njnmco / odinochka

featherweight tab manager
27 stars 6 forks source link
chrome-extension history-management js onetab tab-management


Background / issues with OneTab

I was a heavy OneTab user.

I had 5k+ tabs before my "data loss incident", when GoToMeeting went berserk, crashed chrome, and my tabs were gone...

Towards the end, it was:

So I wrote my own.



Russian for singleton, but also:

Advanced Features

Restoring from a history dump

You can use the below jq command to convert from an Export History extension dump format to a file that can be read back in to odinochka.

jq '[{ts:1, name:"restore", tabs:[.[] | {title:.title, url:.url, favicon:"", pinned:false}], urls:[.[].url]}]' history_export.json  >history2.json

Chrome can mysteriously delete data whenever it crashes, so I recommend regularly backing up your tabs using the export features.

Restoring from pinboard.in

  1. Download all links as json at https://api.pinboard.in/v1/posts/all?format=json
  2. Convert using jq '[{ts:3, name:"pinboard", tabs:[ .[] | {title:.description, url:.href, favicon:"", pinned:false} ], urls:[.[].href] }]' downloads/pinbord.json >pinboard.out
  3. Import the converted json

Restoring from a crashed computer with odinochka

Odinochka uses Chrome's internal database to store all tabs. The database folder is located in ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/IndexedDB/chrome-extension_gdoeiedioceagbkajogciogiopdgpoba_0.indexeddb.leveldb/. Close chrome, copy that folder from the old Chrome Profile folder on the old disk to a new profile folder. Restart chrome and odinochka should be populated.