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Codebase for Julia Czarnecki's Design Portfolio site.
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Code Repository for personal portfolio website

Julia Czarnecki | Design | Code | Digital

Code repository for my design portfolio website, Project files are uploaded here for your code review and Netlify web hosting. I selected the Bootstrap framework for its ease of use and component library, although it notoriously delivers some code bloat. To combat that, I went with 11ty for a static site generator, known for its performance and low barrier to entry. In the future, I'd like to continue optimizing my use of both systems to deliver a more performant site.

Table of contents

Project Dependencies

Design Resources

Code Resources

Tech and Tooling


Project Roadmap

Current Screenshot

Current Screenshot

Future improvements

Acknowledgments designed and coded by Julia Czarnecki leveraging dependencies above. All logos, fonts, and imagery used remain property of their respective copyright owners.