nish-kishore / sirfunctions

Key functions used by the SIR team
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SIR Functions


Key functions used by the SIR team

Installation and Updates

First make sure you have devtools installed (if not run install.pacakges("devtools")). Then run the following command:


Remember to update from sirfunctions regularly. If no update is needed the line of code above will automatically skip.


After, you can use any function developed in this package using


for example:

sirfunctions::edav_io(io = "list")

You can find the documentation for any function by running


for example:



Here is a current list of core functions included in sirfunctions with brief descriptions.

NOTE: Any "Get Data" functions or those that interact with EDAV require authenticated connection to CDC EDAV resources

Get Data

1) get_all_polio_data: This is the primary function which loads all recent polio data. Parameters can be used to specify date ranges, data selection and user verification. 2) edav_io: Perform key writing/reading/editing functions for EDAV from your R system. 3) load_clean_{resolution}_sp: 'resolution` can be dist, prov or ctry. Parameters can be used to specify date or spatial ranges as well as the output. 4) init_dr: This is the primary function to initialize the desk review analytic pipeline. This function handles folder organization and download of data for a specific country.


1) send_teams_message: Send a message to a teams channel with attachments. 2) upload_to_sharepoint: Upload a document to a sharepoint folder. 3) send_outlook_email: Send an email from the validated microsoft account.

Key calculations

1) extract_country_data: Expects a '' object that is generated by get_all_polio_data() which includes spatial data. Generates a country specific data file along with relevant spatial objects. 2) f.ev.rate.01: Calculate the enterovirus detection rate using CDC cleaned environmental surveillance data. 3) f.npafp.rate.01: Calculate the non-polio (NP) acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) rate accounting for person-time at risk using CDC cleaned AFP data and appropriately matched population data. 4) Calculate stool adequacy using CDC cleaned acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) data. 5) f.timely.detection.01: Calculate the timeliness of detection of cases using CDC cleaned acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) data. 6) f.timely.01: Calculate the timeliness of stool data using only epi data.

Helper functions

1) test_EDAV_connection: Evaluates the speed of connection that users have with the CDC EDAV system. 2) f.color.schemes: Adds Standard color schemes used in figure creation by the SIR team. 3) f.expand.bbox: Expands a geographic bounding box generated for maps. 4) f.metadata.tag: Adds a tag using information from the CDC generated '' file to ggplot and flextable objects. 5) f.plot.looks: Adds standard themes used in figure creation by the SIR team. 6) create_emergence_group_gif(): function to visualize the spread of specific emegrence groups.

Release Schedule


Please send a message to Nishant Kishore at ynm2\{.email} for any questions or queries.

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