companies with a quote on how much the services cost. Once they approve, the website can send that company's details and their quote details to me where I can schedule a meeting with the company to discuss further details. I also would want to make an AI that can help track news data and make educated guess on what investment to buy or sell depending on the investors goal.

ii.) What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

If the end product has the potential to make me money, I'd drop everything and focus on the code project and nothing but the code project.

iii.) How would you measure success in your team?

I'd measure our team's success by setting and hitting clear goals to always know what needs to be done and where we stand in relation between time and completion.

iv.) In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

To keep everyone motivated on a coding project, I'd make sure the project feels practical and unique. I'd also find someone who's genuinely excited about using what we build. That way, we all see the real-world impact of our work and get that extra push to make it awesome.

Comment on Advik's post: Advik, I totally get where you're coming from. Having the freedom to work on projects that are both meaningful and exciting, like a visual AI or a personal portfolio site, sounds super rewarding. And you're right, celebrating those small wins really does keep the momentum going. Tracking progress is key, and tools like Github are game-changers for staying on track. Plus, I'm all for any tools that make learning easier or help manage life better. Keep at it, your ideas are spot-on!

AidanLau10 commented 9 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given absolute freedom, I would code an app that scrapes data off the internet. For example, if I want to figure out what the best stock to buy is, I would find the frequency that a stock is being bought/sold out. I’m not sure if there are apps like that out there, but I think if there were, they wouldn’t give you all the information because they want to hide secret information.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

What motivates me to be productive each day is seeing a tangible app. Being able to use the app for myself motivates me to keep coding and being productive. However, I think if I got to code whatever I wanted, it would help motivate me to keep working on it.

How would you measure success in your team?

I measure success in my team by communication. If people communicate their ideas and goals, then everybody can be on the same page and even grow the product by expanding the goals of the project-. If one team member isn’t on the same page, they should express their concerns to improve the app.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Of course, not everybody on a team has the same mind and ideas which is why it’s important to plan the project before actually coding it. As explained in the previous section, if not everybody is on the same page, then people start to become demotivated and stop working productively. Implementing a weekly or frequent review to gather opinions and thoughts on how the progress of the project is going helps to bring everyone together and think similarly. I feel like when people are on the same page as me, the project works smoothly and efficiently.

What would you code to make something productive?

To make something productive, I would code an app that gives you suggestions and ideas to do when you are feeling demotivated. Of course, there are apps that people could code like scheduler apps or task managers. However, there are apps like that already out there like Notion. What makes people not use them is that they are demotivated to even put in their schedule. An app that motivates people based on the type of person they are would help them start their work. It can be easy and simple like giving tips on what to do depending on how the person is feeling. I.e. If you are sad, go for a walk. If you are angry, exercise. If you are tired, take a 30-minute nap. If you are anxious, journal or meditate. Of course, the actions that people will do depending on their emotions will be different but the app should be user-inputted (except if the user wants default suggestions).


I like the idea of a cologne finder because it is trendy. I’m not sure but I don’t think there is an app that has a filter where users can input the smell and price range of cologne. I also like how you said an app that you would code to make something productive is something that makes coding easier. Maybe like vscode but an A.I. bot makes constant suggestions based on what you’re typing.

Jake Shim

Lin-cT commented 9 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given absolute freedom in coding, I would want to develop video game. The creative process involved in conceptualizing and implementing unique gameplay mechanics is inherently enjoyable for me, making it an ideal project.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

My motivation thrives on a clear understanding of my tasks and the availability of guidance. Having a mentor or knowledgeable figure to provide direction and insights significantly boosts my confidence and motivation. Additionally, cultivating a conducive work environment, accompanied by music and a well-structured plan, enhances my focus and determination in coding. Having a straightforward path definitely helps my focus.

How would you measure success in your team?

Success within a team is tied to the functionality of our code. Achieving the intended outcomes and ensuring that our code operates seamlessly will measure our success. Regular evaluations and feedback loops contribute to continuous improvement and success measurement.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

Sustaining motivation among team members involves aligning the project with our shared passions. A well-thought-out plan provides a roadmap, keeping everyone on the same page and fostering enthusiasm.

What would you code to make something productive?

To enhance productivity, I would consider creating an educational platform that facilitates free access to instructor responses for students' queries. This initiative aims to support struggling students who may face financial constraints, fostering a collaborative learning environment and making knowledge more accessible.

Comment Trevor's Comment

I think the idea of creating an A.I. catcher is great. Since we live in a time with such technology, we need to innovate to combat different types of cheating. Also, it would prevent others from being falsely accused of cheating when they in fact did not. It would be a win win in all situations.

isabellehp commented 9 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given absolute freedom in coding, I would love to engage in a project that aligns with my personal interests or challenge my skills. I would probably want to either program a website for students to use to maximize their productivity while doing school work, develop an online comfort game related to cooking, or create an app that designs outfits based on the clothing someone has in their closet.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? To stay productive, I would create a balance between structured planning and creativity. Having the freedom to choose projects that align with personal passions would also fuel my motivation. Additionally, setting realistic goals, breaking down tasks, and maintaining a supportive work environment would contribute to productivity.

How would you measure success in your team? Success in my team would be measured not only by the successful completion of projects but also by the overall satisfaction and growth of team members. These things come from a positivity, effective communication, and the ability to adapt to challenges as well as working on a project that all team members is passionate about.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? For maintaining motivation in a team project, we need to define the project's significance/value and audience. Knowing the project's purpose will allow u to share our passions and highlight potential real-world applications, which can boost motivation. Additionally, engaging a collaborative and supportive team environment, recognizing individual contributions, and encouraging creativity can increase enthusiasm. Receiving feedback regularly, being acknowledged for contributions, and designing a project the team is passionate about will help maintain motivation throughout the creative process.

Ellie's Comment I like how you chose a project about something you are passionate about and want to teach others about (water polo). I also definitely agree with how being able to see progress and watch your creation come to life is a big motivation in coding and just any project in general.

liangkyle08 commented 9 months ago

Kyle Liang P1

  1. What would you code given absolute freedom? If I had absolute freedom, I would want to code methods to store more information that I am exposed to everyday. (E.g. Sometimes I read a lot of books, but after two weeks I forget 99% of the content). Basically, I would want to create a "Second Brain" to help me store information and make connections betweent them. (And also making it user friendly)."
  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would make sure to have set goals (e.g. by using a calendar, todo list, etc.) so everyday I have bitesized goals to tackle and I don't become overwhelmed by the entire project.
  3. How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success by how often we meet our goals. (If we are meeting are goals, we are probably productive and focused.) However, we can't always match our expectations, so even if we miss a few deadlines, overtime we'll learn how much work we can handle at a time and get better and managing our tasks and time.
  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I would focus on short-term goals, as little milestones maintain motivation as one can see the progress. (One big milestone at the end doesn't show the small steps taken).

Reply I like Shuban's attitude about coding. At the end of the day, the value of your code will be from its ability to make an impact on others, and this is enough to keep motivation.

hanr12 commented 9 months ago

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I was given absolute coding freedom I would want to create a game that aligns with my interests gaming wise. Going more in depth, I would implement different game mechanics that seem to currently be popular such as first-person shooting, item collection/farming, as well as a playable story with your character of choosing.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

For me to stay productive I would create a storyboard as well as a well written plan that is structured in a way that explains the most important and least import aspects that need to be addressed for the game to work/succeed. I personally like to view things when they are in their physical state, so I think setting goals and planning using a white board or sticky notes that you see often is a good reminder to work towards that goal.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure the success of my team based on how we communicate to meet our goal. Effective communication helps with the amount of workflow, which then allows for smooth coordination within the project. The commitment we share towards a common goal gives us the motivation to move on towards that goal, which also fuels collaboration in team. Because of this collaboration, the team not only achieves its goal/objectives but also creates something worth remembering.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

For a team project, the team needs to have a clear set of plans that work towards a common goal. To keep everyone motivated about the project, I'd make sure we cooperate to create a clear purpose that displays benefits towards a certain topic. Even just by adding a bit of challenging objectives makes it more interesting when in the creative process for the team. Also, tying the project to someone who's interested in it makes it feel more important. To keep the motivation going as well, I'd check in regularly with my teammates, and celebrate the little wins.

Isabelle's comment

I like the idea of creating a productivity website that aligns with other people's interest. It's very beneficial for those who want a productive environment without having to look for one outside of one's own personal space. I personally would like to see this idea more often since it would help me and many other get work done while also feeling more comfortable and productive. Overall great idea!

Imaad08 commented 9 months ago

Imaad Muzaffer Period 1 Lopez

What would I code given absolute freedom?

What would motivate me every day to continue every day?

How would I measure success in my team?

What would I code to make something more productive?

Response to Nitin's comment

Akhil353 commented 9 months ago


Akhil Singamneni CSP Period 1 (Mr. Lopez)

  1. Given absolute freedom, I would code a project that could help me in day-to-day life. This would help me both learn how to code better and it would be applied to a real-world scenario. I would also try to code something that uses data from images, as I am very interested in learning how data from images is used.

  2. I would be motivated to work/code every day if I could code something that is both interesting and challenging. This would encourage me to have fun and collaborate to solve difficult coding problems. For example, learning new algorithms can help me become a better coder and it can also serve as a tough challenge for me.

  3. I would measure success in our team by seeing the progress/amount of work done per week that helps us reach a certain goal. This measurement of success is based on the amount of effort put in, which can be used to see if the team is working consistently or not.

  4. I will maintain motivation by having a unique project idea that everyone enjoys. This can be done by creating a project that is very interactive to users and also interesting to the team members. This can also be done by tackling interesting concepts such as dealing with different types of data and using different algorithms to create new features.

Response to Shuban's answer

Overall, I agree with Shuban that tackling different concepts such as creating an AI is very interesting and could keep a team interested and give them a challenge in the coding part. However, I disagree with him when he says that HTML and JS is irrelevant, as creating a website can also be interesting.

sergi1207 commented 9 months ago

Sergi Serpukhovitinov CSP Period 2 Mortensen

Something that I would code if I had absolute freedom in class would probably be...

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I would motivate myself because I know that all of these ideas could truly be helpful to others and be useful. For example, people who want to get a 4 or higher on a specific AP exam would find it very helpful to have a FREE website to use to study. Knowing that I will be constantly assisting people and helping them become successful will truly motivate me to improve my projects and perfect them. In addition, a program for translating languages would help people worldwide, whether it’s people trying to understand a piece of a foreign language or a piece of code. There are many immigrants in our modern world, and helping them overcome those struggles to understand or speak a language will motivate me because I will be helping people of different skill sets, issues, and goals and I will have a big impact on them which is why that will keep me motivated to build up on my projects and keep improving them for others since giving always feels better than receiving.

How would you measure success in your team? To measure success I will make sure I stay on track with a plan I make. I will have a plan and I will follow it, I can always improvise knowing that something can turn out bad or good. However, at the end of the day, success will be measured by the amount of people helped through an option that the website will contain. Completing all of our goals and making our users happy is the primary goal of all my projects.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will maintain motivation by always pushing my limits and knowing that I am trying my best to help others, to stay motivated I will always have a supportive team that will make sure everyone including myself stays on task.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a program that manages a person’s goals met throughout the day, as well as a notification system letting the person know what homework is due and when so the person can stay organized and minimize procrastination. This code is not only gonna manage times and schedule important dates but will also provide screen time and advise a healthier lifestyle if needed.

I think your platform is a great idea because it will help people in need. It’s a great organization since many people love helping and volunteering. In addition, I would maybe add college/high school credits from volunteering since it’s truly a great act of kindness that would help out. I like how you’re thinking about others, especially helping the world, you have a great mindset and a good motivation, I think if you truly believe in yourself and do something you might truly achieve it one day, especially if you follow your milestones!

Priya0726 commented 9 months ago

Priya Suvarnagiri Period 4

What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom I would create a collaborative daily calendar/[planner that helps organize a high school plan, or college plan. I would make it mostly based on user-input, but also use various APIs that have schedules that help high school students prepare for college, and college applications. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Being able to take my time, and make something that interests me, will motivate me to be more productive each day. It gives me more enthusiasm, knowing that what I'm coding is fun, and includes creativity in design. How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in our team by looking at the output of our project, as well as how much we learned throughout the project. I think that success is represented by our understanding of the topic that we were later able to implement into making our project better. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by looking at how far we have come by testing out the project multiple times, as well as think about how close we are to finishing and just having to use it and make it better. What would you code to make something productive? I would create an educational collaborative program that helps the helps students get tutoring using the help of previously made video lessons. I would also include various exercise sheets to practice the lesson taught, as well as include a grader that will immediately reply back with feedback regarding the users answers/input.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment. Nikki's Comment

I really like your idea on what you would code given complete freedom! I think its very personalized and easy to understand. I think that I would really like to have a tool like this, where I can easy personalize the pages I make.

AaronH1234 commented 9 months ago

Yuyang Hsu Period 1 Lopez

What would you code given absolute freedom? If given absolute freedom, I would want to code some programs for self-driving cars to make them safer. Car accidents happen commonly in the United States, Having safe self-driving cars can make drivers safe and decrease car accidents that happen in the U.S.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? The safety of the environment and the reward after I've done something that can help the world motivate me to be productive each day.

How would you measure success in your team? I will set up some plans and goals for our team to complete. I will communicate with our team members, we will learn from each other, and help each other with different problems. I think the success of a team is to communicate with each other.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain success in our team by showing them the importance of the safety of the car. I will also check the progress that is done every week, and also give my team time to rest.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a program that can check how much everyone has done or do they finished the work they should done. I will also have a program that can tell my team to give their eyes a rest.

Jason's comment Overall, I like your idea about a program that can help you organize, it will make your life easier. I like how you will cooperate with your teammates while doing the coding.

AnvayYadav commented 9 months ago

Anvay Yadav Period 1 Lopez

What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I was presented with the opportunity to code anything that I want, I would code a website that helps determine what majors are suitable for a high school student, implement a feature that shows recommended colleges based on their resume. I would do so, since many teenagers are unsure about what to pursue in their future, and a website that will assist them in this would help a lot and be extremely successful.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Something that would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want is the vision in my head of the end product. When struggling with constant errors and feeling demotivated in general, just thinking about how my website will be useful for many would provide me with the motivation I need. Also, visualizing a good looking website with a beautiful user interface and unique and creative features would give me the extra push to try my hardest. Lastly, I would be motivated thinking about how much more experience I'm getting in coding throughout the creation of the project, which would help motivate me a lot.

How would you measure success in your team?

Firstly I would draft a manifesto and make a detailed plan for the entire team. To measure success I will make sure I stay on track with a plan I make. I will have a plan and I will follow it, I can always improvise knowing that something can turn out bad or good. However, at the end of the day, success will be measured by the amount of people helped through an option that the website will contain. Alongside this our success could alternatively be measured by how on track we were with our plan and any new creative features designed during the process of making the website.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will maintain motivation by having a unique project idea that everyone enjoys. This can be done by creating a project that is very interactive to users and also interesting to the team members. This can also be done by working on interesting concepts such as dealing with different types of data. I'll also ensure that I'm surrounded by an extremely supportive team that'll help me when I don't feel like working.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would code a very interactive, customizable, and effective online calendars system that will provide the user with notifications when they must start or work on something according to the activities listed out. Alongside this, the program might suggest how to possibly split up the person's activities throughout the span of the day.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment/blog. Make a link from your comment to their comment. Individual review

Shuban's comment

Overall, I think that Shuban brought up many important points in his comment. For example I agree with Shuban that dealing with different concepts such as creating an AI is very interesting and could keep a team interested and give them a challenge. However, I disagree with him when he says that HTML and JS is irrelevant, as creating a website can also be interesting. Many people's goals are developing a website, and I believe that these languages can't just be simply disregarded as uninteresting.

JasonGuan1012 commented 9 months ago

Jason Guan Period 1

a. What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given absolute freedom to code, the first thing that would come to my mind is something that would help my daily work more efficiently. For instance, helping me organize, and generate a recommended plan for the day, etc...

b. What would motivate me every day to continue every day? The thing that would motivate me is the great feeling of accomplishment after completing a difficult project. Although the process may be difficult, the thought of the satisfaction after completing a difficult task will make me more motivated.

c. How would you measure success in your team? The answer might be various, but in my thoughts, success is not just finishing the tasks from the course, but having good teamwork and learning more stuff from your group. Yes, finishing the task is a success already, but finishing the task while you also learn how to cooperate with your teammates and learn new knowledge from your teammates is more successful.

d. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? Creating a collaborative environment where students can work together, share ideas, and benefit from diverse perspectives. Collaboration can create a better motivation by creating a sense of community and shared purpose.

e. What would you code to make something productive? I would code a program that helps us organize our daily tasks in this course because, after days and days, the course gets harder and more complicated. So I think a program that helps us stay on track is necessary.

Comment: Aaron H I like your ideas about creating a program that helps your teammates to check the work and progress in your team.

rliao569 commented 9 months ago

Ryan Liao Period 1

What would you code given absolute freedom? If I could code anything given absolute freedom, I would most likely code a program that tracks the economy and updates me about the newest stocks and companies that have an upwards trend.

What would motivate me every day to continue every day? I would be motivated to finish a project if there is valuable knowledge to be earned throughout the learning journey, and if the end result is productive and something to be proud about. It also helps if the project aligns with my personal interests, because I'll typically think more about the project if it does, and as a result it will be more refined.

How would you measure success in your team? I would check on progress weekly and see if we are on track. I would consider success to be either at or past the weekly expectation. We would further measure success by sharing our progress with friends and family, and possibly make prototypes to show the public and obtain criticism from them as well.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? In order for me to maintain motivation, I would need to work on a project that not only I am interested, but also would be productive. Similarly to what I said earlier, if the project is fun and there's a lot to learn, I would be happy to work on the project daily.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a program that could help AI understand out requests better. AI is a rapidly growing field, and any further developments could possibly maximize our productivity as a society.

Comment: Jason, I like your idea to make a program or app that helps you stay on track. Nowadays it's challenging to stay focused due to how many distractions we have in this modern day.

Taj-L-M commented 8 months ago

Taj Masum Period 4

What would you code given absolute freedom? I would code game logic if I could code anything given absolute freedom. This is due to my video game passion and interest in being a game developer as you have thought about how video games can operate such complicated functions. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I would be motivated to finish a project like this if there is a polished working product to test or sell for profit. It would also be cool to make a good game with thousands of lines of code. Something that could pique others' interest that would make me motivated. How would you measure success in your team? I would check on progress weekly and see if we are on track. I would consider success to be either at or past the weekly expectation. We would further measure success by sharing our progress with friends and family, and possibly make prototypes to show the public and obtain criticism from them as well. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by expecting a cool result. There is a process before the product and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. What would you code to make something productive? I would create an educational collaborative program that helps students get scholarships using the help of previous offers. I would also include various exercise sheets to practice the lesson taught, as well as include a grader who will immediately reply with feedback regarding the user's answers/input.

Comment: Yuyang

I like the idea of making self-driving car software it seems nice and would help society in the future.