ningshi / ATEN

And/Or Tree Ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics
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And/Or Tree Ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics

Note: please note that set.seed() is not suitable for the Package parallel. In order to make the results reproducible, we introduced function clusterSetRNGStream(), more deatails please see the Pacakge parallel.

# Install devtools from CRAN

# Download the development version of ATEN from GitHub:

# Load it to library


And/Or tree:
We use Lists to represent an And/Or tree (i.e., a Boolean function). For instance, assuming we have a network consisting of 5 nodes in which the target node is x1 with its Boolean function f. Here, please note that we use time-series data, namely we have x1(t+1)=f(x1)(t), where t corresponds to the time point.

Suppose we have f(x1)(t) = x1||x2&&!x3||!x2&&x5(t), we can denote the Boolean function f with tree<-list(1,c(2,8),c(4,5)) The integer 1/2/4 smaller than 5 (the number of nodes) represent the 1st/2nd/5th node respectively; and the integer 8 greater than 5 represents the (8-5)rd node.

We present the prime implicant using the same way

Network inference:

Parameters setting
Someone would be interested in how to set the tree size (i.e. the maximum number of input genes of the target gene), please find more details in our Supplementary Data.

The other default parameters/arguments values are OK for small networks (<=10 nodes), but not the best; and you can make them better if you're willing to invest time in learning how to set the parameters/arguments.


Shi, N., Zhu, Z., Tang, K., Parker, D. and He, S., 2020. ATEN: And/Or tree ensemble for inferring accurate Boolean network topology and dynamics. Bioinformatics, 36(2), pp.578-585.

Müssel, C., Hopfensitz, M. and Kestler, H.A., 2010. BoolNet—an R package for generation, reconstruction and analysis of Boolean networks. Bioinformatics, 26(10), pp.1378-1380.

Lähdesmäki, H., Shmulevich, I. and Yli-Harja, O., 2003. On learning gene regulatory networks under the Boolean network model. Machine learning, 52(1-2), pp.147-167.