niiknow / lambda-form

A Serverless service to handle form submissions using AWS Lambda.
MIT License
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aws contact contact-form email-sender form lambda mjml nunjucks s3 serverless submit

Lambda Form

A Serverless service to handle form submissions using AWS Lambda.

A contact form usually email both Submitter and Form's Creator/Owner. This Serverless function handle sending of email to both parties.

Fill out the demo form with a real email and wait for result.


  1. A form submission record is stored on S3 with the extension '.submit'
  2. All files are stored in the same location under the form-id/submission-id/filename.extension
  3. FUTURE: process stripe transaction.

S3 Trigger

  1. At the moment, it sends email to Owner and User.

Bot/Spam deterrent features

Tech Stacks

Dev Stack

Run Stack


To Test

npm install

To Run/Deploy

  1. Create s3 bucket
  2. Create environment file from example and set the FORMBUCKET value
    cp env.yml.example env.yml
  3. Deploy
    npm install
    npm run deploy
  4. It will deploy dev and give you a URL that you can post to, something like: https://{some-id}{id}
  5. Update demo/!config.json line 2-7 to your SMTP and email
  6. Upload this file to your s3 bucket like so
  7. Post to your new endpoint, in this case, demo is your form {id}
  8. Repeat for any new form. Use random guid as form id to improve performance.
  9. When ready, update serverless.yml to prod and deploy
    name: aws
    runtime: nodejs8.10
    stage: dev # change dev to prod
    region: us-east-1


Why S3 and not directly into some database or sqs/sns?

Because it is Serverless and event triggerable. SQS and SNS has a limit on message size.

You can use s3 event to trigger followup actions, such as Zapier callback, email subscription, etc... It can also store this data somewhere like on Amazon Aurora Serverless.

Usually, we want the form to be fast. The form is already doing a lot of work so we don't want to tack on any unnecessary work. The benefit of s3 event is to defer the work at a later time, allowing for faster response time.

Other things that can add more delays in the future is support of plugins like Payment Gateways, such as Stripe and/or Paypal. It may result in pushing email to a later s3 event trigger.

Project Organization

forms/     - example and for unit testing
lib/       - helpers
templates/ - email templates
tests/     - test data
handler.js - main form submit handler
env.yml    - define environment variable such as FORMBUCKET

# on AWS s3 - bucket

Form/Config Schema

    "name": "friendly form name, field can be use in email subject",
    "form_id": "74d15a89-e358-4980-a29b-0c3daf7fcd95",
    "form_creds": "protect form with: username,password",
    "admin_creds": "protect form admin page with: username,password",
    "smtp_host": "",
    "smtp_port": "587",
    "smtp_user": "",
    "smtp_pass": "YourPassword",
    "from_email": "provide this if smtp_user is not a valid email",
    "recaptcha_field": "the form field name, default g-recaptcha-response",
    "recaptcha_key": "the site key",
    "recaptcha_secret": "the secret key",
    "valid_origins": "a comma separated list of valid origins or * for all",
    "honeypot_field": "honeypot form field name",
    "redir": "",
    "post_url": "url to post the result to",
    "post_message": "thank you message",
    "business_name": "this field can provide company name in email",
    "business_url": "this field can provide link in email",
    "image_url": "this field can provide logo in email",
    "notify_email": "",
    "notify_subject": "New form submit by {{ email }}",
    "notify_body": "actual mjml template or empty to use fallback/owner.mjml",
    "email_field": "identify the submitter's email, e.g. email field name on the form",
    "email_subject": "{{ name }}, thank you for contacting us",
    "email_body": "actual mjml template or empty to use fallback/submitter.mjml",
    "pay_gateway": "stripe",
    "pay_client_id": "stripe client id",
    "pay_secret": "stripe secret",
    "pay_public_key": "stripe public key",
    "pay_connect_string": "additional connection string separate by semicolon",
    "started_at": "yyyy-mm-dd when the form start",
    "ended_at": "yyyy-mm-dd when the form end"


TODO/Future Enhancements

Point of Interest

Since this is Serverless, this setup can really scale. It can be use as a component in your Software-as-a-Service SaaS platform, like a clone of wufoo. All you need is an Admin portal with a FormBuilder - hint - grapejs