Welcome to the repository for the 11/01/2024 and 16/01/2024 lectures on MD of bilayers and membrane proteins.
Under theory/ you have the theoretical presentation to the topic. Under practical/ you have a protocol with the different steps to be followed to:
In this repo we assume the Anaconda package manager is installed in your computer (you can check that by typing conda
on your terminal session). If you do, continue from Creating an environment. If not, go on with Installing miniconda.
A lighter version of Anaconda can be installed, and that is miniconda. To download and install it:
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Follow the instructions.
Once you have it installed, you probably have to restart your terminal or do source ~/.bashrc
, and then conda init bash
Now we're going to create an environment and we're going to call it membranes
conda create -n membranes python=3.6
conda activate membranes
And install all the packages needed through conda install
conda install -c conda-forge numpy pandas matplotlib pytest ambertools
Say Y
We might need to install the molecular dynamics machine as well. First check if it's installed in your system by typing gmx help
or which gmx
in your shell. If there's no prompt or the software is not installed, do:
sudo apt install gromacs
To install FATSLiM and test if it works:
pip install fatslim
fatslim self-test
To start working with the practical part, git clone
this repo anywhere you want in your local machine and follow the steps of the protocol.