nightlybuilds-net / nightly.xam.audiorecorder

Xamarin Forms audio recorder library
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link


Xamarin Forms Audio Recorder Library



Add nighlty.xam.audiorecorder nuget package to forms and native (iOS and Droid) apps HERE

dotnet add package nightly.xam.audiorecorder 


See Sample project in this repo. Just create a record service:

this._recordService = new NightlyRecorderService();

Start record audio:

var streamFile = await this._recordService.RecordAsync();
this._stream = streamFile;

Stop Record


Isn't it easy?

The default output stream is MP4 AAR. You can easily customize SampleRate in this way:

this._recordService = new RecorderSettings.Default.WithSampleRate(SampleRate.Low);

or you can use others ready to use configurations in this way:

 this._recordService = new NightlyRecorderService(new RecorderSettings
     IosRecorderSettings = new IosAppleLossLess(),
     DroidRecorderSettings = new DroidOggOpus()


This library doesn't manage permission for record audio from device MIC. I Suggest you to use Xamarin Essentials Permission API like this:

var status = await Permissions.CheckStatusAsync<Permissions.Microphone>();

    if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted)
        status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.Microphone>();
        if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted)
            await this.DisplayAlert("Alert","you need pemrission to mic", "ok");


You can customize iOS and Android record settings implementing the following interfaces

  public interface IIosRecorderSettings
        IosAudioFormat AudioFormat { get; set; }
        double? SampleRate { get; set; }
        int? NumberChannels { get; set; }
        int? LinearPcmBitDepth { get; set; }
        bool? LinearPcmBigEndian { get; set; }
        bool? LinearPcmFloat { get; set; }
        bool? LinearPcmNonInterleaved { get; set; }
        IosAudioQuality? AudioQuality { get; set; }
        IosAudioQuality? SampleRateConverterAudioQuality { get; set; }
        int? EncoderBitRate { get; set; }
        int? EncoderBitRatePerChannel { get; set;}
        int? EncoderBitDepthHint { get; set; }

    public interface IDroidRecorderSettings
        DroidAudioEncoder AudioEncoder { get; }
        DroidOutPutFormat OutPutFormat { get; }
        int? SamplingRate { get; set; }
        int? AudioChannels { get; set; }
        int? CaptureRate { get; set; }
        int? AudioEncodingBitRate { get; set; }

After implementing those interfaces you can create a record service:

this._recordService = new NightlyRecorderService(new RecorderSettings
     IosRecorderSettings = new YourIosImplementation(),
     DroidRecorderSettings = new YourDroidImplementation()

OOB Record Configuration

There are some ready to use implementation:





Free Software, Hell Yeah!