nirelbaz / meniai

MeniAI is a CLI tool that lets developers create task-specific AI bots for automating and streamlining development tasks. These bots evolve with user feedback and can be used interactively or fully automated in CI/CD pipelines.
MIT License
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MeniAI is a revolutionary command-line tool that redefines how developers integrate AI into their workflows. Create task-specific AI bots that live alongside your project, evolving and adapting based on user feedback. These bots streamline routine development tasks and can be used locally on demand or fully automated within your CI/CD pipeline.

MeniAI Demo

Table of Contents

Why MeniAI?

Unlike other AI-powered development tools, MeniAI emphasizes the creation of project-specific bots that:

This flexibility allows developers to streamline their workflows while ensuring bots are tailored to their project's unique needs.

Key Features


Global Installation

npm install -g meniai

Install as a Project Dependency

npm install --save-dev meniai

Getting Started

  1. Set up your API key:
    Add your OpenAI or Anthropic API key to a .env file:

    # or
  2. Create a task-specific bot:
    Run the following command to start the setup wizard and create a new bot:


    Follow the setup wizard to configure your first bot.

  3. Use your bot in interactive mode:
    Run your bot interactively to refine its output, where you'll be prompted to review and adjust each task:

    meniai --name YourBotName [options]
  4. Use your bot in non-interactive mode (e.g., in CI/CD pipeline):
    To run the bot without any prompts, you can use the --no-interactive flag. For instance, in a CI/CD pipeline, you might also want to publish a pull request after the bot processes the tasks:

    meniai --name YourBotName --no-interactive --publish-pr [options]

    This will run the bot automatically, process all tasks, and create a pull request with the changes. It's ideal for running MeniAI in environments where user input is not available, such as automated CI/CD pipelines.


MeniAI uses two levels of configuration:

  1. Project-wide configuration: Set default behaviors for your project using a meniai.config.js file in your project root:

    import prettierPlugin from './plugins/prettier-plugin.js';
    import lintPlugin from './plugins/lint-plugin.js';
    import tscPlugin from './plugins/tsc-plugin.js';
    export default {
     plugins: [prettierPlugin, lintPlugin, tscPlugin],
     llm: 'claude',
     model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620'
  2. Bot-specific configuration: Each bot has its own configuration stored in the .meniai directory:

    • .meniai/bot-name/config.json: Contains bot-specific settings.
    • .meniai/bot-name/system-message.txt: Stores the bot's system message.

    These files are automatically created and updated when you create or modify a bot.

Bot-specific configurations can be overridden via command-line options when running a bot.

For all available options, run:

meniai --help

Command Options Documentation

MeniAI provides a variety of command-line options to control bot behavior, file processing, interaction, and feedback. These options can also be set in the main configuration file (meniai.config.js) or a bot-specific configuration file using camelCase.

The configuration settings are applied in the following order, with each layer overriding the previous one:

  1. MeniAI default settings
  2. Main config file (meniai.config.js)
  3. Bot-specific config file (.meniai/bot-name/config.json)
  4. Command-line options

This allows for flexible, layered configurations, ensuring that you can define global settings, bot-specific overrides, and one-off command-line adjustments.

General Settings

File and Directory Settings

Task Processing Settings

Interaction and Feedback Settings

LLM Response Handling

Debug and Logging

External Services and Integrations


GitHub Integration

To enable GitHub pull requests:

  1. Set environment variables:

  2. Use the --publish-pr option:

    meniai --name AutoRefactorBot --publish-pr

This will create a pull request with AI-generated commit messages and descriptions.

Plugin System

MeniAI comes with a powerful plugin system that allows you to extend its functionality by hooking into various stages of the bot's workflow. Plugins are especially useful when you want to integrate custom tools, perform additional processing, or provide feedback to improve the bot's performance.

Supported Hooks

MeniAI plugins can tap into the following hooks, allowing you to run custom logic at different stages of a task's lifecycle:

The autoFeedback hook is particularly useful when running MeniAI in an automated environment, as it can help guide the bot to refine its outputs. You can control how many iterations the bot should handle feedback with the --feedback-max-iterations option.

Example Plugin: ESLint Integration

Here's an example of a plugin that integrates ESLint to automatically lint files during task processing. This plugin uses the autoFeedback hook to run ESLint on output files and provide feedback to the LLM:

import util from 'util';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
import debugProvider from 'debug';

const debug = debugProvider('MeniAI:LintExamplePlugin');
const execPromise = util.promisify(exec);

const LINT_COMMAND = 'pnpm exec eslint ./{filePath} --fix';

const lintExamplePlugin = {
  name: 'LintExamplePlugin',
  hooks: {
    autoFeedback: async (context, chat, task = undefined) => {
      const command = LINT_COMMAND.replace('{filePath}', task.outputFilePath);
      const spinner = chat.systemLoading(`Linting...`);
      let response = '';

      try {
        const { stdout, stderr } = await execPromise(command);
        if (stderr) {
          debug('Error linting the file', stderr);
`Lint failed with error`);
          response = stderr;
        } else {
          debug(`Linted file: ${task.outputFilePath} using command: ${command}`, stdout);
      } catch (error) {
        debug('Error linting the file', error);`Lint failed with error`);
        response = error?.stdout || error?.stderr || error?.message || error?.toString();
      } finally {

      return response ? `Lint result:\n${response}` : undefined;

export default lintExamplePlugin;

In this example:

Configuring Plugins

To use a plugin like the ESLint example, you need to configure it in the main configuration file (meniai.config.js):

import lintExamplePlugin from './plugins/lint-example-plugin.js';

export default {
  plugins: [lintExamplePlugin],
  llm: 'claude',
  model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620'

You can also configure specific plugins for each bot in the bot's configuration file by using the enablePlugins field:

  "enablePlugins": ["LintExamplePlugin"]

Running the Bot with Plugins

To run the bot with the ESLint plugin enabled, you can either specify the plugin in the bot's configuration file or pass the --enable-plugins flag when running the bot:

meniai --name YourBotName --enable-plugins LintExamplePlugin

This will trigger the ESLint plugin to run automatically as part of the bot's task processing workflow, ensuring that files are linted and feedback is provided based on the linting results.

Recommended Use Case

MeniAI is ideal for quickly creating task-specific bots that automate repetitive tasks like documentation, unit tests, code analysis, or refactoring. You start by creating a bot through an easy-to-use wizard, work with it interactively on its first tasks to refine its outcomes, and then automate it within your CI/CD pipeline.

Example: Automating Storybook Files

  1. Quick Bot Setup:
    Run MeniAI without any options to launch the wizard and create a bot to generate Storybook files for your design system components.

  2. Interactive Refinement:
    By default, MeniAI operates in interactive mode. Work with the bot on its first tasks, refining the Storybook files it generates, adjusting the structure and content as needed.

  3. Automate the Bot:
    Once the bot is refined and its outcomes meet your expectations, you can automate it to run as part of your CI/CD process. The bot can then generate or update files and automatically open pull requests with the changes.

    meniai --name StorybookBot --no-interactive --publish-pr
  4. Keep Storybook Up to Date Using GitHub Actions:
    To ensure your Storybook files are always up to date with the latest changes in your design system, you can integrate MeniAI into your GitHub Actions workflow. Every time you push changes to your design system (e.g., adding or updating components), MeniAI can automatically generate or update Storybook files and open a pull request with the changes.

    Here's an example of how to set this up in your .github/workflows/ci.yml:

    name: Update Storybook Files
         - 'src/components/**' # Trigger on changes to design system components
       runs-on: ubuntu-latest
         - name: Checkout code
           uses: actions/checkout@v3
         - name: Set up Node.js
           uses: actions/setup-node@v3
             node-version: '20'
         - name: Install dependencies
           run: npm install
         - name: Run MeniAI to update Storybook
           run: |
             npm run meniai --name StorybookBot --no-interactive --publish-pr

This workflow will automatically trigger whenever changes are pushed to the design system components, allowing MeniAI to regenerate Storybook files, and open a pull request for review. This ensures your Storybook stays current without manual updates, streamlining the process of keeping your documentation in sync with the design system.


We welcome contributions! Please see our for details on how to get started.


MeniAI is open-source and licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


For issues or questions, please open an issue on our GitHub issue tracker.


MeniAI is powered by advanced AI models from OpenAI and Anthropic, along with numerous open-source tools that helped shape this project.

Happy coding with MeniAI! 🚀