nilomr / pykanto

A python library for animal vocalisation analysis
MIT License
21 stars 3 forks source link

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![version]( ![PyPI status]( ![license]( ![Open Source Love](♡-lightgrey) ![Python 3.8](|%203.9%20|%203.10-blue.svg) **pykanto** is a python library to manage and analyse bird vocalisations [Installation](#installation) • [Getting started](#getting-started) • [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) # ㅤ


See installing pykanto for a complete installation guide.

To install pykanto using pip, simply run:

pip install pykanto

Getting started

See getting started for a complete use guide.



There are three small vocalisation datasets packaged with pykanto, used for unit tests and demonstration purposes. These will be downloaded automatically when you install the library.

Dataset Description Source
Great tit songs Dawn songs from male birds in a population in Oxford, UK Nilo M. Recalde
European storm-petrel purr songs Males singing from burrows in the Shetland and Faroe islands XC46092 © Dougie Preston
XC663885 © Simon S. Christiansen // CC licence
Bengalese finch songs Recordings from two isolated Bengalese finches Originally published in Tachibana, Koumura & Okanoya (2015) Data: DOI


The project is licensed under the MIT license.


If you use pykanto in your own work, please cite the associated article and/or the repository:

DOI arXiv


© Nilo M. Recalde, 2021-present