In arc, choose create new story, then choose "longform"
1. The planning tab
headline: your headline. Short and punchy. Probably 2 words.
description: Start with "Issue #:" then add your subheadline
planned ready time: this doesn't actually do anything but you're required to put something here.
author: make it "NJ Cannabis Insider staff"
tag: @exfiba is automatically added. Just don't remove it.
2. Circulate tab
choose as the primary website
choose /cannabis-insider as the primary section
3. Featured Media
type: image
key: basic
choose an image that will be the giant first image
headline: this will be populated from the planning tab, but you can edit it here.
subheadline here again
delete the existing text and replace it with a long form story configuration. Do this by clicking the button that looks like a wrench.
Within the long form article configuration, choose the following settings:
style: light
label text: put a single space, this will allow the NJCI logo to show up
episode: put a single space, this will allow the NJCI logo to show up
editors note: nothing
show author image: leave unchecked
newsletter sign up: you can add this if you want to promote an event. Add a title, content (which should be date and details. Keep it very short) and a link to the webpage.
about the authors: leave disabled
about the reporting: leave disabled
related articles: choose three. Only the first two show up on mobile so choose accordingly.
Save the config box and scroll down for the main article space
Next add a custom HTML block by selecting the button that looks like a piece of paper.
then cmd+C
. Later, if your articles look un-styled, this is the first thing to check. Did you get all the code? Be sure to save the box after inserting it. Next, add the Welcome section. Make the welcome headline an H1.
add your welcome section text.
If you want to make a line in the welcome section text, add a HTML block and type <hr>
The following articles are all laid out the same: medium photo, H1, H2, then the text. It is important you keep that exact order. We will go through each of these.
For the medium photo, click the longform article photo button. It looks like a newspaper.
in the dialogue box, select medium image, paste in the URL and add a caption. You can leave the credit blank.
To find the URL you need to paste in, go to photo center, locate your photo, select the pencil or edit icon in the corner then copy the PATH TO RESIZER url.
hit submit and exit the dialouge box.
Then type in your section header. These are "inside this issue", "the lead" etc. Make the text an h1. This will style it and make it green.
Then type the article headline. Make it an h2
Then paste in your text.
Optional features:
add a small photo within the article. Just following the same instructions with the medium photo but choose small instead. Make sure there are a few paragraphs above and below the small image to maintain the flow. The style guide does not allow for a large photo, so please avoid using it.
line breaks. Add a custom HTML block then add <hr>
inside it
block quotes: select the relevant text and click the speech bubble button. There is a place to credit the source.
For the Power Players section, you may wish to use this graphic in place of a photo. You can find it here in Photocenter
At the very end of the issue, add in the contact and bio section. To do this, add an HTML block, then paste this code in. Again, make sure you capture all of it.
Be sure to save and preview before publishing. You're done.