nix-community / nixops-vbox

NixOps VirtualBox backend [maintainer=@AmineChikhaoui]
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
22 stars 15 forks source link

NixOps backend for VirtualBox

NixOps (formerly known as Charon) is a tool for deploying NixOS machines in a network or cloud.


To start developing on nixops, you can run:

  $ ./dev-shell --arg p "(p: [ p.plugin1 ])"

Where plugin1 can be any available nixops plugin, and where none or more than one can be specified, including local plugins. An example is:

  $ ./dev-shell --arg p "(p: [ p.packet (p.callPackage ../myplugin/release.nix {})])"

To update the available nixops plugins, edit the all-plugins.txt file with any new plugin repos and then execute the update-all script. This will refresh the data.nix file.

Building from source

The command to build NixOps depends on your platform and which plugins you choose:

Similarly, using NixOps from another project (for instance a nix-shell) can be done using:

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "my-nixops-env";
  buildInputs = [
    (import /path/to/nixops/release.nix { p = (p: [ p.plugin1 ]); }).build.x86_64-linux