nim-lang / nimble

Package manager for the Nim programming language.
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unhelpful error #615

Closed krux02 closed 4 years ago

krux02 commented 5 years ago

when I try to install my package, it fails. But the problem is that I can't find out where the problem comes from. Here is the output of the process:

$ nimble install fancygl
Downloading using git
  Verifying dependencies for fancygl@0.3.2
      Info: Dependency on AntTweakBar@>= 1.0.2 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for AntTweakBar@1.0.2
      Info: Dependency on sdl2_nim@>= already satisfied
   Warning: Package 'sdl2_nim' has an incorrect structure. It should contain a single directory hierarchy for source files, named 'sdl2_nim', but file 'sdl_gfx_imagefilter.nim' is in a directory named 'sdl2' instead. This will be an error in the future.
      Hint: If 'sdl2' contains source files for building 'sdl2_nim', rename it to 'sdl2_nim'. Otherwise, prevent its installation by adding `skipDirs = @["sdl2"]` to the .nimble file.
  Verifying dependencies for sdl2_nim@
      Info: Dependency on glm@>= 1.1.1 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for glm@1.1.1
      Info: Dependency on ast_pattern_matching@>= 1.0.0 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for ast_pattern_matching@1.0.0
 Installing fancygl@0.3.2
   Building fancygl/examples/hello_triangle using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/forward_vertex_shader using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/deferred_shading using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/hello_shapes using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/mandelbrot using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/iqm_mesh_loading using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/neuralnetwork using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/noise_landscape using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/particles using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/particles_transform_feedback using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/player_controls using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/retro_tiling using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/sandbox using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/tetris using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/waves using c backend
   Building fancygl/experiment/main using c backend
   Building fancygl/examples/console using c backend
../../../lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim(85) raiseOSError
Error: unhandled exception: No such file or directory [OSError]

The error message "Error: unhandled exception: No such file or directory [OSError]" isn't helpful at all, because it doesn't tell what file it can't find.

The line information ../../../lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim(85) is not helpful, because it just points to raiseOSError. This is not wher the problem came from.

Also it does not list the command that failed. So I can't rerun the commend and see if I can debug it somehow.

Last but not least it leaves a half way installed package in the file system that cannot be removed with nimble uninstall:

$ nimble uninstall fancygl
    Looking for fancygl (any version)
   Warning: No nimblemeta.json file found in /home/arne/.nimble/pkgs/fancygl-0.3.2
   Checking reverse dependencies
    Prompt: The following packages will be removed:
        ...   fancygl (0.3.2)
        ... Do you wish to continue? [y/N]
    Answer: y
../../../lib/pure/json.nim(873) parseFile
Error: unhandled exception: cannot read from file: /home/arne/.nimble/pkgs/fancygl-0.3.2/nimblemeta.json [IOError]

The information above was printed with a nimble in release mode:

bin/nim c -o:bin/nimble --noNimblePath --nilseqs:on -d:release dist/nimble/src/nimble.nim

To debug the problem further, I tried to build a debug mode with this command (same nimble source)

bin/nim c -o:bin/nimble --noNimblePath --nilseqs:on --debugger:native dist/nimble/src/nimble.nim

But on debug, nimble doesn't even get that far:

$ nimble install fancygl
Downloading using git
nimble.nim(1118)         nimble
nimble.nim(1056)         doAction
nimble.nim(481)          install
download.nim(256)        downloadPkg
packageparser.nim(410)   getPkgInfo
packageparser.nim(398)   getPkgInfoFromFile
packageparser.nim(349)   readPackageInfo
nimscriptsupport.nim(591) readPackageInfoFromNims
nimscriptsupport.nim(86) extractRequires
version.nim(218)         parseRequires
version.nim(193)         parseVersionRange
system.nim(3053)         sysFatal
Error: unhandled exception: index 29 not in 0 .. 28 [IndexError]
Traceback (most recent call last)
nimble.nim(1126)         nimble

Also while I try to find the problem with nimble install fancygl I run that command several times. The problem is that it downloads the entire project every time. This takes a lot of time and can be optimized.

krux02 commented 5 years ago

what logic is this:

req = "nim >= 0.19.9 ", but with more whitespace that got stripped, thanks to github.

dom96 commented 5 years ago

The error message "Error: unhandled exception: No such file or directory [OSError]"

This is a bug. Any time Nimble crashes with a exception that isn't of type NimbleError there is a bug. Running Nimble with the --debug flag might be able to tell you what file it cannot find.

dom96 commented 5 years ago

More discussion:

krux02 commented 5 years ago

@dom96 why do I need to pass a --debug flag to get crucial information as that?

dom96 commented 5 years ago

I'm not saying this is how it should be. I already acknowledged that this is a bug.

You use the --debug flag to... you know... debug things. I'm not expecting you to use it routinely.

dom96 commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately hello_triangle fails to compile for me so this doesn't get far enough:

/private/var/folders/qs/3mwpxj8s1td75h2bby7g18xw0000gn/T/nimble_79143/githubcom_krux02openglsandbox/glad/gl.nim(109, 39) Error: -1 can't be converted to uint64

I've tried to fix this error and managed to get quite far, but then got a C compile error and just gave up. Can you still repro this?

genotrance commented 4 years ago

fancygl@0.3.2 doesn't work due to the above error reported by @dom96 but fancygl@#head works fine. Seems like a Nim build issue and this goes back to Nimble not showing the output. The build error showed up with --debug. Closing this but there are other discussions about showing more output that are being debated.