nima / site

Modular shell-scripting framework - 99% native bash, 1% phat!
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gh-pages README

You are probably looking for this README, or the corresponding homepage.


Please note that this README doesn't cover what site is (that is covered in the homepage), but focuses instead on the current status of site development.

Development Status

Here are the currently developing/developed site modules:

Core Module Code-Complete Description
unit :waning_gibbous_moon: Core Unit-Testing module
util :full_moon: Core utilities module
help :full_moon: Core help module
hgd :waning_gibbous_moon: Core HGD (Host-Group Directive) module
net :full_moon: Core networking module
gpg :full_moon: Core GNUPG module
vault :full_moon: Core vault and secrets management module
remote :waning_gibbous_moon: The site remote access/execution module (ssh, ssh/sudo, tmux, etc.)
git :full_moon: Auxiliary Git helper module
dns :full_moon: Core DNS module
tunnel :full_moon: Secure shell tunnelling wrapper
tutorial :waning_crescent_moon: The site module aims to serve as a tutorial for new site users

And here is their relationship with one-another; i.e., the dependecy graph of the core primary site modules: Module Dependencies

The following set of modules are generally only useful under special-circumstances, and so are disabled by default:

Alpha Modules Code-Complete Description
ng :last_quarter_moon: Core Netgroup module
ldap :last_quarter_moon: The site LDAP module
mongo :new_moon: MongoDB helper module
softlayer :new_moon: Softlayer CLI interface
pagerduty :new_moon: PagerDuty CLI interface

Build Status

Here are the current build statuses of the various GitHub branches of site:

Branch Status
master Build Status
develop Build Status