niki-amini-naieni / CounTX

Includes FSC-147-D and the code for training and testing the CounTX model from the paper Open-world Text-specified Object Counting.
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[BMVC 2023] CounTX: Open-world Text-specified Object Counting

BMVC'2023 Best Poster Award Winner

Niki Amini-Naieni, Kiana Amini-Naieni, Tengda Han, & Andrew Zisserman

Official PyTorch implementation for CounTX. Details can be found in the paper. [Paper] [Project Page]

Update (July 8, 2024): Check out our new model, CountGD, that improves significantly on the performance of CounTX! [Paper] | [Project Page] | [Code] | [App to Quickly Try Out Model]



1. Download Dataset

In our project, the FSC-147 dataset is used. Please visit following link to download this dataset.

We also use the text descriptions in FSC-147-D provided in this repository.

Note that the image names in FSC-147 can be used to identify the corresponding text descriptions in FSC-147-D.

2. Set Up Anaconda Environment:

The following commands will create a suitable Anaconda environment for running the CounTX training and inference procedures. To produce the results in the paper, we used Anaconda version 2022.10.

conda create --name countx-environ python=3.7
conda activate countx-environ
pip install torch==1.10.0+cu111 torchvision==0.11.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.0 -f
pip install timm==0.3.2
pip install scipy
pip install imgaug
git clone
cd CounTX/open_clip
pip install .

CounTX Train

To train the model, run the following command after activating the Anaconda environment set up in step 2 of Preparation. Make sure to change the directory and file names to the ones you set up in step 1 of Preparation.

nohup python --output_dir "./results" --img_dir "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/images_384_VarV2" --gt_dir "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/gt_density_map_adaptive_384_VarV2" --class_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/ImageClasses_FSC147.txt" --FSC147_anno_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/annotation_FSC147_384.json" --FSC147_D_anno_file "./FSC-147-D.json" --data_split_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/Train_Test_Val_FSC_147.json" >>./training.log 2>&1 &

CounTX Inference

To test a model, run the following commands after activating the Anaconda environment set up in step 2 of Preparation. Make sure to change the directory and file names to the ones you set up in step 1 of Preparation. Make sure that the model file name refers to the model you want to test. By default, models trained in CounTX Train will be saved as ./results/checkpoint-1000.pth.

For the validation set:

python --data_split "val" --output_dir "./test" --resume "./results/checkpoint-1000.pth" --img_dir "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/images_384_VarV2" --FSC147_anno_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/annotation_FSC147_384.json" --FSC147_D_anno_file "./FSC-147-D.json" --data_split_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/Train_Test_Val_FSC_147.json"

For the test set:

python --data_split "test" --output_dir "./test" --resume "./results/checkpoint-1000.pth" --img_dir "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/images_384_VarV2" --FSC147_anno_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/annotation_FSC147_384.json" --FSC147_D_anno_file "./FSC-147-D.json" --data_split_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/Train_Test_Val_FSC_147.json"

Pre-Trained Weights


The model weights used in the paper can be downloaded from Google Drive link (1.3 GB). To reproduce the results in the paper, run the following commands after activating the Anaconda environment set up in step 2 of Preparation. Make sure to change the directory and file names to the ones you set up in step 1 of Preparation. Make sure that the model file name refers to the model that you downloaded.

For the validation set:

python --data_split "val" --output_dir "./test" --resume "paper-model.pth" --img_dir "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/images_384_VarV2" --FSC147_anno_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/annotation_FSC147_384.json" --FSC147_D_anno_file "./FSC-147-D.json" --data_split_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/Train_Test_Val_FSC_147.json"

For the test set:

python --data_split "test" --output_dir "./test" --resume "paper-model.pth" --img_dir "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/images_384_VarV2" --FSC147_anno_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/annotation_FSC147_384.json" --FSC147_D_anno_file "./FSC-147-D.json" --data_split_file "/scratch/local/hdd/nikian/Train_Test_Val_FSC_147.json"


The model weights used in the paper can be downloaded from Google Drive link (1.3 GB). To reproduce the results in the paper, run the following commands after activating the Anaconda environment set up in step 2 of Preparation and installing hub as described here. Make sure that the model file name refers to the model that you downloaded.

python --resume "carpk.pth"

Additional Qualitative Examples

Additional qualitative examples for CounTX not included in the main paper are provided here.


  author = "Amini-Naieni, N. and Amini-Naieni, K. and Han, T. and Zisserman, A.",
  title = "Open-world Text-specified Object Counting",
  booktitle = "British Machine Vision Conference",
  year = "2023",


This repository is based on the CounTR repository and uses code from the OpenCLIP repository. If you have any questions about our code implementation, please contact us at