If you need a nice, professional library, please use photoswipe.js
It consists of a modal that will help you make gallery preview modal. Last tested with Ionic 3.13.0
Install it using npm
npm install ionic-gallery-modal --save
and then, within your application module
import * as ionicGalleryModal from 'ionic-gallery-modal';
import { HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser';
and add the GalleryModalModule
to your imports
imports: [
and to your providers
providers: [
useClass: ionicGalleryModal.GalleryModalHammerConfig,
To open the module just use the Ionic ModalController
import { ModalController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { GalleryModal } from 'ionic-gallery-modal';
let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(GalleryModal, {
photos: photos,
initialSlide: index
The possible options for it are:
photos: Array[{
url: string,
type: string,
closeIcon: string,
initialSlide: number,
Let us know or submit a PR! And, please, don't hesitate to contribute. :heart:
flag onCiprian Mocanu - @nikini