niwa / kelp-detection

Kelp Detection
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Kelp Dashboard Demo

A demo dashboard for displaying Kelp extents across dates for MPI.


Either use directly or use the code within to lauch using the commandline.


Just follow the printed network URL.

Setup - Conda

Create environment

set +u
module load Miniforge3
source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/
conda config --add pkgs_dirs /nesi/nobackup/niwa03440/$USER/conda_pkgs
conda env create -f streamlit.yml -p /nesi/project/niwa03440/conda/envs/streamlit
conda activate /nesi/project/niwa03440/conda/envs/streamlit
set -u

Activate environment

set +u
module load Miniforge3
source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/
conda activate /nesi/project/niwa03440/conda/envs/streamlit
set -u

Notes for dash URL access - not relevent

This will display a URL. (e.g. Dash is running on

If accessing NeSI via SSH/MobaXTerm access from https://localhost:8050

If accessing NeSI via jupyter lab ( access from

More details at the NeSI port-forwarding documentation.