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Student Teaching Part 2 + Key Indicators #92

Open jm1021 opened 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Follow guidelines in Canvas, post table as follows...

P2, Jane Doe, Happy New Year

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet        
Routing and Computing        
Beneficial and Harmful Effects        
Digital Divide        
Computing Bias        
Legal Ethical Concerns        
Safe Computing        
CB Quiz        
Totals Median Score: Number complete: Extra effort count: Key tangible assets count:
lakshusan commented 6 months ago

Period 2, Lakshanya Sankaran *Most indicators are google forms, but blog is linked regardless

Lesson Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.83 Nandan N/A (Kahoot) Blog GH File Commit
Routing and Computing 1.00 Dante Had to read more about parallel and distributed computing Blog GH File Commit
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.88 Sharon N/A Blog GH File Commit
Digital Divide 0.95 Abdullah Read through Stanford article and watched CB video Blog GH File Commit
Computing Bias 1.00 N/A Did extra research past provided resources and CB video, finding examples Blog GH File Commit
Crowdsourcing 1.00 Saathvik Thought of other examples of crowdsourcing ex. Netflix popular film recommendations Blog GH File Commit
Undecided Problems 0.91 Bella Somewhat hard to understand so I found the Khan Academy articles and lesson Blog GH File Commit
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.92 Tanuj Did CB test corrections with help from this lesson Blog GH File Commit
Safe Computing 0.92 Andrew Did CB test corrections with help from this lesson Blog GH File Commit
CB Quiz 1.94/2.00, 60/67 N/A Corrections in 5-min blog Blog GH File Commit
Totals Median Score: 0.92/1 Number Complete: 10/10 Extra Effort Count: 8/10 Key Tangible Assets Count: 10/10
SrijDude3416 commented 6 months ago

Srijan Atti Period 5 Lopez

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet NA NA NA We created the lesson
Routing and Computing 1 Jonathan None Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.95 Jason Provided detailed paragraph answers regarding each question. Thoroughly considered numerous perspectives to compose points of view regarding the questions posed and their repercussions. Blog
Digital Divide 1 Sai Completed extra credit in a few sentences after doing extra research regarding the current issues that we face regarding the digital divide. Blog
Computing Bias 0.95 Tanvi I once again completed all homework questions with thorough paragraph length answers that took into account numerous perspectives, ensuring that the answers were accurate and made sense. Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.98 Samhita I wrote extremely, extremely thorough responses regarding the given examples using prior knowledge as well as research to write quality responses. I also completed the bonus task of finding a database on Kaggle that would be helpful for the CPT project idea we had. Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.98 Cindy None Blog
Safe Computing 0.98 Advik Completed the bonus programming challenge of creating a program that checks passwords against an online wordlist and basic security recommendations to respond with a boolean answer of whether or not the password is safe. Blog
CB Quiz 62/67 NA Not Graded Yet Blog Post Went through each question and corrected the question, answered why it was wrong, and understood the correct answer despite not having to since I scored a 62. Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.98 Number complete: 8/8 Extra effort count: 6/8 Key tangible assets count: 8/8
alaraipek commented 6 months ago

Alara Ipek, P2

| | Score | Grader Verification | Extras | Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Undecided Problems | 0.78 | Justin | Completed reflection and google form on time | [Utterance Reflection]( The Internet | 0.9  | Nandan V  | Reviewed Team Teach Before Kahoot  | [Key Commit (File)]( Routing and Computing | 0.93  | Dante A  | Reviewed CollegeBoard Videos and Team Teach  | Google Form Beneficial and Harmful Effects | 0.95  | Sharon K  | Reviewed team teach and thoroughly replied to Google form  | [Key Commit (File)]( Digital Divide |  0.84 | Alisha H | Read [Stanford Article]( | [Google Form (Closed)]( Computing Bias | 0.93  | Lakshanya S | Reviewed CollegeBoard Videos  | [Popcorn Hacks]( Crowdsourcing | 1  | Nitin B  | Considered examples for crowdsourcing and included in [quiz response]( | [Key Commit (File)]( Legal Ethical Concerns |  0.93 | Tucker G  | Used CollegeBoard and prior course material to teach topic  | [Team Teach (File)]( Safe Computing | 0.88  | Andrew K | Reviewed [Team Teach](, Watched CB Videos, answered Popcorn Hacks | Google Form (Closed) CB Quiz | 1.79  | CollegeBoard | Test Corrections and Blog | [Blog]( Totals | Median Score: 0.93 | Number complete: 8/8 | Extra effort count: 8/8 | Key tangible assets count: 8/8
AidanLau10 commented 6 months ago

Aidan Lau Period 1 Mr. Lopez

Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits

The Internet


Aidan Lau

Watched College Board videos to learn topic. Searched up TCP/IP models online and watched YouTube videos to better understand topic. Thinking about the CPT project, data can be gathered and transferred throughout the internet by internet protocols.

The Internet
Routing and Computing 0.98/1 Ryan Liao Searched up different Python libraries that enable parallel computing. Utilized Figma to create Fault Tolerant designs. For CPT project, we'll plan and ideate by creating diagrams. Routing and Computing
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.92/1 Imaad Muzaffer Reflected on my usage of social media platforms and if they are beneficial are harmful. Started using Tik Tok to educate myself on different topics. Beneficial and Harmful Effects
Digital Divide 0.93/1 Eshaan Kumar Searched up on Google ways people help underdeveloped countries. Maybe the CPT project can help compare data of people with less advanced technology compared to people with access to technology. Digital Divide
Computing Bias 0.98/1 Isabelle Park Searched up different ways that computing bias is used in programming. I found out that facial recognition software tends to show bias to lighter-skinned people because more lighter-skinned people were used to train the data model. Especially since the data that is gathered from the logins are from CSP students, the data will be skewed than gathering data from adults on a FaceBook. Computing Bias
Crowdsourcing 0.95/1 Anthony Yoo Thought about how I could use crowdsourcing for our next individual login project. Maybe I could display all the people who logged into my website. Crowdsourcing is also a very cheap and directed way to gather data in a reasonable amount of time. Also, crowdsourcing will be used in the CPT project to gather logins from students in the school. Crowdsourcing
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.9/1 Jayden Chen Searched up different Creative Commons licenses that creators use to limit access to their work. Reflected on times when I had to cite work for images I used on the internet. For the CPT project and the AP exam, it is important to credit authors that created code that is used.
Safe Computing 1/1 Christina Zhou Started being conscious of spreading my data around the internet. For example, I shouldn't let apps like Tik Tok or untrusted apps access my data. For the CPT project, it is important to add JWT tokens to secure data and limit the users that access the website.
Undecidable Problems 0.98/1 Akhil Singamneni College Board MC helped me to understand halting and undecidable problems. Basically, if the program may continuously run forever, then there is no solution and it is undecidable and halting. For CPT project, there may be algoritms run that may not give an output. For example, an algorithm that is supposed to return a JSOn output may run forever and won't run correctly. Undecidable Problems
CB Quiz 62/67 1.95/2 Mr. Lopez Reviewed student teach topics before taking the quiz to better understand the content. After the quiz, I searched up questions I got wrong in order to understand why I got it wrong and why the correct answer is correct. Github
Totals Median Score:0.98/1 Number complete:8 Extra effort count:10/10 Key tangible assets count:10
abdullahkhanani9 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.92 Torin W Blog
Routing and Computing 0.55 Dante Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.55 Sharon blog
Digital Divide 1 N/A none
Computing Bias 0.85 Trevor Huang blog
Crowdsourcing 0.9 Nitin blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.95 Tanuj blog
Safe Computing 0.95 Kayden Le blog
CB Quiz 43/67 (score N/A due to GitHub pages issues) Collegeboard [my reflection]( )
Totals 8/9 (issues w github pages for CB quiz) Median Score: 0.91 Number complete: 8/9
Lin-cT commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.96/1 Ryan L. Looked for sources outside of the lesson, such as College Board and people around me, like my dad, who is a software engineer, and friends in the class. Blog
Routing and Computing 1/1 Sri S. Reviewed the TeamTeach over again and also did my own research outside of the lesson. Again, looked to College Board for the lesson. I also watched a YouTube video on how routing works. Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Bias 0.92/1 Jason G. Read some outside articles on the topic of how technology can be harmful and also useful. Blog
Digital Divide 0.97/1 Aditya R., Sai T. Read some articles on how the digital divide is caused and how to prevent the gap from widening. Did some more research on third-world countries and why the digital divide is so great in these areas. Blog
Computing Bias 0.97/1 Tanvi P. Did a deeper dive into racial and gender bias concerning computing bias through articles online. Looked a little bit into the College Board module. Blog
Crowdsourcing (Our Teamteach) N/A Samhita Did research for the TeamTeach using College Board and outside resources like YouTube and articles online. Blog
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.82/1 Cindy Liang Researched a little bit on the different licenses for software projects, as well as copyright, creative commons, and even a little into patents. Also asked people around for help, such as my dad who has patented code and has also been involved in issues regarding copyright, a little bit about how code can be used. Blog
Safe Computing 0.87/1 Advik G. Did a little bit more research on how to be safer online by reading articles. Looked a little bit into the College Board unit. Blog
College Board Quiz 65/67 Mr. Lopez/ College Board Reviewed Trimester 1's TeamTeaches with my dad, as well as some of the more software-oriented TeamTeaches in Trimester 2 with my dad. Looked and reviewed some of the more software-oriented College Board CSP units to refresh my memory. Reflection
Totals: Median Score: .938/1 Number Complete: 9 Extra Effort Count: 9/9 Tangible Count: 9/9
sharonkodali commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.8/1 Nandan V Review of Team Teach N/A (Online Kahoot)
Undecided Problems 0.93/1 Justin Review team teach MC and FRQ
Routing and Computing 0.85/1 Dante A Review of Team Teach and talking with team Google Form
Digital Divide 0.85 Sergi Read Standford articles about the Digital Divide and review team teach Review ticket
Computing Bias 0.93 Trevor H Watch Collegeboard video My answer is at the bottom of the page
Crowdsourcing 0.9 Nitin Balaji Collegeboard video to learn topic Google form
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.94 Tanuj Re-Review of Team Teach and Research on a type of license My response to Google Form
Safe Computing 0.94 Kayden Le Re-Review of Team Teach and talking with team on Topic Blog
CB Quiz 1.82 Mr.Mortenson Blog, Test Corrections, studying before hand and researching My Blog on 2020 College Board AP CSP Quiz
Totals: Median score: 0.93/1 Number Complete: 9/10
trevorhuang1 commented 6 months ago

Trevor Huang Period 2

Category Score, Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
Undecided Problems 1/1 - Justin Form, Popcorn hacks
The Internet 1/1 - Nandan Popcorn hacks
Routing and Computing 0.85/1 - Lincoln I got a question wrong on the form regarding fault tolerance, so I watched the college board video myself to get a better idea of it Popcorn hacks
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.95 - Sharon I got curious and decided to look deeper into the effects of dopamine on wellbeing. Did you know that internet addiction (constant dopamine) can literally shrink the brains grey and white matter? Popcorn hacks
Digital Divide 0.97/1 - Sergi Popcorn hacks
Computing Bias 1/1 - This was our team teach I did research outside of college board on the types of computing bias. I read a related Khan Academy article to better understand the topic. Popcorn hacks
Crowdsourcing 1/1 - Saathvik Popcorn hacks
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.92/1 - Tanuj After the lesson, I decided to research into other licenses and changed my repository from the MIT license to the Apache 2.0 license because it has more indepth limits of liabilities License, Popcorn hacks
Safe Computing 0.94/1 - Andrew Kim I watched a Khan Academy video to better understand symmetric and asymmetric encryption Popcorn hacks,
CB Quiz 62/67, 1.96/2 - Mr. Mortensen Review
Totals: Median Score: 0.97/1 Number complete: 10/10 Number of extra effort: 5/10
vidhaganji commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s), and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93/1 Aidan L was unsure about concept of bandwidth, so I watched several related Khan Academy videos as well as additional supplements on YouTube that aided my understanding of what bandwidth was link to blog
Routing and Computing N/A N/A watched several YouTube videos regarding distributed systems which furthered my knowledge regarding tolerant networks as well as allowing me to learn more about real-life implications of them link to blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.92/1 Tarun T Since I missed the team teach, I researched relevant articles myself and asked people I knew in the class about the topic link to blog
Digital Divide N/A N/A researched into ways how existing digital divides based off socioeconomic classes can be mended via universal internet access and improved infrastructure link to blog
Computing Bias N/A Vidha Ganji I revised our team teach, and I watched several videos on how generative AI models can have computing bias inherently built into them team teach
Crowdsourcing N/A N/A missed this team teach as well, and I had to do research into various crowdsourcing projects that had been done in the past and I looked into clinical related ones in particular to see how public health issues in the past have been helped with crowdsourcing link to blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 1/1 Jayden Chen Found this topic very interesting, so I read up on several more regulations regarding confidential data as well as recent relevant legislature Link to blog
Safe Computing 0.7/1 Abby A missed this team teach as well and researched into what "personally identifiable" data was in order to complete homework--reviewed team teach myself and watched College Board daily videos regarding these concepts link to blog
CB Quiz 58/67 Mr. Lopez as I mentioned in my reflection, I rewatched Daily Videos for topics I got incorrect, reinforcing learning and allowing me to unlearn mistakes link to reflection
Undecidable Problems N/A N/A I researched further into mechanisms that could be used to counteract the halting problem as well as watched youtube videos about this issue, as I found the topic very interesting link to blog
Totals Median Score: 0.93/1 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 10/10 Key tangible assets count: 10/10
jplip commented 6 months ago
P2, Justin Liporada   Score Grader Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.8/1.0 Nandan Kahoot with timer so studied for around 20 minutes Blog
Routing and Computing 0.93/1.0 Dante Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.85/1.0 Sharon Blog
Digital Divide 0.96/1.0 Sergi Blog
Computing Bias 0.94/1.0 Trevor Blog
Crowdsourcing 1/1.0 Nitin Blog
Undecided Problems 1/1.0 Mr. Mortensen Our team teach Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.92/1.0 Tanujsai Blog
Safe Computing 0.98/1.0 Kayden Blog
CB Quiz 62/67, 1.92/2.0 Mr. Mortensen Made a review with test corrections Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.94 Number complete: 10/10 Extra effort count: 3 Key tangible assets count: 10

Flying-Book commented 6 months ago
Anusha Khobare Period 2 CSP   Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.92 Nandan Review Team Teach/Hacks, Additional Research - Khan Academy Blog, Kahoot (now closed but scored 92% (graded on accuracy))
Routing and Computing 0.93 Dante Review Team Teach/Hacks, Extra Review on Fault Tolerance b/c weak point Blog, Google Form
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.94 Sharon Review Team Teach/Hacks + Since 5 single-select with reading passage about a computing innovation... Score 5/6 Blog Utterance Comment, Google Form Closed
Digital Divide 0.75 Sergi Review Team Teach/Hacks, College Board Video, Khan Academy (Score 75%) Blog, Form Closed
Computing Bias 0.95 Trevor Review Team Teach/Hacks,Deeper dive in criminal law + hiring bias which was mentioned briefly in notebook Blog, Utterance Comment
Crowdsourcing 0.90 Nitin Review Team Teach/Hacks,Basic Research,Crowdsourcing product design,Cons of Crowdsourcing Blog, Form Closed
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.92 Tucker Review Team Teach/Hacks,Types of Licenses Blog, Google Form (Questions visible but answer doc not released)
Undecided Problems 1.00 Justin Research to Create Lesson, Vizualization Proof for Halting Problem for Conceptulization, Definitions My Team Teach, Google Form
Safe Computing 0.92 Kayden Review Team Teach/Hacks,more on phishing, More on Strong Passwords, Most Common Passwords List Blog, Google Form
CB Quiz 1.98 Mr.Mortenson Review Test Corrections + Reflection, Look at online MC questions based on questions missed Test Corrections Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.92 Number complete:10/10 Extra effort count: 10 Key tangible assets count: 10
tarasehdave commented 6 months ago
P2, Tara Sehdave, Happy New Year   Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 1/1  Nandan V  Watched the college board videos to ensure understanding of questions. AI help.  NA (Kahoot) Key Commit
Routing and Computing 1/1  Dante A  Used college board to help respond to questions.  Google Form Key Commit
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1/1  Sharon K   Did external research to add more information to presentation.  My own team teach
Digital Divide 0.93/1   Alisha H  Went over the Stanford article and the college board videos.   Google Form
Undecided Problems 0.91/1 Justin L Utilized team teach information and collegeboard. AI help. Google Form Key Commit
Computing Bias 0.55/1*   Lakshanya S  Used college board and AI to answer clarifying questions.   Utterance Comment Key Commit
Crowdsourcing 1/1  Nitin B   Asked questions to other students and reviewed team teach.   Google Form Key Commit
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.93 Tanuj  Referred to team teach, college board, and AI for questions.   Google Form Key Commit
Safe Computing 0.92/1   Kayden L  Used Google, AI, and team teach to assist my responses.   Google Form
CB Quiz 58/67 and 1.3/2 Mr. Mortensen  Looked at my last trimester college board quiz corrections. Utilized team teach blogs from all periods to optimize information.  Blog Reflection
Totals Median Score: 0.93/1 Number complete: 10 Extra effort count: 9 Key tangible assets count: 7
advikg commented 6 months ago
Advik Garg P5 Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.96 Ryan L Got a couple things wrong, separate google research to fix. Blog
Routing and Computing 1.00 Sri S Utterance Comment
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.94 Jason G Researched bias in different things historically on youtube Blog
Digital Divide 0.95 Aditya R + Sai T Blog
Computing Bias 0.95 Tanvi P Collegeboard video Blog
Crowdsourcing 1 Samhita L Collegeboard video Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.96 Cindy L Blog
Safe Computing N/A Advik Own Team Teach Blog
CB Quiz 62/67 CB Studied topic related to questions I got wrong, practice questions Blog
Undecided Problem
Totals Median Score: 0.96 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 5/9 Key tangible assets count: 8/9
varunm532 commented 6 months ago

Varun Per2

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet  0.93  Mr. Mortensen Watched college board videos   My team's team teach :
Routing and Computing  1  Dante  Google form
Beneficial and Harmful Effects  0.92 Sharon    Google forms + Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Digital Divide 0.96  Alisha  Read stanford article and collage board   Google forms + Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Computing Bias 0.92  Lakshanya  researched to complete homework  Google forms + Utterance summary + hacks:
Crowdsourcing  0.9 Nitin  researched about public dataset because I didn't understand it   Google forms +Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9   Tanuj Used Ai for more info about the topic and research about the MIT licence   Google forms + Utterance summary + popcorn hacks:
Safe Computing  0.92 Kayden     Google forms +
CB Quiz   (52/67)1.82 Mr. Mortensen    Reviewed team teaches about the questions I got wrong  reflection + test correction:
  Undecided problems 0.91   Justin I researched about the topic more on khan academy and youtube and College Board video   Google forms +
Totals Median Score:0.92 Number complete: 10.10 Extra effort count: 7/10 Key tangible assets count:10/10
RayyanDarugar commented 6 months ago

Period 5, Rayyan Darugar, Happy New Year!

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.95/1 Ryan Liu Link to with lesson and homework
Routing and Computing 1/1 Sri S Completed all of homework and reviewed for CB MCQ, did extra research into topic after for personal reasons Link to with lesson and homework
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .98/1 Jason/Me Went into high depth on AI uses and functions in society Link to with lesson and homework, Link to GitHub comment with self-grading
Digital Divide .97/1 Aditya R Link to with lesson and homework
Computing Bias 0.9/1 Tanvi P Link to with lesson and homework
Crowdsourcing 1/1 Samhita L Link to with lesson and homework
Legal and Ethical Concerns .96/1 Cindy Liang Completed all of homework and reviewed for CB MCQ, did well thought out EC Link to with lesson and homework
Safe Computing .91/1 Yeongsu Completed all of homework and reviewed for CB MCQ, effectively coded password checker Link to with lesson and homework
CB Quiz 63/67 = 0.94/1 Mr. Lopez Went in depth on what I needed to improve and which questions gave me trouble Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz
Totals Median Score: 0.96/1 Number Complete: 9 Extra Effort Count: 5 Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9
spooketti commented 6 months ago

My Review Ticket for Team Teaches

Jonathan Liu P5 Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.98 Ryan L Made a mistake interpreting an ASCII problem and went back to learn about it Blog
Routing and Computing N/A Jonathan Liu This is my teams lesson Our Own Team Teach
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9 Jason G Answers could be longer so I evaluated how I could do better for next time Blog
Digital Divide 1 Aditya R + Sai T All answers correct, but I looked through CollegeBoard afterward Blog
Computing Bias 0.98 Tanvi P Answers could be longer, so I read more on bias so I could make more strong answers for next time Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.93 Samhita L Answers were thorough, but I rewatched the CollegeBoard video to be safe Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.98 Cindy L Extra credit answered Blog
Safe Computing 0.95 Advik Completed a bonus Blog
CB Quiz 56/67 CollegeBoard If I got anything wrong I went back and learned about it so I'd be prepared for the actual exam Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.94 Completed: 9/9 Extra effort count: 9/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
AnvayYadav commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.97 Tanav K Watched College Board videos to learn topic. Searched up TCP/IP models online and watched YouTube videos to better understand topic. Thought of interesting and thought provoking homework/popcorn hack questions. GroupLesson
Routing and Computing 0.96 Ryan Liao Searched up different Python libraries that enable parallel computing. For CPT project, we'll plan and ideate by creating diagrams. Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.94 Imaad Muzaffer Reflected on my usage of social media platforms and if they are beneficial for me or not. Blog
Digital Divide 0.93 Eshaan Kumar Searched up on Google ways people help underdeveloped countries. This problem seemed like a really big one, so thought of possible ways a solution can be developed to reduce the gap present. Blog
Computing Bias 0.97 Isabelle Park Searched up different ways that computing bias is used in programming. I found out that facial recognition software tends to show bias to lighter-skinned people because more lighter-skinned people were used to train the data model. Thought about how Netflix has computing bias present. Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.93 Anthony Yoo For next project I could display all the people who logged into my website. Crowdsourcing is very cheap and directed way to gather data, important data that can be used to draw conclusions/learn something. Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Jayden Chen Searched up different Creative Commons licenses that creators use to limit access to their work. Thought about why plagiarism is so bad, and that stealing someone's IP can strip them off of profits they earned. Google Form, Got 100%
Safe Computing 1 Christina Zhou Started being conscious of spreading my data around the internet. For example, I shouldn't let shady apps have access to important data that I don't want to be shared. Google Form, Got 100%
Undecideable Problems 0.9 Akhil Singamneni College Board MC helped me to understand halting and undecidable problems. Basically, if the program may continuously run forever, then there is no solution and it is undecidable and halting. Blog
CB Quiz 60/67 Mr. Lopez Reviewed student teach topics before taking the quiz to better understand the content. After the quiz, I searched up questions I got wrong in order to understand why I got it wrong and why the correct answer is correct. Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.94 Number complete: 10/10 Extra effort count: 10/10 Key tangible assets count: 10/10
KaydenLe commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 1.00 Nandan V How does the Internet work Blog
Routing and Computing 1.00 Dante A Sequential vs Parallel Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1.00 Ameer Dangers Blog
Digital Divide 0.95 Sergi How to counter Digital Divide Blog
Computing Bias 0.91 Trevor H Stanford Blog
Crowdsourcing 1.00 Saathvik G UCSD crowdsourcing Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.93 Tanuj Concerns in AI Blog
Safe Computing 1.00 Me Safe Computing My Lesson
CB Quiz 63/67, 1.30/2.00 Mortenson Made corrections and revised materials with notes My Blog
Undecided Problem 0.79 Justin Khan Academy Blog
Totals Median Score: 1.00 Number complete: 10/10 Extra effort count: 10/10 Key tangible assets count: 10/10
ArnavNadar commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 1/1 (we did this team teach) Collegeboard Videos Team Teach ipynb
Routing and Computing 0.93/1 Dante Atanassov Reviewed Team Teach and went over confusing material google form
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.55/1 Sharon Kodali   google form
Digital Divide 0.95/1 Alisha Hussain Did some research on the influence on digital divide google form
Computing Bias 0.9/1 Trevor Huang Reviewed the diagrams Response on the team teach blog
Crowdsourcing 0.9/1 Nitin Balaji   google form
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.89/1 Tanujsai google form
Safe Computing 0.9/1 Kayden Le   google form
Undeciadable Problems 0.8/1  Justin Liporada   google form
CB Quiz 51/67 Mr.Mortensen Went over my mistakes
Totals Median Score: 0.9 Number complete: 9 Extra effort count: 4 Key tangible assets count: 10
hanlunli commented 6 months ago
Period 2: Hanlun Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.83 Nandan link
Routing and Computing 0.93 Dante link
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.55 Sharon I looked into apps like Forest that help with distraction due to tech link
Digital Divide 0.94 Abdullah read the standford article on digital divide to educate myself better link
Computing Bias 1 link
Crowdsourcing 1 Saathvik looked into platforms that will help with crowdsourcing, in case our project needs it link link
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.96 Tanuj link
Safe Computing 0.93 Andrew looked into ways to keep myself safe online, such as accessing websites through a VM, and making more secure passwords, and using vpns link
CB Quiz 1.3/2 link
Undecided Problems 0.7 Bella link
Totals Median Score: 0.94/1 Number Complete: 9 Extra effort count: 4/10 Key tangible assets count:
isabellehp commented 6 months ago
P1, Isabelle Park Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Aidan L Commit, Blog
Routing and Computing 0.96 Ryan L Watched CB Videos and explored more online about this topic Commit, Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.93 Tarun T Commit, Blog
Digital Divide 0.9 Eshaan K Commit, Blog
Computing Bias 1.00 My lesson Watched CB videos to create lesson Commit, Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.95 Anthony Y Researched real world projects that use crowdsourcing/citizen science Commit, Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.95 Jayden C Watched CB Videos Commit, Blog, Kahoot HW
Safe Computing 1.00 Abby A Watched CB videos Commit, Blog, Google Form HW
CB Quiz 57/67, 1.7/2 Mr. Lopez Reviewed team teaches, created blog to take notes while taking the quiz and completed my corrections Notes Commit Corrections Commit Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.95 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 6/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
Delta760 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.95/1 Ryan L. Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
Routing and Computing 0.95/1 Sri S. Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.91/1 (My team presented) N/A Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework, Link to GitHub comment with self-grading
Digital Divide 0.95/1 Sai T. Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
Computing Bias 0.85/1 Tanvi P. Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
Crowdsourcing 0.97/1 Samitha L. Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.9/1 Cindy L. Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
Safe Computing 0.88/1 Yeongsu Kim Lesson Study Link to with lesson and homework
CB Quiz 61/67 = 0.91/1 Mr. Mortinson None Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz
Totals Median Score: 0.91/1 Number Complete: 10/10 Extra Effort Count: 4/9 Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9
Deeskili commented 6 months ago

Cayden Shi Period 4 Lopez

Topic Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet (My own lesson) 1/1 Sri. S This was the lesson my team did Link
Routing and Computing 0.9/1 Nikki H Went over the team teach and college board problems Link
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .9/1 Kaiyu S Went over team teach lesson and watched the college board videos Link
Digital Divide .9/1 Ananya A, Arushi P Went over team teach and college board videos Link
Computing Bias .95/1 Jake Shim Used college board videos to better understand the topic Link
Crowdsourcing 1/1 Ankit P Used the lesson and college board videos to understand the topic Link
Legal Ethical Concerns .9/1 Taj M Used the lesson and college board videos to better understand the topic Link
Safe Computing .93/1 Daniel Lee Used the lesson to understand the topic better. College board video as well. Link
CB Quiz 61/67 Mr Lopez Wrote a blog with the test corrections and what I used to help better understand the topic before, during and after taking the MCQ. College Board Review
Totals Median Score: .93 Number complete: 9 Extra effort count: 7/10 Key tangible assets count:9
beijanm commented 6 months ago
<!DOCTYPE html>

Beijan Moniza
Period 4 Lopez

Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet .95/1 Sri Looked into vpn's and Ip's
Routing and Computing 1.00 Nikki H.
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .98 Kaiyu S Talked to talked table about beneficial and harmful effects.
Digital Divide 1.00 Ananya A Reviewed teach teach for possible missed info Link to page
Computing Bias 1.00 Jake S I worked on making the team teach
Crowdsourcing 0.92 Ankit P researched some companies that partake in crowdsourcing
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.96 Taj M talked to my group about different concerns
Safe Computing 0.94 Daniel L Watched some YouTube videos on the topic
CB Quiz 61/67 Mr. Lopez Watched college board videos to grow understanding
Totals Median Score: .98 Number complete:9 Extra effort count:8 Key tangible assets count:9

Beijan Moniza Period 4 Lopez

hanr12 commented 6 months ago
P1, Hannah Reyes Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Aidan L Researched more about the concept of bandwidth to gain a broader view of how it affects data transfer Blog,Key Commit
Routing and Computing 0.95 Ryan L Reasearched more on the different types of programs that are and aren't fault tolerant and their similarities and differences Blog,Key Commit
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.93 Imaad M   Blog,Key Commit
Digital Divide 0.93 Eshaan K   Blog,Key Commit
Computing Bias 1.00 Isabelle P Watched the college board videos and took notes for the team teach Our Team Teach,Key Commit
Crowdsourcing 0.93 Anthony Y   Blog,Key Commit
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.95 Jayden C Took notes on the team teach to prepare for the quiz Blog, Key Commit,Kahoot Hw
Safe Computing 1.00 Sreeja R Looked over the notes in the team teach and reviewed the college board videos Blog, Key Commit,Google Form Hw
CB Quiz 49/67 Mr. Lopez I explained in depth of what I got wrong and why it was wrong in comparison to the right answer Blog,Key Commit
Totals Median Score: 0.93 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 6/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
Arushi-maker commented 6 months ago
<!DOCTYPE html>   Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 1.00  Sri.S  wrote a little extra   link
Routing and Computing  0.90 Nikki H.     link
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.90  Kaiyu S.     link
Digital Divide 1.00  Taught  researched and watched CB videos  
Computing Bias 0.95 Jake S.     link
Crowdsourcing 0.98  Ankit P.  prepared for debate  link
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.93  Taj M.    link
Safe Computing not given  Daniel L.     link
CB Quiz 59/67  CB taken honestly and reviewed miss questions   
Totals Median Score: 0.9 Number complete: 9 Extra effort count: 4/9 Key tangible assets count:
KaramKambo commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet .95 Sri S.
Routing and Computing 1 Nikki H.
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .9 Kaiyu S. Looked over an article that was very cool on AI.
Digital Divide .95 Arushi P.
Undecidable Problems 1(mine)
Computing Bias .91 Jake S.
Crowdsourcing .55 Ankit P.
Legal Ethical Concerns .96 Taj M Looked at all of the Laws for the copyright and many things like that.
Safe Computing .93 Daniel L
CB 57/67 Looked over all of the answers and watched many of the corresponding CB videos.
Totals Median: .95 3
HowieNguyen21 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.95/1 Sri S Discussed with tablemates  Link
Routing and Computing 1/1 Nikki Discussed with Nikki on why  Link
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.95/1 Kaiyu Talked on discord outside of school  Link
Digital Divide 1/1 Ananya A, Arushi P Interested in how internet split into 2 group  Link
Computing Bias 1/1 Me Our Team Teach  Me
Crowdsourcing 1/1 Ankit P Compared to a Rubios survey  Link
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.94/1 Taj M Talked with Timo about Ethical Concerns  Link
Safe Computing 0.95/1 Daniel Lee Found how to be safe online  Link
CB Quiz 65/67 CB Used Quizlet to look over and review Checked the correct answers on this quizlet
Totals Median Score: 0.9738 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 9/9 Key tangible assets count: Link. 9/9

Per 4 Lopez Howie Nguyen

AidanDelgado2 commented 6 months ago
Topic Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Sri S. Outside research on H.W. link
Routing and Computing 1 Nikki H. None Link
Beneficial and Harmful Effects Our team teach grades
Digital Divide 0.9 Ananya A. None Link
Computing Bias 0.96 Jake S. Searched up extra info link
Crowdsourcing 1 Ankit P. Did research before debate link
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.93 Taj M. None link
Safe Computing 0.93 Daniel Lee Outside research link
CB Quiz 59/67 Aidan D. Asked ChatGPT for assistance and researched questions online quiz corrections
Totals Median Score: 96% Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 4/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9 links
TimoA35 commented 6 months ago
<!DOCTYPE html>   Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet Sri S   External Studying
Routing and Computing Nikki H.
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .96  Kaiyu S.  AP Classroom
Digital Divide .95  Arushi P.
Computing Bias Jake Shim
Crowdsourcing .98  Ankit P.  External Studying
Legal Ethical Concerns .94   Taj M.  External Studying
Safe Computing  Daniel Lee
CB Quiz 60/67  Mr.Lopez
Totals Median Score: .98 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 4/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
pranavivak commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.85 Ian Wu Own research lesson
Routing and Computing 0.9 Sri S videos about the lesson lesson
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.95 Jason G own research lesson
Digital Divide 1/1 Aditya R read articles that showed examples and reviewed college board lesson
Computing Bias my own Tanvi P collegeboard videos lesson
Crowdsourcing 0.8 Samhita collegeboard videos lesson
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.96 Cindy Review the team teach lesson lesson
Safe Computing 0.94 ? review the team teach lesson lesson
CB Quiz 52/67 Lopez Blog and test corrections blog
Totals Median Score: 0.96 Number complete:9/9 Extra effort count: 8 Key tangible assets count: 9
Nathaniel633 commented 6 months ago

P5, Nathaniel Obodovski

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.9/1 Ryan L A little bit of research on Google Blog
Routing and Computing 1/1 Sri S Previous knowledge Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1/1 (My team presented) Nathan O (ours) Blog, Link to GitHub comment with self-grading
Digital Divide 1/1 Aditya R Simple to grasp concept Blog
Computing Bias 0.93/1 Tanvi P Class and team discussion Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.9/1 Samhita L Previous knowledge Blog
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.92/1 Cindy Liang Mild intuition Blog
Safe Computing 0.87/1 Yeongsu Kim Mild consultation of stackoverflow Blog
CB Quiz 44/67 = 0.66/1 CB A study of collegeboard material Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz, FRQ Quiz
Totals Median Score: 0.92/1 Number Complete: 9 Extra Effort Count: Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9
SriS126 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.88 Ryan L. I searched more about the internet and played around with different ip's and visited different websites, re-reviewed Link
Routing and Computing 1 Sri S. (Me) My Lesson, I helped create the team teach and learned a lot about redundancy and routing, made diagrams for the team teach Lesson
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.92 Jason G. Re-reviewed the team teach, watched videos on collegeboard Link
Digital Divide 0.89 Sai T. Researched counties affected by digital divide, re-reviewed team teach and thought of ways to prevent digital divide Link
Computing Bias 0.95 Tanvi P. Re-reviewed team teaches, visited websites with bias, watched collegeboard videos Link
Crowdsourcing 0.89 Samhitha L. Re-reviewed team teach, re-watched collegeboard videos Link
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.98 Cindy L. I researched about copyright information and punishments, also re-reviewed their team teach Link
Safe Computing 0.92 Advik G. Re-reviewed team lesson, re-watched collegeboard videos, researched about cybersecurity a little Link
CB Quiz 57/67 = 0.85/1 Mr. Lopez Corrected my errors, wrote a blog and reflection about it, wrote future plans Link
Totals Median Score: 0.92/1 Number complete: 8/8 Extra effort count: 8/10 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
willbartelt15 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.85/1 Ryan L. I completed popcorn hacks and finished all extras that I could complete. HW. Link to with lesson and homework
Routing and Computing 1/1 Sri S. I did the Hw and used the code examples to help uses as a reference to my answers Link to with lesson and homework
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .95/1 (My team presented) Me I made this so for my part I reaserched many effects social media has and I tried to get multiple view points. Link to with lesson and homework, Link to GitHub comment with self-grading
Digital Divide 0.97/1 Sai T. I did the popcorn hacks as well as used the info to answer the hw. Link to with lesson and homework
Computing Bias 0.93/1 Tanvi P. Completed hw on my own time as well as did the popcorn hacks during teach Link to with lesson and homework
Crowdsourcing 0.85/1 Grace O. I did all the homework and used google to get more info whenever I was confused Link to with lesson and homework
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.92/1 Cindy L. I did the popcorn hacks and also tried to use my teamates for help whenever I was concerned. Link to with lesson and homework
Safe Computing 0.88/1 Aashray completed the popcorn hacks and honmework as well as used google to help gain info. Link to with lesson and homework
CB Quiz 62/67 = College Board I used google and my teamates whenever I needed extra help to understand the problem. Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz,
Totals Median Score: 0.92/1 Number Complete: All Extra Effort Count: All Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9
iwu78 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet N/A  N/A In depth comparison on not just OSI model but also TCP/IP  blog
Routing and Computing 0.95 Sri S  Reviewed to fix incorrect answers after grading, stuck in blog to ensure same mistakes will not happen again blog 
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.96 Jason G    blog 
Digital Divide 0.92 Aditya R  Completed extra credit   blog
Computing Bias 0.9  Tanvi P Double checked all answers to find out what errors I made and fixed them blog 
Crowdsourcing 0.92 Samhita L    blog  
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.96 Cindy L    blog
Safe Computing 0.95 Advik G  Did research on dictionary checks, rockyou.txt, etc  blog
CB Quiz 66/67  College Board  Thorough review on incorrect questions, reviewed any new concepts seen in quiz  blog
Totals Median Score: 0.96 Number complete: 8 Extra effort count: 6 Key tangible assets count: 9
SOoctosnake commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.88 Ryan L Well written The Internet
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9 Jason G Detailed Beneficial and Harmful Effects
Digital Divide 0.89 Aditya R Clear shows knowledge Digital Divide
Computing Bias 0.88 Tanvi Answered the question well Computing Bias
Crowdsourcing 0.89 Samhita Crowdsourcing Article
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Cindy Gave a detailed and nuanced response Legal and Ethical Concern Article
Safe Computing 0.85 Advik Answered the questions Safe Computing
CB Quiz 56/67 College Board
Totals Median Score: 0.89 Number complete: 8 Extra effort count:6 Key tangible assets count: 8
vynx1 commented 6 months ago
Topic Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s), and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Ryan Google Researchh Blog
Routing and Computing 1 Sri S Prior Knowledge Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.95 Jason Google Research Blog
Digital Divide 0.97 Aditya Research on Stack Blog
Computing Bias 1 Our HW
Crowdsourcing 0.90 Researching Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.85 Cindy Research blog
Safe Computing 0.95 Advik Research Blog
CB Quiz 59/66
Totals *Median Score:0.95* *Number complete:All* Extra effort count: *Key tangible assets count:Check Blog*
JasonGao76 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.95/1 Ian Wu Completed popcorn hacks in addition to homework + Asked Mr. Lopez additional questions about OSI layers and TCP handshake Link to with lesson and homework
Routing and Computing 0.95/1 Sri S Did all questions within lesson in addition to homework + Read quick article on fault tolerance Link to with lesson and homework
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.98/1 (My team presented) Me and My Team I completed my section + Wrote Popcorn Hacks and introduction + Created grading spreadsheet and graded my part and more Link to with lesson and homework + Link to GitHub comment with self-grading + Link to Grading Spreadsheet
Digital Divide 0.97/1 Aditya R Completed all practice questions in addition to homework + Completed extra credit Link to with lesson and homework
Computing Bias 0.98/1 Tanvi P Nothing aside from popcorn hacks Link to with lesson and homework
Crowdsourcing 1/1 Samhita L Completed popcorn hacks in addition to reading an article on Crowdsourcing Link to with lesson and homework
Legal and Ethical Concerns 1/1 Aditi B Completed popcorn hacks and extra credit in addition to homework Link to with lesson and homework + Key Commit updating this, crowdsourcing, and computing bias lessons
Safe Computing 1/1 Yeongsu K Completed homework and extra credit Python procedure Link to with lesson and homework
CB Quiz 63/67 = 0.94/1 = 1.88/2 Mr. Lopez Created blog post for Collegeboard MCQ with corrections, time taken, notes on interesting questions, research into Googled questions, and more + Created blog post for Collegeboard FRQ with all parts answered using Binary Project, noted what was missed, and created preliminary plans for CPT Project to meet requirements Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz + Link to blog post reviewing Collegeboard FRQ Quiz and plans for CPT Project + Key Commit creating and working on FRQ blog post + Key Commit completing corrections for MCQ blog post
Totals Median Score 0.98/1 Number Complete: 9/9 Extra Effort Count: 8/9 Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9
avanthikadaita commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.97 Ryan L All answers correct, detailed explanations
Routing and Computing 1 Sri S all answers correct
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.91 Jason G Overall ok and answered fine and the last question was creative, but could use more creativity for first frew questions and more in-depth explanations
Digital Divide 0.93 Aditya R, Sai T Done
Computing Bias 0.97 Tanvi P Excelled with a lot of detail but can still include more examples although the ones included were detailed
Crowdsourcing 0.85 Samhita L, Grace O late, vague
Safe Computing 0.91 Advik Completed everything
CB Quiz 57/67
Totals Median Score: 0.93 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 5 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
Tanvi-3 commented 6 months ago
P5, Tanvi Pampati, Happy New Year Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.89 Ian Wu Own research Lesson
Routing and Computing 1.00 Sri S videos about the lesson Lesson
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.95 Jason G articles and current events research lesson
Digital Divide 1 Aditya R read articles that showed examples and reviewed college board lesson
Computing Bias 1/1 Pranavi collegeboard videos and own research lesson
Crowdsourcing 0.8 Samhita collegeboard videos to have better understanding of assigned homework lesson
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.96 Cindy Review the team teach lesson and read articles lesson
Safe Computing 0.94 ? College board videos and review the team teach lesson lesson
CB Quiz 64/67 Lopez Blog and test corrections blog
Totals Median Score: 1 Number complete:9/9 Extra effort count: 10 Key tangible assets count: 10
saiseahawks commented 6 months ago
Sai Talisetty Per. 5 Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.9 Ryan L
Routing and Computing 1 Sri G All answers are correct, good explanations.
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.94 Jason G All questions answered well, some are creative and some are basic but all are sufficient
Computing Bias 0.94 Tanvi P completed all the requirements was very descriptive but didnt take that extra step for a 1
Crowdsourcing 0.9 Samhita L
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Cindy L
Safe Computing 0.9 Advik G
CB Quiz 64/67 = 1.91/2
Totals Median Score: 0.9 Number complete: 7 Extra effort count: 3 Key tangible assets count: 7
KinetekEnergy commented 6 months ago

P5, Aashray Reddy

Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.92 Ryan L Researched about networking and networking math for IP addresses. Also researched about protocols. The Internet
Routing & Computing 1 Sri S Did further research into redundancy and the reasons as to why or why you would not want to use it. Routing & Computing
Beneficial & Harmful Effects 0.88 Jason G Looked into the beneficial and harmful effects of everyday applications and why something which seems to be beneficial can have unseen harmful side effects. Beneficial & Harmful Effects
Digital Divide 0.87 Aditya R Researched how you can bridge the digital divide as well as why you would want to and how you can create an organization to do so (used chatGPT to help). Digital Divide
Computing Bias 0.85 Tanvi P None :( Computing Bias
Crowdsourcing 0.88 Samhita L Explored how we can use datasets for our own personal project for CSP. Looked into how datasets can be used to improve our platform and whether crowdsourcing can be used. Crowdsourcing
Legal & Ethical Concerns 0.93 Cindy L Explored different types of licenses that code can be listed under and their use cases and what the licenses say you can and cannot do with the code. Legal & Ethical Concerns
Safe Computing This was ours Advik Taught during the team teach and looked into different types of PII’s as well as how sensitive (what category would they fall into in terms of “would you want to share this or not.”) Safe Computing
CB Quiz 62/67 (0.93) Mr. Mortenson Did a blog exploring all the questions I missed as well as the process to get the score that I got (5 minute blog). 5 Min Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.91 # Complete: 10 Extra effort count: 9 Key tangible assets count: 10

Note: I had to switch the links for the different blog.

AdiBricks commented 6 months ago

Student Repositories Overview

Project Name Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators
The Internet 0.8 Ryan L Ip Address Checker Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
Routing and Computing 1 Sri S Fun Fact Code Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9 Jason G Quiz Code Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
Computing Bias 0.95 Tanvi P Extra Research - Companies that use Computing Bias Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
Crowdsourcing 0.87 Samhita L Extra Research - Companies that do this Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.98 Cindy L Fun Fact Code Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
Safe Computing 0.98 Advik G Password Checking Code Blog, GitHub File(s), Key Commits
CB QUIZ 60/67 = 1.79/2


Quiz Score

YeongsuKimm commented 6 months ago
Name Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet - Ryan L 0.92  Ryan L  Detailed and insightful answers  HW
Routing and Computing - Sri S  Sri S All questions correct  HW  
Beneficial and Harmful Effects - Jason G 0.9  Jason G    HW  
Digital Divide - Aditya R, Sai T 0.97  Aditya R, Sai T  Extra details from external research  HW  
Computing Bias - Tanvi P  0.98 Tanvi P  Extra details and facts from external research  HW  
Crowdsourcing - Samhita L, Grace O 0.78  Samhita L, Grace O    HW  
Legal Ethical Concerns - Cindy Liang 0.98  Cindy Liang  Detailed and insightful answers with research HW 
Safe Computing - Our Group Research through the internet and college board videos HW
CB Quiz 62/67   Extra research on CB and internet   CB  
Totals: 6.53 Median Score: 0.975 Number complete: 9 Extra effort count: 7 Key tangible assets count: 9
samhita-l commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.92/1 Ryan L. Researched outside articles and watched youtube videos Blog
Routing and Computing 1/1 Sri S. Looked at the college board page and reviewed the team teach again Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9/1 Jason G. Talked to teammates about the pros and cons of technology Blog
Digital Divide 0.92/1 Aditya R., Sai T. Researched how underserved communities go through disparities. Blog
Computing Bias 0.9/1 Tanvi P. Reviewed the lesson again Blog
Crowdsourcing (Our Teamteach) N/A Samhita Did research for our team teach by reading the College Board and other articles online and added images. Created and graded hw. Blog
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.98/1 Cindy Liang Was absent for the presentation, so had to read the lesson and review the college board module Blog
Safe Computing 0.87/1 Advik G. Researched common password requirements and authentication methods. Blog
College Board Quiz 63/67 Mr. Lopez/ College Board Reviewed team teaches and researched concepts I had a hard time grasping. Reflection
Totals: Median Score: .92/1 Number Complete: 9 Extra Effort Count: 9/9 Tangible Count: 9/9
alaraipek commented 6 months ago
| | Score | Grader Verification | Extras | Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Undecided Problems | 0.78 | Justin | Completed reflection and google form on time | [Utterance Reflection]( [Score]( The Internet | 0.9  | Nandan V  | Reviewed Team Teach Before Kahoot  | [Blog,]( [GitHub File(s)](, [Key Commits]( Routing and Computing | 0.93  | Dante A  | Reviewed CollegeBoard Videos and Team Teach  | Google Form Beneficial and Harmful Effects | 0.95  | Sharon K  | Reviewed team teach and thoroughly replied to Google form  | [Blog,]( [GitHub File(s),]( [Key Commits](, [Score]( Digital Divide |  0.84 | Alisha H | Read [Stanford Article]( | [Blog](, [GitHub File(s)](, [Key Commits]( Computing Bias | 0.93  | Lakshanya S | Reviewed CollegeBoard Videos  | [Blog](, [GitHub File(s)](, [Key Commits]( Crowdsourcing | 1  | Nitin B  | Considered examples for crowdsourcing and included in [quiz response]( | [Blogs,)]( [GitHub File(s),]( [Key Commits]( Legal Ethical Concerns |  0.93 | Tucker G  | Used CollegeBoard and prior course material to teach topic  | [Blog,]( [GitHub File(s),]( [Key Commits]( Safe Computing | 0.88  | Andrew K | Reviewed [Team Teach](, Watched CB Videos, answered Popcorn Hacks | [Blog, GitHub File(s),]( [Key Commits]( CB Quiz | 1.79  | CollegeBoard | Test Corrections and Blog | [Blog]( Totals | Median Score: 0.93 | Number complete: 10/10 | Extra effort count: 10/10 | Key tangible assets count: 10/10

PatrickHastings2 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet  .95 sri s Review Team Teach  Link
Routing and Computing 1 Nikki H  Review Team Teach   
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .95   Kaiyu S Review Team Teach   Link
Digital Divide .90  Ananya A, Arushi P   Review Team Teach   Link
Computing Bias .92  Jake Shim  Review Team Teach   link
Crowdsourcing  .92  Ankit P. Review Team Teach   link
Legal Ethical Concerns .94  Taj M  Review Team Teach   link
Safe Computing .95 Daniel Lee  Review Team Teach  link  
CB Quiz .88  N/A  Review Last tri quiz  College Board Corrections
Totals Median Score: .95 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 4/9 Key tangible assets count:9/9
JBaza12 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 1 Sri S College Board Videos Blogs
Routing and Computing 1 Nikki H Youtube Videos Blogs
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1 My Group Blogs Key Commit Grading
Digital Divide .95 Arushi P Blogs
Undecidable Problems 1 Blogs
Computing Bias .94 Jake S Extra code to show bias in a code Blogs
Crowdsourcing .92 Ankit P Research for debate in order to know what to say Blogs
Legal Ethical Concerns .91 Tajrian M Could have been more descriptive on the popcorn hacks Blogs
Safe Computing .95 Daniel L Needed to spend more time on this homework Blogs
CB MCQ 64/67 MC Corrections
Totals Median Score: .97 Complete Extra effort Count: 6 Tangible Count: 11
will-w-cheng commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File[s] and Key Commits
The Internet 0.97 Ryan L Studying Cisco and Netacad Blog
Routing and Computing 0.95 Sri S Worked with blackhat modifcation of Routers Utterance Comment
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9 Jason G Incorporated bias consideration in data collection for projects Blog
Digital Divide 0.95 Aditya R Read articles about the divide Blog
Computing Bias 0.92 Tanvi Watch the collegeboard video Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.95 Samitha L Collegeboard Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 1 Cindy L Collegeboard Blog
Safe Computing N/A Myself, Will N/A Blog
CB Quiz 64/67 CollegeBoard Practiced being more detail orientated Quiz Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.95 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: Some with own research Key tangible assets count: 9/9
anaghaa1206 commented 6 months ago
Anagha Ashtewale period 1   Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet  0.93 Aidan L  Found articles on the internet  blog
Routing and Computing 0.95  Ryan L   Studied online resources  blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9   Tarun T  Reviewed team teach lesson  blog
Digital Divide NA  NA  NA    NA
Computing Bias 0.98  Isabelle P  Studied on Collegeboard  blog 
Crowdsourcing  0.85 Anthony Y   Found articles related to topic blog 
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9  Jayden C   Studied on Collegeboard  blog
Safe Computing 0.95  Abby A   Reviewed team teach lesson  blog
CB Quiz  64/67  Collegeboard  Reviewed past quiz  blog
Totals Median Score: 0.93 Number complete: all Extra effort count: 8/8 Key tangible assets count: 8/8