nirizr / pytest-idapro

A pytest module for The Interactive Disassembler and IDAPython; Record and Replay IDAPython API, execute inside IDA or use mockups of IDAPython API.
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ida-plugin ida-pro idapython pytest pytest-idapro python

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A pytest module for The Interactive Disassembler and IDAPython, by executing an internal pytest runner inside IDA or mocking IDAPython functionality outside of IDA.


As the avarage IDAPython plugin size increases, the need of proper unitests becomes more evident. The purpose of this pytest plugin is to ease unittesting IDAPython plugins and scripts and mitigate the gap between Continuous Integration services and the IDA executable (which we are unable to execute in a CI).

Basic usage

The pytest-idapro plugin adds new command line flags to the pytest executable. All pytest-idapro flags start with :code:--ida and exist under the "interactive disassembler testing facilities" category.

The most basic pytest-idapro usage will be using :code:--ida to execute a pyteset session within IDA, and the optional :code:--ida-file flag:

.. code-block:: console

$ pytest --ida --ida-file ;

Running the above command will run all tests detected by pytest in the current directory inside an IDA instance with a given IDA supported file (IDB, EXE, SO, etc).

Record and Replay

Since version 0.3.5, pytest-idapro has shifted from a mock-up focus to record-and-replay focus by providing two new command line flags; :code:--ida-record will record all IDAPython API calls and IDA's behavior while running tests into specified json file. Using :code:--ida-replay and a json recording file, pytest-idapro is then able to replay the IDA environment and IDAPython API behavior without an IDA executable or the :code:--ida flag.


Pytest Fixtures <>_ are exteremly powerful when writing tests, and pytest-idapro currently comes with two helpful fixtures:

  1. :code:idapro_plugin_entry - pytest-idapro will automatically identify all ida plugin entry points (functions named :code:PLUGIN_ENTRY) across your code base and let you easily writing tests for all plugin objects defined.
  2. :code:idapro_action_entry - pytest-idapro will automatically identify all ida actions (objects inheriting the :code:action_handler_t class) throughout your code and again, let you easily write tests for all of your actions.

Peeking Under the Hood

By providing the :code:--ida flag ipytest-idapro will run a worker pytest instance inside IDA which will execute all tests, collect results and communicate with the main pytest process (this behavior is somewhat similar to the pytest-xdist plugin). By defualt IDA will open a temporary empty database file unless the :code:--ida-file flag is used to specify IDB or binary file for IDA to analyze before running any tests.


In order to record API calls, IDA python objects and their interaction, a series of proxy/wrapper objects are created for all IDA implemented python objects (modules, functions, clases, objects, etc). Those proxy objects will behave identically but will register all interaction between executed code and the IDAPython interface, which will eventually be dumped to a JSON file.

For the recording to take place as soon as possible, pytest-idapro will modify IDA's python initialization script (python/ The change is performed just before starting an IDA instance and revereted as soon as possible.

Instance Matching

When an IDA API function is called during replaying, the appropriate return value must be returned. This is easy when every function is called once, but is increasingly difficult when the same function is called more then once, and even more so when it's called more than once with the same arguments. To correctly return the right value for every call, all calls are recorded with metadata describing call environment such as the call stack and arguments. Those are then used to match the correct instance of a call or a class instantiation while replaying.


  1. Recording python objects is difficult and requires some object specific handling, even more so with the amount of swig, backporting and monkey patching in IDA. Therefore, certain APIs may break. Hopefully those will be reported and fixed.
  2. As mentioned before IDA's file is patched in order to inject the code proxy/record system. A special effort was made to revert the modifications immidiately regardless of any errors, but if any unexpected behavior is observed when pytest-idapro is unused, you may want to check the top of :code<IDA DIR>/python/
  3. No effort is corrently made into sanitaizing private information from the record JSON file. As API results and executable file paths are recorded into the json file, details such as paths (and therefore usernames) and other personal data may be exposed through the record JSON file. Only use with IDBs you don't mind sharing!
  4. Instance matching hueristics have their limits, although some types of changes won't interfere with the hueristics so much, however ability to match old recordings will decrease as more changes are made. Users are therefore encouraged to report significantly degrading changes (so hueristics will be adjusted accordingly) as well as execute against a real IDA instance every once in a while.

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