nim-lang / nimble

Package manager for the Nim programming language.
1.24k stars 174 forks source link
nim package-manager


Nimble is the default package manager for the Nim programming language.


Interested in how to use Nimble? See the Nimble Guide, where you can learn:

This documentation is for the latest commit of Nimble. Nim releases ship with a specific version of Nimble and may not contain all the features and fixes described here. nimble -v will display the version of Nimble in use.

The Nimble changelog can be found here.

Repository information

This repository has two main branches: master and stable.

The master branch is...

The stable branch is...

Note: The travis build only tests whether Nimble works with the latest Nim version.

A new Nim release (via koch xz) will always bundle the stable branch.


If you would like to help, feel free to fork and make any additions you see fit and then send a pull request.

If you have any questions about the project, you can ask me directly on GitHub, ask on the Nim forum, or ask on Freenode in the #nim channel.


Nimble has been written by Dominik Picheta with help from a number of contributors. It is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license, see license.txt for more information.