nitinseshadri / iAppConverter

Modify iOS apps to run on different Apple platforms - run the iPhone Calculator app on iPad
17 stars 4 forks source link
calculator ios ios-simulator ipad ipados mac-catalyst mac-idiom macos marzipan realityos realityos-simulator tvos tvos-simulator uidevicefamily uikit visionos visionos-simulator watchos watchos-simulator


Screenshot of the iAppConverter app showing the main screen

iAppConverter is a tool that allows you to convert apps to run on different Apple platforms than they were originally intended for.

Looking for a tool that lets you convert iOS apps to Mac Catalyst apps? iAppConverter doesn't support this yet. In the meantime, check out my fork of @stroughtonsmith's marzipanify!


iPhone calculator app running on an iPad

This is the iPhone calculator app running on an iPad. It has oversized buttons, but otherwise works well. With a couple tweaks, Apple could ship this on iPad.

Screenshot of the same app running on the iOS, tvOS, and watchOS simulators, all converted from an unmodified iOS Simulator binary

This is the same app running on the iOS, tvOS, and watchOS simulators, all converted from an unmodified iOS Simulator binary.