My personal Neovim configuration focusing on Rust development.
Plugins used
- cellular-automaton - just for fun
- colorscheme - contains installed colorschemes, and sets a default one.
- format-on-save
- harpoon - for jumping between files
- lsp - handles all LSP related setup
- nvim-tree - an alternative to the netrw directory experience
- rustaceanvim - automagical setup and conf for Rust development
- telescope - great fuzzy finder
- treesitter - for parsing syntax
- undotree - undo history tool
- vim-be-good - a handful of educational games for practicing vim motions
- vim-fugitive - Git integration
Tips and tricks
Make your neovim config more accessible in bash using a .bashrc
alias vc="nvim ~/.config/nvim"
or in PowerShell by editing the $profile file:
function configureNvim {
nvim C:\Users\nilsi\AppData\Local\nvim
Set-Alias v nvim
Set-Alias vc configureNvim