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Student Teaching Part 2 + Key Indicators #92

Open jm1021 opened 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Follow guidelines in Canvas, post table as follows...

P2, Jane Doe, Happy New Year

  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet        
Routing and Computing        
Beneficial and Harmful Effects        
Digital Divide        
Computing Bias        
Legal Ethical Concerns        
Safe Computing        
CB Quiz        
Totals Median Score: Number complete: Extra effort count: Key tangible assets count:
miggysp commented 6 months ago
Miheer Purandare P1   Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.90   Aiden L Studied Cisco and Netacad courses   blog
Routing and Computing 0.94   Ryan L  Used Cisco packet tracer to build a fault tolerant/intolerant network blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.90    Tarun T Watched some YouTube Videos detailing my different pros and cons   blog
Digital Divide N/A  N/A    N/A  
Computing Bias 0.82   Isabelle P  Watched collegeboard video  blog
Crowdsourcing 0.88  Anthony Y  Watched collegeboard video    blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.90  Jayden C   Spoke to my group about legal ethical concerns  Utterance Comment
Safe Computing  0.95  Abby A  Reviewed Quiz after I took it  blog
CB Quiz 61/67 Collegeboard  Test Reflection + Correction   Reflection/Correction
Totals Median Score: 0.90 Number complete: 8/8 Extra effort count: 8/8 Key tangible assets count:8/8
SrinivasNampalli commented 6 months ago

Srinivas Nampalli

Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.98/1 Aidan Lau Watched College Board videos to learn topic. Searched up TCP/IP models online and watched YouTube videos to better understand the topic Internet
Routing and Computing 0.92/1 Ryan Liao Searched up different Python libraries that enable parallel computing. Utilized Figma to create Fault Tolerant designs Routing
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1.92/2 Imaad Muzaffer Reflected on my usage of social media platforms and if they are beneficial or harmful. Started using Tik Tok to educate myself on different topics. Beneficial and Harmful Effects
Digital Divide 0.90 N/A Searched up on Google ways people help underdeveloped countries. Digital Divide
Crowdsourcing 0.84/1 Isabelle Park Searched up different ways that computing bias is used in programming. I found out that facial recognition software tends to show bias to lighter-skinned people because more lighter-skinned people were used to train the data model. Crowdsourcing
Computing Bias 1/1 Isabelle Park Searched up different ways that computing bias is used in programming. I found out that facial recognition software tends to show bias to lighter-skinned people because more lighter-skinned people were used to train the data model. Computing Bias
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9/1 Jayden Chen Searched up different Creative Commons licenses that creators use to limit access to their work. Reflected on times when I had to cite work for images I used on the internet. Legal Ethical
Safe Computing 1 Abby Started being conscious of spreading my data around the internet. For example, I shouldn't let apps like Tik Tok or untrusted apps access my data. Safe Computing
Undecidable Problems 0.95/1 Akhil Singamneni College Board MC helped me to understand halting and undecidable problems. Basically, if the program may continuously run forever, then there is no solution and it is undecidable and halting. Undecidable Problems
CB Quiz 59/67 Mr. Lopez Reviewed student teach topics before taking the quiz to better understand the content. After the quiz, I searched up questions I got wrong in order to understand why I got it wrong and why the correct answer is correct. Corrections By


Median Score: 0.92 | Number complete: 7 | Extra effort count: 10 | Key tangible assets count: 10

Akhil353 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s), and Key Commits
The Internet 0.95 Tanav K Additional use of google Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Routing and Computing 0.97 Ryan L Additional use of google Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.92 Imaad M Additional use of google + ChatGPT Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Digital Divide 0.90 Eshaan K Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Computing Bias 0.85 Isabelle Park Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Crowdsourcing 0.93 Anthony Y Additional use of google Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.94 Jayden Chen Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Safe Computing 0.95 Serena R Additional use of google Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
CB Quiz 64/67 0.955 Additional use of google + ChatGPT Blog / GitHub File / Key Commit
Totals Median Score: 0.925 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 6 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
eshaank1 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Aidan L Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
Routing and Computing 0.92 Ryan L Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.90 Tarun T Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
Digital Divide mine Eshaan K Additional Research with ChatGPT mine
Computing Bias 0.82 Isabelle P Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
Undecidable Problems 0.93 Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my blog
Crowdsourcing 0.92 Anthony Y Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.85 Jayden C Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
Safe Computing 1.00 Abby A Additional Research with ChatGPT Link on my Blog
CB Quiz 56/67 (0.84) Additional Research with Google Link on my Blog
Totals Median Score: .92 Number Complete: 10/10 Extra Effort Count: 10 Key tangible asset counts: 10
abby-albert commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93/1 Aiden L Own research on The Interent and Review of Team Teach My HW:
Routing and Computing 0.94/1 Ryan L Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.92/1 Tarun T Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Digital Divide 0.9/1 Eshaan K Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Computing Bias 0.85/1 Isabelle P Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW :
Undecided problems 0.9 Shuban P, Akhil S Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Crowdsourcing 0.91/1 Anthony Y Review of Team Teach, Additional Research with ChatGPT My HW:
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9/1 Jayden C Own research on The Interent and Review of Team Teach Form is closed, so no score is avaliable to veiw, scorer said "Full score on makeup quiz"
Safe Computing mine Abby A Collegeboard video to learn topic + making the entire google form My team Teach:
CB Quiz 63/67 or 1.88/2 Mr. Mortenson Blog, Test Corrections, and research on unknown topics My blog for CB quiz review:
Totals Median Score: 0.91 Number complete: 10/10 Extra effort count: 10/10 Key tangible assets count: 10/10
Djxnxnx commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93   Aiden L  I found articles on the internet that helped me further my knowledge on the internet
Routing and Computing  0.95  Ryan L  Used online resources to study how routing and computing works
Beneficial and Harmful Effects  0.95 Our team teach   Watched youtube videos to develop our team teach
Digital Divide 0.90  Eshaan K  Read articles about how the digital divide is getting worse worldwide
Computing Bias  0.84  Isabelle P  Researched computing bias and how it applies in the real world
Undecided Problems  0.95 Shuban P and Akhil S   Researched examples of undecidable problems and why they are undecidable
Crowdsourcing  0.93 Anthony Y  Researched how companies use crowdsourcing effectively
Legal and Ethical Concerns 0.55  Didn't do    didnt do  didnt do
Safe Computing  0.95 Abby A   Researched what examples of safe computing are  It's a google form
CB Quiz 61/67  I can show you   I studied before the test and researched questions that I got wrong
Totals Median Score: 0.93 Number complete: 9 Extra effort count: 9 Key tangible assets count: 9
DrishyaMody commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.97 Sri S Answered all questions but could have been more detailed with answer explanations blog:
Routing and Computing 1 Nikki Hekmat Ensured I had correct answers, did my own research do ensure I have the correct answers blog:
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 1 Drishya Mody My group's team teach we researched effects and created the lesson  blog:
Digital Divide 1 Ananya A Went above and beyond by creating my own original answer and ensuring the accuracy of MC questions blog:
Computing Bias 0.95 Jake Shim P blog:
Crowdsourcing 0.98 Ankit M  Was active during the debate and submitted homework on time with accurate responses blog:
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.94 Taj M   blog:
Safe Computing 0.93 Daniel Lee blog:
CB Quiz 64/67 College Board Thorough review on incorrect questions, reviewed any new concepts seen in quiz blog:
Totals Median Score: 0.965 Number complete: 8 Extra effort count: 4 Key tangible assets count: 9
AustinZhang1 commented 6 months ago
Topic | Score | Grader Verification | Extras | Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits -- | -- | -- | -- | -- The Internet (My own lesson) | 1/1 | Sri. S | This was the lesson my team did | [blog]( Routing and Computing | 1/1 | Nikki H | Went over the team teach and college board problems | [blog]( Beneficial and Harmful Effects | .91/1 | Kaiyu S | Went over team teach lesson and watched the college board videos | [blog]( Digital Divide | .95/1 | Ananya A, Arushi P | Conducted further research into the Digital divide and read articles and watched videos on it | [blog]( Computing Bias | .94/1 | Jake Shim | Used college board videos to better understand the topic | [blog]( Crowdsourcing | .9/1 | Ankit P | Completed further research to aid in the in class debate | [blog]( Legal Ethical Concerns | .95/1 | Taj M | Looked further into legal ethical concerns to learn more about the topic | [blog]( Safe Computing | .95/1 | Daniel Lee | Used the lesson to understand the topic better. College board video as well. | [blog]( CB Quiz | 65/67 | Collegeboard | Wrote a blog with the test corrections and did research online. | [blog]( Totals | Median Score: .95 | Number complete: 9 | Extra effort count: 9/9 | Key tangible assets count:9
AnanyaAsudani commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.97 Sri Vaidyanathan Suryanarayanan Looked over team teach material and college board video Blog
Routing and Computing 0.90 Nikki Hekmat College board video Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.94 Kaiyu Sugiyama Reviewed team teach Blog
Digital Divide (Own 1) Me Did independent research, Wikipedia research, college board videos, fiveabe notes; wrote post Blog
Computing Bias 0.93 Jake Shim college board resources Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.92 Anikit M Read Wikipedia page Team Teach Format Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.95 Tajrian Masum college board video + fiveable notes Blog
Safe Computing 0.98 Daniel Lee college board video + fiveable notes Blog
CB Quiz 63/67 Me N/A Blog
Undecidable Problems Not posted Not posted N/A N/A
Totals Mean Score: 0.94 Number complete: 8 Extra effort count: 8/9 Key tangible assets count: 9
Be1uga4life commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 1.00  Sri S.  Went over my CCNA Book on the Internet   blog
Routing and Computing 1.00  Nikki H.  Went over my CCNA Book on Routing (OSPF, EGRP, etc.)   blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.93  Daniel Lee Went more into depth about AI and how it works and went deeper into other reasons why AI could be dangerous   blog
Digital Divide 1.00  Kaiyu S.  Went over what the Digital Divide was and read this article  blog
Computing Bias 1.00  Ananya A.  Learned more about how AI models are trained and what they could do and why bias may arise blog
Crowdsourcing 0.88  Jake S.  Researched the AI model I would use for my Passion Project, and maybe learn how to train an AI model   blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.90  Ankit P.  Went over what Legal Ethical Concerns there were regarding AI and read this article    blog
Safe Computing 0.92  Taj M. Gave my computer a password because I realized I dont have one set    blog
CB Quiz 55  Mr. Lopez  Did Corrections   Corrections
Totals Median Score: 0.954 Number complete: 8/8 Extra effort count: 8 Key tangible assets count: 8/8
spooketti commented 6 months ago

My Review Ticket for Team Teaches Repost (old one disappeared i guess)

Jonathan Liu P5 Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.98 Ryan L Made a mistake interpreting an ASCII problem and went back to learn about it Blog
Routing and Computing N/A Jonathan Liu This is my teams lesson Our Own Team Teach
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9 Jason G Answers could be longer so I evaluated how I could do better for next time Blog
Digital Divide 1 Aditya R + Sai T All answers correct, but I looked through CollegeBoard afterward Blog
Computing Bias 0.98 Tanvi P Answers could be longer, so I read more on bias so I could make more strong answers for next time Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.93 Samhita L Answers were thorough, but I rewatched the CollegeBoard video to be safe Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.98 Cindy L Extra credit answered Blog
Safe Computing 0.95 Advik Completed a bonus Blog
CB Quiz 56/67 CollegeBoard If I got anything wrong I went back and learned about it so I'd be prepared for the actual exam Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.94 Completed: 9/9 Extra effort count: 9/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
Imaad08 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Tanav K I found extra articles and videos on this topic to strengthen my learning   Blog
Routing and Computing  0.97 Ryan   Looked at more visual representations on google   Blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.97  Tarun T  Researched topic thoroughly  Blog  
Digital Divide 0.9  Eshaan K  Looked up more examples of digital divide    Blog
Computing Bias 0.9  Isabelle P   Looked up historical examples of computing bias    Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.91  Anthony Y   Looked at more examples online    Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns  0.9 Jayden C   Did my own research on the subject   Blog
Safe Computing 0.95   Abby A   Found more problems to do online    Blog
Undecided Problems 0.93  Shuban P  Found more info un undecidable problems and why algorithms cannot solve them   Blog
CB Quiz  59/67 On CollegeBoard Account  Used google to search for unfamiliar terms  Review 
Totals Median Score:0.93 Number complete:10 Extra effort count:10 Key tangible assets count:10
RonitT1234 commented 6 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Aidan L Watched Youtube video about the history of the internet and how it evolved into what it is today [blog]() / file / commit
Routing and Computing 0.96 Ryan L Watched a Video from CISCO about Internet and the different devices like routers, hubs, and switches. blog / file / commit
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.97 Tarun T A lot of time researching topics to create a Team Teach with real stories [blog]() / file / commit
Digital Divide 0.94 Eshaan K Read Article about Digital Divide and learned about "digital literacy" blog / file /commit
Computing Bias 0.98 Isabelle P Read Article about how different types of bias exist in AI blog / file / commit
Unedecided Problems 0.95 Shuban P Watched video about famous Halting Problem in CS blog / file / commit
Crowdsourcing 0.92 Anthony Y Learned about crowdsourcing vs crowdfunding and open-source further blog / file / commit
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Jayden C Read UNESCO article about computer AI ethics blog / file / commit
Safe Computing 1.0 Abby A Online Saftey QUiz blog / file / commit
CB Quiz 58/67 Collegeboard Watched Collegboard Videos blog / file / commit
Totals Median Score: 0.95 Number complete: 10 Extra effort count: 10 Key tangible assets count: 10
Chrissiez commented 6 months ago
|  | Score | Grader Verification | Extras | Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits| |-- | -- | -- | -- | --| |The Internet | 0.93 | Aiden L | Watched Collegeboard video on topic| [Blog](| |Routing and Computing | 0 | Ryan L | Watched Collegeboard video on topic | [Blog](| |Beneficial and Harmful Effects | 0.85 | Tarun T | Watched Collegeboard video on topic | [Blog](| |Digital Divide | 0.9 | Eshaan K | Watched Collegeboard video on topic| [Blog](| |Computing Bias | 0.84 | Isabelle P | Watched Collegeboard video on topic | [Blog](| |Undecided Problems| 0.91| Shuban P|Watched Collegeboard video on topic|[blog](| |Crowdsourcing | 0.93 | Anthony Y | Watched Collegeboard video on topic| [Blog](| |Legal Ethical Concerns | 0.9 | Jayden C | Watched Collegeboard video on topic |Form is closed, so no score is avaliable to veiw, scorer said "Full score on makeup quiz"| |Safe Computing| 1 | My Team | Used Collegeboard to learn topic + made popcorn hacks + edited lesson| [blog]( |CB Quiz | 65/67 | On CollegeBoard Account | Used google to search for unfamiliar terms | [Review](| |  |   |   |   |  | |Totals | Median Score:0.9 | Number complete:8/9 | Extra effort count:9/9 | Key tangible assets count:9/9|
Sreejarai123 commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.90/1 Aiden L Own research on The Interent and Review of Team Teach My HW:
Routing and Computing No score Submitted to Mr. Lopez Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Beneficial and Harmful Effects Tarun T 0.85/1 Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW: submitted on slack
Digital Divide No Score Absent and submitted to Mr. Lopez Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Computing Bias 0.87/1 Isabelle P Review of Team Teach, Additional Research with ChatGPT My HW : submitted on slack
Crowdsourcing 0.94/1 Anthony Y Review of Team Teach, Additional Research with ChatGPT My HW:
Legal Ethical Concerns 1/1 Jayden Chen/ Submitted to Mr. Lopez Own research on The Interent and Review of Team Teach Form is closed, so no score is avaliable to veiw, scorer said "Full score on makeup quiz"
Safe Computing 1/1 Sreeja Rai Collegeboard video to learn topic + making the entire google form My team Teach:
CB Quiz 65/67 or 0.97/1 Mr. Mortenson Blog, Test Corrections, and research on unknown topics My blog for CB quiz review:
Totals Median Score: 0.93 Number complete: 10/10 Extra effort count: 6 watched the college board and youtube videos because I was absent for most of the days Key tangible assets count: 10
rayrayshams commented 6 months ago
Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.95/1 Sri S Own research on The Interent and Review of Team Teach My HW:
Routing and Computing No score Submitted to Mr. Lopez Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Beneficial and Harmful Effects Tarun T 0.85/1 Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW: submitted on slack
Digital Divide No Score Absent and submitted to Mr. Lopez Re-Review of Team Teach and Collegeboard Video on Topic My HW:
Computing Bias 0.87/1 Isabelle P Review of Team Teach, Additional Research with ChatGPT My HW : submitted on slack
Crowdsourcing 0.94/1 Anthony Y Review of Team Teach, Additional Research with ChatGPT My HW:
Legal Ethical Concerns 1/1 Jayden Chen/ Submitted to Mr. Lopez Own research on The Interent and Review of Team Teach Form is closed, so no score is avaliable to veiw, scorer said "Full score on makeup quiz"
Safe Computing 1/1 Sreeja Rai Collegeboard video to learn topic + making the entire google form My team Teach:
CB Quiz 65/67 or 0.97/1 Mr. Mortenson Blog, Test Corrections, and research on unknown topics My blog for CB quiz review:
Totals Median Score: 0.93 Number complete: 10/10 Extra effort count: 6 watched the college board and youtube videos because I was absent for most of the days Key tangible assets count: 10
tanav-kambhampati commented 6 months ago

<!DOCTYPE html>

Category Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.98 Srini N I did some research on the internet
Routing and Computing 0.85 Jason G I asked some follow up questions to the lesson
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.93 Imaad M I watched the collegeboard video on this
Digital Divide 0.96 Anagha A I watched the collegeboard video on this topic
Computing Bias 0.97 Isabelle I watched the collegeboard video on this topic
Crowdsourcing 0.93 Anthony Y I watched the collegeboard video
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Jayden C I watched the collegeboard video on this topic This was a google form
Safe Computing 1 Prakruti B I watched the collegeboard video on this topic
CB Quiz 60/67 Tanav K I researched some of the questions that I missed
Totals Median Score: 0.94 Number complete:10/01 Extra effort count: 10 Key tangible assets count: 10
devaSas1 commented 6 months ago
Deva Sasikumar P5 Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.925 Ryan L Could go into more detail in explanations Blog
Routing and Computing N/A Jonathan Liu This is my teams lesson Our Own Team Teach
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9 Jason G Answers could be longer Blog
Digital Divide 0.87 Aditya R + Sai T Blog
Computing Bias 0.97 Tanvi P Answers could be longer Blog
Crowdsourcing 0.88 Samhita L Answers were thorough Blog
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Cindy L Extra credit not answered Blog
Safe Computing 0.92 Advik Completed a bonus Blog
CB Quiz 61/67 CollegeBoard If I got anything wrong I went back and learned about it so I'd be prepared for the actual exam Blog
Totals Median Score: 0.91 Completed: 9/9 Extra effort count: 9/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
TejM123 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Aidan L Watched video about the history of the internet and how it changed over time blog / file / commit
Routing and Computing 0.94 Ryan L Watched a Video about Internet and the different devices like routers and hubs. blog / file / commit
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.94 Tarun T researched topics to create a Team Teach with real stories blog / file / commit
Digital Divide 0.94 Eshaan K Read an article about the Digital Divide and learned about "digital literacy" blog / file /commit
Computing Bias 0.9 Isabelle P Article about why different types of bias exist in AI blog / file / commit
Unedecided Problems 0.92 Shuban P I watched a video about the Halting Problem blog / file / commit
Crowdsourcing 0.92 Anthony Y I learned about crowdsourcing vs crowdfunding and open-source further blog / file / commit
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.9 Jayden C Read the UNESCO article about computer AI ethics blog / file / commit
CB Quiz 62/67 Collegeboard Watched Collegeboard videos plus extras ones linked in review blog / file / commit
Median Score: 0.94 Number complete: 9 Extra effort count: 9 Key tangible assets count: 9

The Internet : Routing/Computing : Digital Divide : Computing Bias : Crowdsourcing : Undecidable Problems : College Board Reflection : Individual Review Ticket : Dopamine Commit :

Priya0726 commented 6 months ago
Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s), and Key Commits
The Internet 1 Sri Vaidyanathan All the questions were answered correctly, the explanations were to the point and accurate. Notebook
Routing and Computing 0.9 Nikki Hekmat got 4/5 questions correct Notebook
Beneficial and Harmful effects 0.9 Kaiyu Sugiyama Re-reviewed team teach + worked on the homework Notebook
Digital Divide 0.95 Our Team Teach Researched the Digital Divide Team Teach
Computing Bias 0.96 Jake S Reviewed the team teach Notebook
Crowdsourcing 0.9 Ankit P Absent for Debate, worked on the popcorn hacks Notebook
Legal Ethical Concerns 0.92 Katelyn Researched about the Ethical concerns after the team teach to learn more Notebook
Safe Computing 0.9 Daniel Lee Reviewed Team Teach Notebook
CB Quiz 59/67 0.88 CollegeBoard Review over all the questions missed and watch more collegeboard videos CollegeBoard Practice Quiz
Totals 0.95 Completed: 9/9 Extra Efforts: 9/9 Key Tangible Assets: 9/9
yooanthony commented 5 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93 Aidan L  video on the history of the Internet  blog
Routing and Computing  0.84  Ryan L  read article on what is routing  blog
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.89   Tarun T CB reading on this topic   blog
Digital Divide  0.90 Eshaan K  watched video explaining the effects   blog
Computing Bias 0.98  Isabelle P  watched CB video   blog
Undecided Problems 0.91   Shuban P, Akhil S video explaining what is an undecided problem   blog
Crowdsourcing N/A   Anthony Y   researched examples of crowdsourcing blog
Legal Ethical Concerns  1.0  Jayden C  CB reading on this topic  blog
Safe Computing 0.9 Abby A   watched CB video  blog
CB Quiz  57/67 CollegeBoard  searched up some of the topics on questions i missed   quiz
Totals Median Score: 0.91 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 9/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
rayanesouuuu1234 commented 5 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet .93  Aidan L  Very descriptive and detailed  notebook
Routing and Computing .93  Ryan L  N/A  notebook 
Beneficial and Harmful Effects .93 Tarun  Good explanations   notebook
Digital Divide .93 Eshan K  detailed   blog
Computing Bias  0.98 Isabelle P  All questions answered with detail and good examples   notebook
Undecidable Problems .9 Akhil popcorn hacks done notebook
Crowdsourcing N/A  Anthony Yoo   look at link -->  blog
Legal Ethical Concerns Jayden C  Kahoot quiz curve, 1st place   blog
Safe Computing .95  Abby A.  N/A notebook  
CB Quiz 61/67   CB searched up topics on the questions I missed, and wrote a thoughtful reflection   notebook
  .9  9/9  9/9  9/9 
Totals Median Score: Number complete: Extra effort count: Key tangible assets count:
ChrisP121 commented 5 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet 0.93  Aiden L did a good job on answering questions  notebook 
Routing and Computing 0.9  Ryan L  could have went into more detail  notebook
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.9  Tarun T  went through the team teach again  notebook
Digital Divide 0.9  Eshaan K  read a college board article about the topic  notebook
Computing Bias 0.9  Isabelle P  could have went into more detail  notebook
Undecidable Problems 0.9 Shuban P  could have listed more examples  notebook
Crowdsourcing n/a  Anthony Y  Own team teach lesson  blog
Legal Ethical Concerns Jayden C  came first in the Kahoot  blog
Safe Computing 0.9  Abby A  was late and answered the questions correctly  blog 
CB Quiz 60/67  collegeboard  searched up missed questions   blog
Totals Median Score: 0.9 Number complete: 9/9 Extra effort count: 9/9 Key tangible assets count: 9/9
ratmat5 commented 5 months ago
  Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
The Internet  0.93  Aidan L  Questions answered well and authentically  notebook
Routing and Computing 0.9  Ryan L   watched and researched more to help understand  notebook
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.92  Tarun  Social media can also have negative impacts   notebook
Digital Divide 0.9   Eshaan K  Reviewed collegeboard on this topic  notebook
Computing Bias 0..93  Isabelle P  answered with good examples   notebook
Crowdsourcing N/A  Anthony Yoo   Researched on what crowdsourcing was  notebook
Legal Ethical Concerns  1 Jayden C   absent, but went over kahoot  notebook
Safe Computing 0.9   Abby A searched up some questions   notebook
CB Quiz 56/67   CB  struggled on some, but good overall  blog
Totals Median Score: Number complete: Extra effort count: Key tangible assets count: