nimbella / aio-cli-plugin-runtime

Nimbella Fork of the Adobe I/O Runtime plugin for Apache OpenWhisk.
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Adobe I/O Runtime plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI


$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-runtime
$ # OR
$ aio discover -i
$ aio runtime --help


aio runtime

Execute runtime commands

Execute runtime commands

  $ aio runtime

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt

See code: src/commands/runtime/index.js

aio runtime:action

Manage your actions

Manage your actions

  $ aio runtime:action

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:action

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/index.js

aio runtime:action:create ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]

Creates an Action

Creates an Action

  $ aio runtime:action:create ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -E, --env-file=env-file                FILE containing environment variables in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -e, --env=env                          environment values in KEY VALUE format
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -l, --logsize=logsize                  the maximum log size LIMIT in MB for the action (default 10)
  -m, --memory=memory                    the maximum memory LIMIT in MB for the action (default 256)
  -p, --param=param                      parameter values in KEY VALUE format

  -t, --timeout=timeout                  the timeout LIMIT in milliseconds after which the action is terminated (default

  -u, --auth=auth                        whisk auth

  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output

  --apihost=apihost                      whisk API host

  --apiversion=apiversion                whisk API version

  --binary                               treat code artifact as binary

  --cert=cert                            client cert

  --debug=debug                          Debug level output

  --docker=docker                        [Restricted Access] use provided Docker image (a path on DockerHub) to run the

  --help                                 Show help

  --json                                 output raw json

  --key=key                              client key

  --kind=kind                            the KIND of the action runtime (example: swift:default, nodejs:default)

  --main=main                            the name of the action entry point (function or fully-qualified method name
                                         when applicable)

  --sequence=sequence                    treat ACTION as comma separated sequence of actions to invoke

  --version                              Show version

  --web=true|yes|false|no|raw            treat ACTION as a web action or as a raw HTTP web action

  --web-secure=web-secure                secure the web action (valid values are true, false, or any string)

  $ aio rt:action:create

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/create.js

aio runtime:action:delete ACTIONNAME

Deletes an Action

Deletes an Action

  $ aio runtime:action:delete ACTIONNAME

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --json                   output raw json
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:action:del
  $ aio rt:action:delete
  $ aio rt:action:del

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/delete.js

aio runtime:action:get ACTIONNAME

Retrieves an Action

Retrieves an Action

  $ aio runtime:action:get ACTIONNAME

  -c, --code               show action code (only works if code is not a zip file)
  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -r, --url                get action url
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --save                   save action code to file corresponding with action name
  --save-as=save-as        file to save action code to
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:action:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/get.js

aio runtime:action:invoke ACTIONNAME

Invokes an Action

Invokes an Action

  $ aio runtime:action:invoke ACTIONNAME

  -P, --param-file=param-file  FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -b, --blocking               blocking invoke
  -i, --insecure               bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param            parameter values in KEY VALUE format
  -r, --result                 blocking invoke; show only activation result (unless there is a failure)
  -u, --auth=auth              whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost            whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion      whisk API version
  --cert=cert                  client cert
  --debug=debug                Debug level output
  --help                       Show help
  --key=key                    client key
  --version                    Show version

  $ aio rt:action:invoke

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/invoke.js

aio runtime:action:list [PACKAGENAME]

Lists all the Actions

Lists all the Actions

  $ aio runtime:action:list [PACKAGENAME]

  -c, --count              show only the total number of actions
  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -l, --limit=limit        only return LIMIT number of actions from the collection (default 30)
  -n, --name               sort results by name
  -s, --skip=skip          exclude the first SKIP number of actions from the result
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --json                   output raw json
  --key=key                client key
  --name-sort              sort results by name
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:action:ls
  $ aio runtime:actions:list
  $ aio runtime:actions:ls
  $ aio rt:action:list
  $ aio rt:actions:list
  $ aio rt:action:ls
  $ aio rt:actions:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/list.js

aio runtime:action:update ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]

Updates an Action

Updates an Action

  $ aio runtime:action:update ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -E, --env-file=env-file                FILE containing environment variables in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -e, --env=env                          environment values in KEY VALUE format
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -l, --logsize=logsize                  the maximum log size LIMIT in MB for the action (default 10)
  -m, --memory=memory                    the maximum memory LIMIT in MB for the action (default 256)
  -p, --param=param                      parameter values in KEY VALUE format

  -t, --timeout=timeout                  the timeout LIMIT in milliseconds after which the action is terminated (default

  -u, --auth=auth                        whisk auth

  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output

  --apihost=apihost                      whisk API host

  --apiversion=apiversion                whisk API version

  --binary                               treat code artifact as binary

  --cert=cert                            client cert

  --debug=debug                          Debug level output

  --docker=docker                        [Restricted Access] use provided Docker image (a path on DockerHub) to run the

  --help                                 Show help

  --json                                 output raw json

  --key=key                              client key

  --kind=kind                            the KIND of the action runtime (example: swift:default, nodejs:default)

  --main=main                            the name of the action entry point (function or fully-qualified method name
                                         when applicable)

  --sequence=sequence                    treat ACTION as comma separated sequence of actions to invoke

  --version                              Show version

  --web=true|yes|false|no|raw            treat ACTION as a web action or as a raw HTTP web action

  --web-secure=web-secure                secure the web action (valid values are true, false, or any string)

  $ aio rt:action:update

See code: src/commands/runtime/action/update.js

aio runtime:activation

Manage your activations

Manage your activations

  $ aio runtime:activation

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:activation

See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/index.js

aio runtime:activation:get [ACTIVATIONID]

Retrieves an Activation

Retrieves an Activation

  $ aio runtime:activation:get [ACTIVATIONID]

  -g, --logs               emit only the logs, stripped of time stamps and stream identifier
  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -l, --last               retrieves the most recent activation
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:activation:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/get.js

aio runtime:activation:list [ACTIVATION_NAME]

Lists all the Activations

Lists all the Activations

  $ aio runtime:activation:list [ACTIVATION_NAME]

  -c, --count              show only the total number of activations
  -f, --full               include full activation description
  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check

  -l, --limit=limit        only return LIMIT number of activations from the collection with a maximum LIMIT of 200
                           activations (default 30)

  -s, --skip=skip          exclude the first SKIP number of activations from the result

  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth

  -v, --verbose            Verbose output

  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host

  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version

  --cert=cert              client cert

  --debug=debug            Debug level output

  --help                   Show help

  --json                   output raw json

  --key=key                client key

  --since=since            return activations with timestamps later than SINCE; measured in milliseconds since Th, 01,
                           Jan 1970

  --upto=upto              return activations with timestamps earlier than UPTO; measured in milliseconds since Th, 01,
                           Jan 1970

  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:activations:list
  $ aio runtime:activation:ls
  $ aio runtime:activations:ls
  $ aio rt:activation:list
  $ aio rt:activation:ls
  $ aio rt:activations:list
  $ aio rt:activations:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/list.js

aio runtime:activation:logs [ACTIVATIONID]

Retrieves the Logs for an Activation

Retrieves the Logs for an Activation

  $ aio runtime:activation:logs [ACTIVATIONID]

  -a, --action=action      Fetch logs for a specific action
  -d, --deployed           Fetch logs for all actions deployed under a specific package
  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -l, --last               retrieves the most recent activation logs
  -m, --manifest           Fetch logs for all actions in the manifest
  -o, --poll               Fetch logs continuously
  -p, --package=package    Fetch logs for a specific package in the manifest
  -r, --strip              strip timestamp information and output first line only
  -t, --tail               Fetch logs continuously
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  -w, --watch              Fetch logs continuously
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --limit=limit            return the last `limit` activation logs. Max 50
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:activation:log
  $ aio runtime:log
  $ aio runtime:logs
  $ aio rt:activation:logs
  $ aio rt:activation:log
  $ aio rt:log
  $ aio rt:logs

See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/logs.js

aio runtime:activation:result [ACTIVATIONID]

Retrieves the Results for an Activation

Retrieves the Results for an Activation

  $ aio runtime:activation:result [ACTIVATIONID]

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -l, --last               retrieves the most recent activation result
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:activation:result

See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/result.js

aio runtime:deploy

The Runtime Deployment Tool

The Runtime Deployment Tool

  $ aio runtime:deploy

  -P, --param-file=param-file  FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -d, --deployment=deployment  the path to the deployment file
  -i, --insecure               bypass certificate check
  -m, --manifest=manifest      the manifest file location
  -u, --auth=auth              whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost            whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion      whisk API version
  --cert=cert                  client cert
  --debug=debug                Debug level output
  --help                       Show help
  --key=key                    client key
  --param=param                parameter values in KEY VALUE format
  --version                    Show version

  $ aio rt:deploy

See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/index.js

aio runtime:deploy:export

Exports managed project assets from Runtime to manifest and function files

Exports managed project assets from Runtime to manifest and function files

  $ aio runtime:deploy:export

  -i, --insecure             bypass certificate check
  -m, --manifest=manifest    (required) the manifest file location
  -u, --auth=auth            whisk auth
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost          whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert=cert                client cert
  --debug=debug              Debug level output
  --help                     Show help
  --key=key                  client key
  --projectname=projectname  (required) the name of the project to be undeployed
  --version                  Show version

  $ aio rt:deploy:export

See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/export.js

aio runtime:deploy:report

Provides a summary report of Runtime assets being deployed/undeployed based on manifest/deployment YAML

Provides a summary report of Runtime assets being deployed/undeployed based on manifest/deployment YAML

  $ aio runtime:deploy:report

  -d, --deployment=deployment  the deployment file location
  -i, --insecure               bypass certificate check
  -m, --manifest=manifest      the manifest file location
  -u, --auth=auth              whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost            whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion      whisk API version
  --cert=cert                  client cert
  --debug=debug                Debug level output
  --help                       Show help
  --key=key                    client key
  --version                    Show version

  $ aio rt:deploy:report

See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/report.js

aio runtime:deploy:sync

A tool to sync deployment and undeployment of Runtime packages using a manifest and optional deployment files using YAML

A tool to sync deployment and undeployment of Runtime packages using a manifest and optional deployment files using YAML

  $ aio runtime:deploy:sync

  -d, --deployment=deployment  the path to the deployment file
  -i, --insecure               bypass certificate check
  -m, --manifest=manifest      the manifest file location
  -u, --auth=auth              whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost            whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion      whisk API version
  --cert=cert                  client cert
  --debug=debug                Debug level output
  --help                       Show help
  --key=key                    client key
  --version                    Show version

  $ aio rt:deploy:sync

See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/sync.js

aio runtime:deploy:undeploy

Undeploy removes Runtime assets which were deployed from the manifest and deployment YAML

Undeploy removes Runtime assets which were deployed from the manifest and deployment YAML

  $ aio runtime:deploy:undeploy

  -i, --insecure             bypass certificate check
  -m, --manifest=manifest    the manifest file location
  -u, --auth=auth            whisk auth
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost          whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert=cert                client cert
  --debug=debug              Debug level output
  --help                     Show help
  --key=key                  client key
  --projectname=projectname  the name of the project to be undeployed
  --version                  Show version

  $ aio rt:deploy:undeploy

See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/undeploy.js

aio runtime:deploy:version

Prints the version number of aio runtime deploy

Prints the version number of aio runtime deploy

  $ aio runtime:deploy:version

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:deploy:version

See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/version.js

aio runtime:namespace

Manage your namespaces

Manage your namespaces

  $ aio runtime:namespace

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:ns
  $ aio rt:namespace
  $ aio rt:ns

See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/index.js

aio runtime:namespace:get

Get triggers, actions, and rules in the registry for namespace

Get triggers, actions, and rules in the registry for namespace

  $ aio runtime:namespace:get

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -n, --name               sort results by name
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --json                   output raw json
  --key=key                client key
  --name-sort              sort results by name
  --version                Show version

  $ aio rt:get
  $ aio runtime:list
  $ aio rt:list
  $ aio runtime:ls
  $ aio rt:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/get.js

aio runtime:namespace:list

Lists all of your namespaces for Adobe I/O Runtime

Lists all of your namespaces for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:namespace:list

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --json                   output raw json
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:namespace:ls
  $ aio runtime:ns:list
  $ aio runtime:ns:ls
  $ aio rt:namespace:list
  $ aio rt:namespace:ls
  $ aio rt:ns:list
  $ aio rt:ns:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/list.js

aio runtime:package

Manage your packages

Manage your packages

  $ aio runtime:package

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:pkg
  $ aio rt:package
  $ aio rt:pkg

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/index.js

aio runtime:package:bind PACKAGENAME BINDPACKAGENAME

Bind parameters to a package

Bind parameters to a package

  $ aio runtime:package:bind PACKAGENAME BINDPACKAGENAME

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            parameter to be passed to the package for json file
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param                      parameters in key value pairs to be passed to the package
  -u, --auth=auth                        whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost                      whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion                whisk API version
  --cert=cert                            client cert
  --debug=debug                          Debug level output
  --help                                 Show help
  --json                                 output raw json
  --key=key                              client key
  --version                              Show version

  $ aio runtime:pkg:bind
  $ aio rt:package:bind
  $ aio rt:pkg:bind

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/bind.js

aio runtime:package:create PACKAGENAME

Creates a Package

Creates a Package

  $ aio runtime:package:create PACKAGENAME

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            parameter to be passed to the package for json file
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param                      parameters in key value pairs to be passed to the package
  -u, --auth=auth                        whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost                      whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion                whisk API version
  --cert=cert                            client cert
  --debug=debug                          Debug level output
  --help                                 Show help
  --json                                 output raw json
  --key=key                              client key
  --shared=true|yes|false|no             parameter to be passed to indicate whether package is shared or private
  --version                              Show version

  $ aio runtime:pkg:create
  $ aio rt:package:create
  $ aio rt:pkg:create

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/create.js

aio runtime:package:delete PACKAGENAME

Deletes a Package

Deletes a Package

  $ aio runtime:package:delete PACKAGENAME

  --json  output raw json

  $ aio runtime:pkg:delete
  $ aio rt:package:delete
  $ aio rt:pkg:delete

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/delete.js

aio runtime:package:get PACKAGENAME

Retrieves a Package

Retrieves a Package

  $ aio runtime:package:get PACKAGENAME

  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --key=key                client key
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:pkg:get
  $ aio rt:package:get
  $ aio rt:pkg:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/get.js

aio runtime:package:list [NAMESPACE]

Lists all the Packages

Lists all the Packages

  $ aio runtime:package:list [NAMESPACE]

  -c, --count              show only the total number of packages
  -i, --insecure           bypass certificate check
  -l, --limit=limit        only return LIMIT number of packages from the collection (default 30)
  -n, --name               sort results by name
  -s, --skip=skip          exclude the first SKIP number of packages from the result
  -u, --auth=auth          whisk auth
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost        whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion  whisk API version
  --cert=cert              client cert
  --debug=debug            Debug level output
  --help                   Show help
  --json                   output raw json
  --key=key                client key
  --name-sort              sort results by name
  --version                Show version

  $ aio runtime:package:ls
  $ aio runtime:pkg:list
  $ aio runtime:pkg:ls
  $ aio rt:package:list
  $ aio rt:package:ls
  $ aio rt:pkg:list
  $ aio rt:pkg:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/list.js

aio runtime:package:update PACKAGENAME

Updates a Package

Updates a Package

  $ aio runtime:package:update PACKAGENAME

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            parameter to be passed to the package for json file
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param                      parameters in key value pairs to be passed to the package
  -u, --auth=auth                        whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output
  --apihost=apihost                      whisk API host
  --apiversion=apiversion                whisk API version
  --cert=cert                            client cert
  --debug=debug                          Debug level output
  --help                                 Show help
  --json                                 output raw json
  --key=key                              client key
  --shared=true|yes|false|no             parameter to be passed to indicate whether package is shared or private
  --version                              Show version

  $ aio runtime:pkg:update
  $ aio rt:package:update
  $ aio rt:pkg:update

See code: src/commands/runtime/package/update.js

aio runtime:property

Execute property commands

Execute property commands

  $ aio runtime:property

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio runtime:prop
  $ aio rt:prop
  $ aio rt:property

See code: src/commands/runtime/property/index.js

aio runtime:property:get

get property

get property

  $ aio runtime:property:get

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --all           all properties
  --apibuild      whisk API build version
  --apibuildno    whisk API build number
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --cliversion    whisk CLI version
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --namespace     whisk namespace
  --version       Show version

  $ aio runtime:prop:get
  $ aio rt:property:get
  $ aio rt:prop:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/property/get.js

aio runtime:property:set

set property

set property

  $ aio runtime:property:set

  -i, --insecure         bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth             whisk auth
  -v, --verbose          Verbose output
  --apihost              whisk API host
  --apiversion           whisk API version
  --cert                 client cert
  --debug=debug          Debug level output
  --help                 Show help
  --key                  client key
  --namespace=namespace  whisk namespace
  --version              Show version

  $ aio runtime:prop:set
  $ aio rt:property:set
  $ aio rt:prop:set

See code: src/commands/runtime/property/set.js

aio runtime:property:unset

unset property

unset property

  $ aio runtime:property:unset

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --namespace     whisk namespace
  --version       Show version

  $ aio runtime:prop:unset
  $ aio rt:property:unset
  $ aio rt:prop:unset

See code: src/commands/runtime/property/unset.js

aio runtime:route

Manage your routes

Manage your routes

  $ aio runtime:route

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio runtime:api
  $ aio rt:api

See code: src/commands/runtime/route/index.js

aio runtime:route:create [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [ACTION]

create a new api route

create a new api route

  $ aio runtime:route:create [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [ACTION]

  BASEPATH  The base path of the api
  RELPATH   The path of the api relative to the base path
  APIVERB   (get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options) The http verb
  ACTION    The action to call

  -c, --config-file=config-file                     file containing API configuration in swagger JSON format
  -i, --insecure                                    bypass certificate check

  -n, --apiname=apiname                             Friendly name of the API; ignored when CFG_FILE is specified
                                                    (default BASE_PATH)

  -r, --response-type=html|http|json|text|svg|json  [default: json] Set the web action response TYPE.

  -u, --auth                                        whisk auth

  -v, --verbose                                     Verbose output

  --apihost                                         whisk API host

  --apiversion                                      whisk API version

  --cert                                            client cert

  --debug=debug                                     Debug level output

  --help                                            Show help

  --key                                             client key

  --version                                         Show version

  $ aio runtime:api:create
  $ aio rt:route:create
  $ aio rt:api:create

See code: src/commands/runtime/route/create.js

aio runtime:route:delete BASEPATHORAPINAME [RELPATH] [APIVERB]

delete an API

delete an API

  $ aio runtime:route:delete BASEPATHORAPINAME [RELPATH] [APIVERB]

  BASEPATHORAPINAME  The base path or api name
  RELPATH            The path of the api relative to the base path
  APIVERB            (get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options) The http verb

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio runtime:api:delete
  $ aio rt:route:delete
  $ aio rt:api:delete

See code: src/commands/runtime/route/delete.js

aio runtime:route:get BASEPATHORAPINAME

get API details

get API details

  $ aio runtime:route:get BASEPATHORAPINAME

  BASEPATHORAPINAME  The base path or api name

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio runtime:api:get
  $ aio rt:route:get
  $ aio rt:api:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/route/get.js

aio runtime:route:list [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB]

list route/apis for Adobe I/O Runtime

list route/apis for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:route:list [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB]

  BASEPATH  The base path of the api
  RELPATH   The path of the api relative to the base path
  APIVERB   (get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options) The http verb

  -i, --insecure     bypass certificate check
  -l, --limit=limit  [default: 30] only return LIMIT number of triggers from the collection (default 30)
  -s, --skip=skip    exclude the first SKIP number of triggers from the result
  -u, --auth         whisk auth
  -v, --verbose      Verbose output
  --apihost          whisk API host
  --apiversion       whisk API version
  --cert             client cert
  --debug=debug      Debug level output
  --help             Show help
  --json             output raw json
  --key              client key
  --version          Show version

  $ aio runtime:route:ls
  $ aio runtime:api:list
  $ aio runtime:api:ls
  $ aio rt:route:list
  $ aio rt:route:ls
  $ aio rt:api:list
  $ aio rt:api:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/route/list.js

aio runtime:rule

Manage your rules

Manage your rules

  $ aio runtime:rule

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/index.js

aio runtime:rule:create NAME TRIGGER ACTION

Create a Rule

Create a Rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:create NAME TRIGGER ACTION

  NAME     Name of the rule
  TRIGGER  Name of the trigger
  ACTION   Name of the action

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --json          output raw json
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:create

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/create.js

aio runtime:rule:delete NAME

Delete a Rule

Delete a Rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:delete NAME

  NAME  Name of the rule

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --json          output raw json
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:delete

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/delete.js

aio runtime:rule:disable NAME

Disable a Rule

Disable a Rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:disable NAME

  NAME  Name of the rule

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:disable

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/disable.js

aio runtime:rule:enable NAME

Enable a Rule

Enable a Rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:enable NAME

  NAME  Name of the rule

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:enable

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/enable.js

aio runtime:rule:get NAME

Retrieves a Rule

Retrieves a Rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:get NAME

  NAME  Name of the rule

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/get.js

aio runtime:rule:list

Retrieves a list of Rules

Retrieves a list of Rules

  $ aio runtime:rule:list

  -c, --count        show only the total number of rules
  -i, --insecure     bypass certificate check
  -l, --limit=limit  [default: 30] Limit number of rules returned. Default 30
  -n, --name         sort results by name
  -s, --skip=skip    Skip number of rules returned
  -u, --auth         whisk auth
  -v, --verbose      Verbose output
  --apihost          whisk API host
  --apiversion       whisk API version
  --cert             client cert
  --debug=debug      Debug level output
  --help             Show help
  --json             output raw json
  --key              client key
  --name-sort        sort results by name
  --version          Show version

  $ aio runtime:rule:ls
  $ aio rt:rule:list
  $ aio rt:rule:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/list.js

aio runtime:rule:status NAME

Gets the status of a rule

Gets the status of a rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:status NAME

  NAME  Name of the rule

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:status

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/status.js

aio runtime:rule:update NAME TRIGGER ACTION

Update a Rule

Update a Rule

  $ aio runtime:rule:update NAME TRIGGER ACTION

  NAME     Name of the rule
  TRIGGER  Name of the trigger
  ACTION   Name of the action

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --json          output raw json
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:rule:update

See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/update.js

aio runtime:trigger

Manage your triggers

Manage your triggers

  $ aio runtime:trigger

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:trigger

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/index.js

aio runtime:trigger:create TRIGGERNAME

Create a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

Create a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:trigger:create TRIGGERNAME

  TRIGGERNAME  The name of the trigger

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -f, --feed=feed                        trigger feed ACTION_NAME
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param                      parameter values in KEY VALUE format
  -u, --auth                             whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output
  --apihost                              whisk API host
  --apiversion                           whisk API version
  --cert                                 client cert
  --debug=debug                          Debug level output
  --help                                 Show help
  --key                                  client key
  --version                              Show version

  $ aio rt:trigger:create

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/create.js

aio runtime:trigger:delete TRIGGERPATH

Delete a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

Delete a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:trigger:delete TRIGGERPATH

  TRIGGERPATH  The name of the trigger, in the format /NAMESPACE/NAME

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:trigger:delete

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/delete.js

aio runtime:trigger:fire TRIGGERNAME

Fire a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

Fire a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:trigger:fire TRIGGERNAME

  TRIGGERNAME  The name of the trigger

  -P, --param-file=param-file  FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -i, --insecure               bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param            parameter values in KEY VALUE format
  -u, --auth                   whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                Verbose output
  --apihost                    whisk API host
  --apiversion                 whisk API version
  --cert                       client cert
  --debug=debug                Debug level output
  --help                       Show help
  --key                        client key
  --version                    Show version

  $ aio rt:trigger:fire

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/fire.js

aio runtime:trigger:get TRIGGERPATH

Get a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

Get a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:trigger:get TRIGGERPATH

  TRIGGERPATH  The name/path of the trigger, in the format /NAMESPACE/NAME

  -i, --insecure  bypass certificate check
  -u, --auth      whisk auth
  -v, --verbose   Verbose output
  --apihost       whisk API host
  --apiversion    whisk API version
  --cert          client cert
  --debug=debug   Debug level output
  --help          Show help
  --key           client key
  --version       Show version

  $ aio rt:trigger:get

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/get.js

aio runtime:trigger:list

Lists all of your triggers for Adobe I/O Runtime

Lists all of your triggers for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:trigger:list

  -c, --count        show only the total number of triggers
  -i, --insecure     bypass certificate check
  -l, --limit=limit  [default: 30] only return LIMIT number of triggers from the collection (default 30)
  -n, --name         sort results by name
  -s, --skip=skip    exclude the first SKIP number of triggers from the result
  -u, --auth         whisk auth
  -v, --verbose      Verbose output
  --apihost          whisk API host
  --apiversion       whisk API version
  --cert             client cert
  --debug=debug      Debug level output
  --help             Show help
  --json             output raw json
  --key              client key
  --name-sort        sort results by name
  --version          Show version

  $ aio runtime:trigger:ls
  $ aio rt:trigger:list
  $ aio rt:trigger:ls

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/list.js

aio runtime:trigger:update TRIGGERNAME

Update or create a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

Update or create a trigger for Adobe I/O Runtime

  $ aio runtime:trigger:update TRIGGERNAME

  TRIGGERNAME  The name of the trigger

  -A, --annotation-file=annotation-file  FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
  -P, --param-file=param-file            FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
  -a, --annotation=annotation            annotation values in KEY VALUE format
  -i, --insecure                         bypass certificate check
  -p, --param=param                      parameter values in KEY VALUE format
  -u, --auth                             whisk auth
  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output
  --apihost                              whisk API host
  --apiversion                           whisk API version
  --cert                                 client cert
  --debug=debug                          Debug level output
  --help                                 Show help
  --key                                  client key
  --version                              Show version

  $ aio rt:trigger:update

See code: src/commands/runtime/trigger/update.js


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.