nijel / photo-uploader

Simple Python script to upload photos to minilab.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Photo uploader

This is simple photo uploader for minilabs. Basic usage is described by online help, just issue photo-upload --help.

To upload photo to some service, just invoke something like this: photo-upload -s service_name image1.jpg /folder/with/images/*.jpg

Supported service features

You can get list of services by photo-upload -l.

Description of features:

Adding new service

To add support for your service, you need to subclass from phoupl.core.PhotoUploader and implement _connect and _upload methods. You also need to register new service using phoupl.register_service. Then place your module int phoupl/services directory and it should work :-).

Using in applications

If you want to use photo-uploader in your applications, please be careful, because it is in very early stage of development and almost everything can change.

If you want to parse photo-upload -l output, you can rely it will be always formatted like Debian control files (see Debian Policy Manual at for detailed description). Name field is required all others are basically optional and new fields can be added by later versions.


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