nimblehq / android-templates

Our optimized Android templates used in our projects
MIT License
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android java kotlin

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--- A collection of our Android templates: - Compose template: **[template-compose](** - [Deprecated] XML template: **[template-xml](** ## Prerequisites - [Kotlin]( v1.6.21 - [Kscript]( v4.0.3 ## Setup 1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine, then extract and open the folder 2. Run `cd scripts` to get into the scripts directory 3. Run `kscript new_project.kts` to create a new project with the following arguments: ``` package-name= New package name (i.e., com.example.package) app-name= New app name (i.e., MyApp, "My App", "my-app") template= Template (i.e., compose) (optional, default: compose) force= Force project creation even if the script fails (default: false) destination= Set the output location where the project should be generated (i.e., /Users/johndoe/documents/projectfolder) ``` Examples: ``` kscript new_project.kts package-name=co.mycomposeproject.example app-name="My Compose Project" ``` ``` kscript scripts/new_project.kts package-name=co.mycomposeproject.example app-name="My Compose Project" template=compose ``` ``` kscript new_project.kts package-name=co.mycomposeproject.example app-name="My Compose Project" template=compose destination=/Users/johndoe/documents/projectfolder ``` 4. Update `android_version_code` and `android_version_name` in `template/build.gradle` ## Wiki Learn more about our Android templates on the [Wiki]( ## License This project is Copyright (c) 2014 and onwards Nimble. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [LICENSE] file. [LICENSE]: /LICENSE ## About Nimble logo This project is maintained and funded by Nimble. We ❤️ open source and do our part in sharing our work with the community! See [our other projects][community] or [hire our team][hire] to help build your product. Want to join? [Check out our Jobs][jobs]! [community]: [hire]: [jobs]: