nikgoodley-ibboost / gbench

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Apache License 2.0
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GBench is a benchmarking module for Groovy. It allows you to compare the performance of programs.

GBench has two features: Benchmark Builder and Benchmark Transformation.

Benchmark Builder allows you to correctly benchmark programs. Groovy is a difficult language to accurately benchmark. Method caching, dynamic optimization and garbage collection by JVM, there are many factors that interfere measurement. You can resolve the issues by using BenchmarkBuilder. See also "Right Groovy Benchmarking" at

for understanding what the "correctly" means.

Benchmark Transformation allows you to measure methods’ execution time without additional code.


@Grab('org.gperfutils:gbench:0.4.2-groovy-2.1') // v0.4.2 for Groovy 2.1

or other ways to install from the Maven Central repository or build a jar file from source code.


Compare the performance of StringBuilder and StringBuffer using Benchmark Builder:

def r = benchmark { // or new groovyx.gbench.BenchmarkBuilder().run { 'StringBuilder' { def sb = new StringBuilder() sb.append('foo') sb.append('bar') sb.append('baz') sb.toString() } 'StringBuffer' { def sb = new StringBuffer() sb.append('foo') sb.append('bar') sb.append('baz') sb.toString() } } r.prettyPrint()

/* stdout: Environment

Measure the execution time of a method using Benchmark Transformation:

import groovyx.gbench.Benchmark

class Task { @Benchmark void run() { // task } }

/ stdout: Task void run() user:847000 system:1777000 cpu:2624000 real:4918000 /


GBench is copyright 2011-2013 Masato Nagai and licensed under the term of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file LICENSE for the full license.