nilason / grass-conda

Semi-automated GRASS GIS build script package with Anaconda.
MIT License
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Build GRASS GIS with Anaconda

This is a script package for nearly automated build of GRASS GIS as a macOS application bundle (

The building script will do all the steps – creating App bundle, installing Conda dependencies (using the package manager Mambaforge), to patching, compiling and installing GRASS GIS – to end up with an installed in /Applications. It can also create a compressed dmg file if so wished.


./ [arguments]

  --grassdir    [path]  GRASS GIS source directory, spaces in path not allowed.
  --sdk         [path]  MacOS SDK - full path, spaces in path not allowed.
  --target    [target]  Set deployment target version (MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET),
                        e.g. "10.14", optional, default is set from SDK.
  --dmg-out-dir [path]  Output directory path for DMG file creation
                        This is a requirement for creating .dmg files.
  --conda-file  [path]  Conda package requirement file, optional.
  --with-liblas         Include libLAS support, optional, default is no support.
  --update-conda-stable Update the stable explicit conda requirement file. This
                        is only allowed if conda-requirements-dev-[arm64|x86_64].txt
                        is used (with --conda-file), to keep the two files in sync.
  --repackage           Recreate dmg file from previously built app,
                        setting [-o | --dmg-out-dir] is a requirement.
  --help                Usage information.


You need to install Apple's Command Line Tools (CLT), with or without Xcode. Installing CLT is possible with following terminal command:

xcode-select --install

Xcode is available for download at Apple's App Store.

CLT will typically install SDKs in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/, while finding Xcode's default SDK can be achieved with e.g. xcrun --show-sdk-path. (See man xcrun for more functions.)

Note: Compiling GRASS (c/c++ based) addon extensions with the resulting requires CLT installation too.


Fork or download this grass-conda repository to local disk and make sure you have the GRASS GIS source directory on local disk too.

If GRASS source directory is a git repo, you can checkout the branch/release you want to build. At present the master and releasebranch_7_8 branches, and the 7.8.5 release is supported, e.g.:

cd [grass-source-dir]

# for
git checkout master

# for 7.8.6dev
git checkout releasebranch_7_8

# for 7.8.5 release
git checkout 7.8.5

There are currently two required variables needed to be set either through editing the file, or by giving them as arguments to the main script: ./

Argument given to ./ will override settings in You can also do ./ --help for info on possible configurations.

Required settings:

Example with using settings in


Example with executing with arguments:

./ \
  --grassdir /Volumes/dev/grass \
  --sdk /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk \
  --target 10.14

Example of building and creating dmg with executing with arguments:

~/scripts/grass-conda/ \
  --grassdir /Volumes/dev/grass \
  --sdk /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk \
  --conda-file ./Desktop/requirement.txt \
  --dmg-out-dir ~/Desktop

Build Target Architecture

Building GRASS on a x86_64 (Intel) machine can create a binary only for the x86_64 architecture. On a Apple silicon based machine a binary can be created for either x86_64 or arm64 (creating Universal Binary is at the moment not possible).

The building target architecture depends ultimately on the result of uname -m in the Terminal running the script. Building on Apple silicon machines, opening the Terminal in Rosetta mode, creates a x86_64 binary.


By default a conda environment will be created by an explicit conda requirement file (default/conda-requirements-dev-[arm64|x86_64].txt). It was created by executing conda list --explicit on an environment created by the file default/conda-requirements-dev-[arm64|x86_64].txt. This enables reproducibility and stability. It is also possible to use a customized conda requirement file, set as an argument (or in

To be able to bump dependency versions and/or add/remove dependencies for the default/conda-requirements-stable.txt file the command flag --update-conda-stable can be added. A requirement for this is that default/conda-requirements-dev.txt is used for --conda-file. This function is primarily intended to be used for updating this git repo.

GRASS configure settings are set in default/ Changes to that file should reflect settings of conda environment.