nimeshnayaju / y-presence

Simple react hooks to manage multiplayer presence using Yjs
MIT License
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multiplayer presence yjs


Implement and manage presence/awareness using Yjs in any React application using two simple React hooks: useSelf and useUsers.

Codesandbox demo/examples

For all the demos, you can open a new tab on your browser to observe how the presence updates in each example.

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yarn add y-presence
# or
npm i y-presence

Set up a shared Yjs document and connection provider

// src/store.ts
import { WebsocketProvider } from "y-websocket";
import { Doc } from "yjs";

// Create the shared doc (from Yjs)
const doc = new Doc();

// Create a provider
const provider = new WebsocketProvider(

// Get the provider's awareness API
export const awareness = provider.awareness;

// Set the local awareness state
awareness.setLocalState({ name: "John Doe", email: "" });

Manage the presence/awareness state in React components

// src/App.tsx

import { useUsers } from "y-presence";
import { awareness } from "./store.ts";

export default function App() {
  // Fetch all users connected in the room
  const users = useSelf(awareness);

  return <div>Number of connected users: {users.size}</div>;



The useUsers hook subscribes to updates to the awareness states of all users connected in the room. It accepts three arguments:

  1. An awareness object returned by connection provider.
  2. (Optional) A selector function that accepts a map of the awareness states and enables selecting a subset of this map. This signals React to rerender the component only when this subset has changed.
  3. (Optional) A equality function to detect if the selected subset has changed.

Example Usage:

// Returns a map of the client id to their awareness state and rerenders when any such awareness state changes
const users = useUsers(awareness);
// equivalent to:
const users = useUsers(awareness, (state) => state);
// Map {
//    3965141439 => { name: "John Doe", email: "" }
// }

// Returns the number of users connected in the room and rerenders when this number changes
const size = useUsers(awareness, (state) => state.size);
// 1

// Returns the awareness state of the current user (self) and rerenders when this state changes. A simpler/optimized hook for this use case is also provided, and is discussed below:
const self = useUsers(awareness, (state) => state.get(awareness.clientId));
// {
//    name: "John Doe",
//    email: ""
// }


The useSelf hook subscribes to updates to the awareness state of the current user (self) in the room. It accepts three arguments:

  1. An awareness object returned by connection provider.
  2. (Optional) A selector function that accepts an awareness state object and enables selecting a subset of this object. This signals React to rerender the component only when this subset has changed.
  3. (Optional) A equality function to detect if the selected subset has changed.

Example Usage:

// Returns the awareness state of the current user (self) and rerenders when this state changes.
const self = useSelf(awareness);
// is equivalent to:
const self = useSelf(awareness, (state) => state);
// {
//    name: "John Doe",
//    email: ""
// }

// Returns the value of the property `name` of the current user's awareness state and rerenders when this value changes
const name = useSelf(awareness, (state) => state?.name);
// "John Doe"


This project is licensed under MIT.


The two hooks are inspired by the Liveblocks' Presence hooks. Check out their website and documentation to learn more about their presence/awareness implementation.
