nim-lang / nimble

Package manager for the Nim programming language.
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[ concern/question ] Nimble complaining about incorrect folder structure, warning about becoming an error #1132

Closed heysokam closed 10 months ago

heysokam commented 10 months ago

I want to raise a concern about these warnings. They have been plaguing all my projects since the last update on stable:

  Warning: Package 'nid3' has an incorrect structure. It should contain a single directory hierarchy for source files, named 'nid3pkg', but file 'build.nim' is in a directory named 'src' instead. This will be an error in the future.
      Hint: If 'src' contains source files for building 'nid3', rename it to 'nid3pkg'. Otherwise, prevent its installation by adding `skipDirs = @["src"]` to the .nimble file.

My project's structure (all of them are built the same):

|- src/
|   |- libname.nim
|   |_ libname/
|        |- sub1.nim
|        |- sub2.nim
|- bin/
|    |_ .gitignore
|- libname.nimble
|- config.nims

This allows for:

# nimble install libname
import libname           # Access to the normal root module
import libname/sub1      # Access to the submodule1 specifically
import libname/sub2      # Access to the submodule1 specifically
import pkg/libname/sub1  # Explicit specification for the file being from a package, and not a current folder file/folder

What the warning of a future error is enforcing:

import libname              # Access to the normal root module
import libnamepkg/sub1      # Different prefix name for the submodule
import libnamepkg/sub2      # Different prefix name for the submodule
import pkg/libnamepkg/sub1  # Explicit specification for the file being from a package, and not a current folder file/folder

Have a few questions:

  1. Is there a way to silence these warnings?
  2. Why is there an enforced project structure now?
  3. Why is there even a need for removing the normal src/pkg/* + src/pkg.nim structure that has always worked?
  4. Why am I forced to call all my submodules with import mylibpkg/sub or even import pkg/mylibpkg/sub if my project requires the explicitness, instead of just import pkg/mylib/sub like it makes sense to do?
  5. How far away is this future that the this will be an error in the future message is pointing at?

I have asked on discord before, and I've been told to ignore them. But I don't want to ignore a warning that is warning me about itself becoming an error in the future. Sounds like a warning I should not ignore, if it's warning me of all my packages breaking completely in the future if I don't want to fit in the narrow box that this enforces.

Is there any chance of a reconsideration on the future error enforcement? Is there a dialogue on this, or is it just gonna be enforced and required without making it optional in any way?

Hope I don't sound angry, I'm not. I'm just surprised that this warning even exists, so figured I should write an issue about it. Thanks for such an awesome tool, I really believe in this manager. Let me know what you think :writing_hand:

Araq commented 10 months ago

How far away is this future that the this will be an error in the future message is pointing at?

This future will never arrive. You can use skipDirs and similar to avoid the warnings. The WIP Atlas package manager has no such restrictions on your directory layouts.

heysokam commented 10 months ago

I see, gotcha. I tried using the instructions of the message, but the problem is that its asking me to skipDirs( "src" ) :see_no_evil: Which means I would skipdir the entire project's code!!! :D

I will try Atlas, and keep ignoring the warnings in the meantime. tyty :metal: