nikita-volkov / domain

Focused domain model declaration toolkit for Haskell
MIT License
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boilerplate codegen haskell model template-haskell


Template Haskell codegen removing noise and boilerplate from domain models.


Imagine a real-life project, where you have to define the types for your problem domain: your domain model. How many types do you think there'll be? A poll among Haskellers shows that highly likely more than 30. That is 30 places for you to derive or define instances, work around the records problem and the problem of conflicting constructor names. That is a lot of boilerplate and noise, distracting you from your actual goal of modeling the data structures or learning an existing model during maintenance. Also don't forget about the boilerplate required to generate optics for your model to actually make it accessible.


In its approach to those problems this project sets the following goals:


This project introduces a clear boundary between the data model declaration and the rest of the code base. It introduces a YAML format designed specifically for the problem of defining types and relations between them and that only. We call it Domain Schema.

Schemas can be loaded at compile time and transformed into Haskell declarations using Template Haskell. Since it's just Template Haskell, no extra build software is needed to use this library. It is a normal Haskell package.

Schema gets analysed allowing to generate all kinds of instances automatically using a set of prepackaged derivers. An API is provided for creation of custom derivers for extending the library or handling special cases.

Tutorial and Case in Point

We'll show you how this whole thing works on an example of a model of a service address.


First we need to define a schema. For that we create the following YAML document:

# Service can be either located on the network or
# by a socket file.
# Choice between two or more types can be encoded using
# "sum" type composition, which you may also know as
# "union" or "variant". That's what we use here.
    network: NetworkAddress
    local: FilePath

# Network address is a combination of transport protocol,
# host and port. All those three things at once.
# "product" type composition lets us encode that.
# You may also know it as "record" or "tuple".
    protocol: TransportProtocol
    host: Host
    port: Word16

# Transport protocol is either TCP or UDP.
# We encode that using enumeration.
    - tcp
    - udp

# Host can be adressed by either an IP or its name,
# so "sum" again.
    ip: Ip
    name: Text

# IP can be either of version 4 or version 6.
# We encode it as a sum over words of the accordingly required
# amount of bits.
    v4: Word32
    v6: Word128

# Since the standard lib lacks a definition
# of a 128-bit word, we define a custom one
# as a product of two 64-bit words.
    part1: Word64
    part2: Word64

As you can see in the specification above we're not concerned with typeclass instances or problems of name disambiguation. We're only concerned with data and relations that it has. This is what we mean by focus. It makes the experience of designing and maintaining a model distraction free.

Those three methods of defining types (product, sum, enum) are all that you need to define a model of any complexity. If you understand them, there's nothing new to learn.


Now, having that schema defined in a file at path schemas/model.yaml, we can load it in a Haskell module as follows:

  StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveLift,
  FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
  DataKinds, TypeFamilies
module Model where

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Domain

declare (Just (False, True)) mempty
  =<< loadSchema "schemas/model.yaml"

And that will cause the compiler to generate the following declarations:

data ServiceAddress =
  NetworkServiceAddress !NetworkAddress |
  LocalServiceAddress !FilePath

data NetworkAddress =
  NetworkAddress {
    networkAddressProtocol :: !TransportProtocol,
    networkAddressHost :: !Host,
    networkAddressPort :: !Word16

data TransportProtocol =
  TcpTransportProtocol |

data Host =
  IpHost !Ip |
  NameHost !Text

data Ip =
  V4Ip !Word32 |
  V6Ip !Word128

data Word128 =
  Word128 {
    word128Part1 :: !Word64,
    word128Part2 :: !Word64

As you can see in the generated code the field names from the schema get translated to record fields or constructors depending on the type composition method.

In this example the record fields are prefixed with type names for disambiguation, but by modifying the options passed to the declare function it is possible to remove the type name prefix or prepend with underscore, you can also avoid generating record fields altogether (to keep the value-level namespace clean).

The constructor names are also disambiguated by appending the type name to the label from schema. Thus we are introducing a consistent naming convention, while avoiding the boilerplate in the declaration of the model.


If we introduce the following change to our code:

-declare (Just (False, True)) mempty
+declare (Just (False, True)) stdDeriver

We'll get a ton of instances generated including the obvious Show, Eq and even Hashable for all the declared types. We'll also get some useful ones, which you wouldn't derive otherwise.

Listing of generated instances (it's big) ```haskell deriving instance Show ServiceAddress deriving instance Eq ServiceAddress deriving instance Ord ServiceAddress deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic ServiceAddress deriving instance Data.Data.Data ServiceAddress deriving instance base- ServiceAddress instance hashable- ServiceAddress deriving instance template-haskell- ServiceAddress instance GHC.Records.HasField "network" ServiceAddress (Maybe NetworkAddress) where GHC.Records.getField (NetworkServiceAddress a) = Just a GHC.Records.getField _ = Nothing instance GHC.Records.HasField "local" ServiceAddress (Maybe FilePath) where GHC.Records.getField (LocalServiceAddress a) = Just a GHC.Records.getField _ = Nothing instance (a ~ NetworkAddress) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "network" (a -> ServiceAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = NetworkServiceAddress instance (a ~ FilePath) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "local" (a -> ServiceAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = LocalServiceAddress instance (mapper ~ (NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "network" (mapper -> ServiceAddress -> ServiceAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn -> \ a -> case a of NetworkServiceAddress a -> NetworkServiceAddress (fn a) a -> a instance (mapper ~ (FilePath -> FilePath)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "local" (mapper -> ServiceAddress -> ServiceAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn -> \ a -> case a of LocalServiceAddress a -> LocalServiceAddress (fn a) a -> a instance (a ~ Maybe NetworkAddress) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "network" (ServiceAddress -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of NetworkServiceAddress a -> Just a _ -> Nothing instance (a ~ Maybe FilePath) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "local" (ServiceAddress -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of LocalServiceAddress a -> Just a _ -> Nothing deriving instance Show NetworkAddress deriving instance Eq NetworkAddress deriving instance Ord NetworkAddress deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic NetworkAddress deriving instance Data.Data.Data NetworkAddress deriving instance base- NetworkAddress instance hashable- NetworkAddress deriving instance template-haskell- NetworkAddress instance GHC.Records.HasField "protocol" NetworkAddress TransportProtocol where GHC.Records.getField (NetworkAddress a _ _) = a instance GHC.Records.HasField "host" NetworkAddress Host where GHC.Records.getField (NetworkAddress _ a _) = a instance GHC.Records.HasField "port" NetworkAddress Word16 where GHC.Records.getField (NetworkAddress _ _ a) = a instance (mapper ~ (TransportProtocol -> TransportProtocol)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "protocol" (mapper -> NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn (NetworkAddress a b c) -> ((NetworkAddress (fn a)) b) c instance (mapper ~ (Host -> Host)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "host" (mapper -> NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn (NetworkAddress a b c) -> ((NetworkAddress a) (fn b)) c instance (mapper ~ (Word16 -> Word16)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "port" (mapper -> NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn (NetworkAddress a b c) -> ((NetworkAddress a) b) (fn c) instance (a ~ TransportProtocol) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "protocol" (NetworkAddress -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ (NetworkAddress a _ _) -> a instance (a ~ Host) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "host" (NetworkAddress -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ (NetworkAddress _ b _) -> b instance (a ~ Word16) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "port" (NetworkAddress -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ (NetworkAddress _ _ c) -> c deriving instance Enum TransportProtocol deriving instance Bounded TransportProtocol deriving instance Show TransportProtocol deriving instance Eq TransportProtocol deriving instance Ord TransportProtocol deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic TransportProtocol deriving instance Data.Data.Data TransportProtocol deriving instance base- TransportProtocol instance hashable- TransportProtocol deriving instance template-haskell- TransportProtocol instance GHC.Records.HasField "tcp" TransportProtocol Bool where GHC.Records.getField TcpTransportProtocol = True GHC.Records.getField _ = False instance GHC.Records.HasField "udp" TransportProtocol Bool where GHC.Records.getField UdpTransportProtocol = True GHC.Records.getField _ = False instance GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "tcp" TransportProtocol where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = TcpTransportProtocol instance GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "udp" TransportProtocol where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = UdpTransportProtocol instance (a ~ Bool) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "tcp" (TransportProtocol -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of TcpTransportProtocol -> True _ -> False instance (a ~ Bool) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "udp" (TransportProtocol -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of UdpTransportProtocol -> True _ -> False deriving instance Show Host deriving instance Eq Host deriving instance Ord Host deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Host deriving instance Data.Data.Data Host deriving instance base- Host instance hashable- Host deriving instance template-haskell- Host instance GHC.Records.HasField "ip" Host (Maybe Ip) where GHC.Records.getField (IpHost a) = Just a GHC.Records.getField _ = Nothing instance GHC.Records.HasField "name" Host (Maybe Text) where GHC.Records.getField (NameHost a) = Just a GHC.Records.getField _ = Nothing instance (a ~ Ip) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "ip" (a -> Host) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = IpHost instance (a ~ Text) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "name" (a -> Host) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = NameHost instance (mapper ~ (Ip -> Ip)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "ip" (mapper -> Host -> Host) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn -> \ a -> case a of IpHost a -> IpHost (fn a) a -> a instance (mapper ~ (Text -> Text)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "name" (mapper -> Host -> Host) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn -> \ a -> case a of NameHost a -> NameHost (fn a) a -> a instance (a ~ Maybe Ip) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "ip" (Host -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of IpHost a -> Just a _ -> Nothing instance (a ~ Maybe Text) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "name" (Host -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of NameHost a -> Just a _ -> Nothing deriving instance Show Ip deriving instance Eq Ip deriving instance Ord Ip deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Ip deriving instance Data.Data.Data Ip deriving instance base- Ip instance hashable- Ip deriving instance template-haskell- Ip instance GHC.Records.HasField "v4" Ip (Maybe Word32) where GHC.Records.getField (V4Ip a) = Just a GHC.Records.getField _ = Nothing instance GHC.Records.HasField "v6" Ip (Maybe Word128) where GHC.Records.getField (V6Ip a) = Just a GHC.Records.getField _ = Nothing instance (a ~ Word32) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "v4" (a -> Ip) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = V4Ip instance (a ~ Word128) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "v6" (a -> Ip) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = V6Ip instance (mapper ~ (Word32 -> Word32)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "v4" (mapper -> Ip -> Ip) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn -> \ a -> case a of V4Ip a -> V4Ip (fn a) a -> a instance (mapper ~ (Word128 -> Word128)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "v6" (mapper -> Ip -> Ip) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn -> \ a -> case a of V6Ip a -> V6Ip (fn a) a -> a instance (a ~ Maybe Word32) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "v4" (Ip -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of V4Ip a -> Just a _ -> Nothing instance (a ~ Maybe Word128) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "v6" (Ip -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ a -> case a of V6Ip a -> Just a _ -> Nothing deriving instance Show Word128 deriving instance Eq Word128 deriving instance Ord Word128 deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Word128 deriving instance Data.Data.Data Word128 deriving instance base- Word128 instance hashable- Word128 deriving instance template-haskell- Word128 instance GHC.Records.HasField "part1" Word128 Word64 where GHC.Records.getField (Word128 a _) = a instance GHC.Records.HasField "part2" Word128 Word64 where GHC.Records.getField (Word128 _ a) = a instance (mapper ~ (Word64 -> Word64)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "part1" (mapper -> Word128 -> Word128) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn (Word128 a b) -> (Word128 (fn a)) b instance (mapper ~ (Word64 -> Word64)) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "part2" (mapper -> Word128 -> Word128) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ fn (Word128 a b) -> (Word128 a) (fn b) instance (a ~ Word64) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "part1" (Word128 -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ (Word128 a _) -> a instance (a ~ Word64) => GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel "part2" (Word128 -> a) where GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel = \ (Word128 _ b) -> b ```


Among the generated instances you'll find instances for the IsLabel class. It is a class powering Haskell's OverloadedLabels extension. The instances we define for it let us reduce the boilerplate in the way we address our model. Here's how.

We can access the members of records:

getNetworkAddressPort :: NetworkAddress -> Word16
getNetworkAddressPort = #port

Yep. Finally. Address your fields without crazy prefixes or dealing with disambiguation otherwise.

Labels will be unprefixed regardless of what you choose to do about record fields. You can also name them whatever you like. Literally, even type and data make up valid labels, and unless you choose to generate unprefixed record fields, you can freely use them.

We get accessors to the members of sums as well:

getHostIp :: Host -> Maybe Ip
getHostIp = #ip

Yep. Sum types can have accessors if you look at them from a certain perspective.

Accessors to enums - why not?

isTransportProtocolTcp :: TransportProtocol -> Bool
isTransportProtocolTcp = #tcp

We get shortcuts to enums:

tcpTransportProtocol :: TransportProtocol
tcpTransportProtocol = #tcp

We can instantiate sums:

ipHost :: Ip -> Host
ipHost = #ip

We can map over both record fields and sum variants:

mapNetworkAddressHost :: (Host -> Host) -> NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress
mapNetworkAddressHost = #host
mapHostIp :: (Ip -> Ip) -> Host -> Host
mapHostIp = #ip

There's a few things worth noticing here. Unfortunately the type inferencer will be unable to automatically detect the type of the mapping lambda parameter, so it needs to have an unambiguous type. This means that often times you'll have to provide an explicit type for it. But there's a solution.

There is a "domain-optics" library which provides an integration with the "optics" library. By including the derivers from it in the parameters to the declare macro, you'll be able to map as follows without type inference issues:

mapNetworkAddressHost :: (Host -> Host) -> NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress
mapNetworkAddressHost = over #host

You can read more about the "optics" library integration in the Optics section.

If we can map, then we can also set:

setNetworkAddressHost :: Host -> NetworkAddress -> NetworkAddress
setNetworkAddressHost host = #host (const host)


Extensional "domain-optics" library provides integration with "optics". By using the derivers from it we can get optics using labels as well.

Coming back to our example here's all we'll have to do to enable our model with optics:

  StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveLift,
  FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
  DataKinds, TypeFamilies,
module Model where

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Domain
import DomainOptics

declare (Just (False, True)) (stdDeriver <> labelOpticDeriver)
  =<< loadSchema "schemas/model.yaml"

Here are some of the optics that will become available to us:

networkAddressHostOptic :: Lens' NetworkAddress Host
networkAddressHostOptic = #host
hostIpOptic :: Prism' Host Ip
hostIpOptic = #ip
tcpTransportProtocolOptic :: Prism' TransportProtocol ()
tcpTransportProtocolOptic = #tcp

As you may have noticed, we avoid the "underscore-uppercase" naming convention for prisms. With labels there's no longer any need for it.

We recommend using "optics" instead of direct IsLabel instances, because functions like view, over, set, review make your intent clearer to the reader in many cases and in some cases provide better type inference.